
Terms for subject Commerce containing 实行 | all forms | in specified order only
他被授权批准对该国实行经济制裁的提案He was given the authority to approve the proposals for economic sanctions against that country
值得进行的实验worthwhile experiment
可强行实施的义务enforceable obligations
英国实业银行家协会Industrial Bankers' Association
实行封锁enforce a blockade
实行经济紧缩practise economic austerities
实行配给be on coupons
对外汇实行直接管制exert direct control of foreign exchange
新法规于明年一月一日开始实行The new regulation is to come into force on the 1st of January next year
实行配给的be on coupons
纺织品原料实行配给Textile materials were put on allocation
美国汉华实业银行Manufacturers Hanover Corp
西德企业实行经营董事会与监督董事会双轨董事制度double track directors system
除非共同体重新实行小麦改作牲口饲料的变性补贴Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder