
Terms containing 实际 利率 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.不切实际的利率unrealistic interest rate
interntl.trade.加权平均实际利率weighted average effective interest rates
econ.加权平均实际利率weighted average effective interest rate
tech.变动的实际盈利率fluctuating effective rate of return
fin.存款实际利率real rate on deposit
busin.实际使用利用率use availability
fin.实际利息率real interest rate
econ.实际利润率actual yield rate
textile实际利润率actual profit rate
econ.实际利润率realized profit rate
econ.实际利润率actual yield
busin.实际利率effective rate
econ.实际利率actual rate of interest
econ.实际利率virtue of the rate
econ.实际利率the true rate of interest
econ.实际利率true interest rate
econ.实际利率real rate produced
econ.实际利率effective interest rates
fin.实际利率effective interest rate
fin.实际利率real rate of interest
fin.实际利率true rate of interest (effective rate of interest)
commer.实际利率effective interest rate (与名义利率 (nominal interest rate) 相对)
interntl.trade.实际利率effective rate of interest
textile实际利率real interest rate
textile实际利率actual interest rate
el.实际利率扣除通货膨胀影响后的利率real interest rate
interntl.trade.实际利率true rate of interest
busin.实际利率actual rate
tech.实际利率effective availability
fin.实际利率互换零风险互换actual rate swap (zero basis risk swap, ZEBRA)
securit.实际利率挂钩effective rate peg
fin.实际利率理论theory of real interet rate
busin.实际利用率proper use factor
busin.实际利用率true availability
IMF.实际存款利率real deposit interest rate
fin.实际存款利率real deposit rate
securit.实际市场利率factual market rate
tech.实际年利率effective annual interest rate
tech.实际年利率actual annual interest rate
fin.实际无风险利率real risk-free rate
econ.实际盈利率flat yield
interntl.trade.实际获利率yield rate
fin.实际贷款利率real lending rate
busin.实际资金利润率actual profit rate on funds
tech.实际资金利润率effective profit rate on funds
tech.实际资金利润率actual profile rate of funds
econ.正数实际利率positive real interest rate
securit.联邦基金实际利率Federal fund effective rate
proj.manag.若采用实际利率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted
proj.manag.该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率明显下降This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses
securit.实际利率negative real rate of interest
fin.货币市场实际借贷利率effective money market borrowing rate