
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
一井通过一个立井进行的平面联系测量on-shaft orientation
一组雷管的平均起爆时间一般稍微偏离标称的起爆时间。这种平均值对公称值的偏移则是第一个影响时精确的因素。在平均值附近的起爆时间分布是第二个因素The mean or average firing time for any group of detonators typically is slightly offset from the nominal firing time. This shift of the mean from the nominal is the first timing accuracy factor. The distribution of the firing times around the mean firing time is the second factor
万有应力lawn of universal gravitation
三角形的稳triangular stability
三轴岩石应力测triaxial rock stress measurement
不确性分析计算分析因采用的费用和效益的基本数据的估计误差或无法预期的变动,对经济评价结果所产生影响的工作。包括敏感性分析和概率分析uncertainty analysis
不确输人indefinite input
不稳围岩soft wall
不稳煤层厚度变化较大,无明显规则,结构复杂至极复杂的煤层irregular coal seam
不稳顶板强度低的直接顶板,一般为泥岩、泥质页岩、页岩unstable roof
两井在井下有巷道连通的两个立井中,各挂一锤线所进行的平面联系测量工作two-shaft orientation
中等稳顶板强度中等的直接顶板,一般为页岩、砂质页岩、粉砂岩medium stable roof
乳化测emulsion tester
乳状液稳emulsion stabilizer
事故判技术事故判定技术是一种在事故发生前调查不安全行为及不安全状态的方法,其目的在于找出不安全行为及不安全状态产生的原因,在它们引起事故之前被改正accident discrimination technique
产品等级认identification of the product grade
从水下不同地点测到的诸多方位角的会聚有助于给某一声源The of a series of bearing angles measured from different underwater locations can help locate a sound source
作用与反作用action-reaction law
因数calibration factor
容量assumed capacity
应力assumed stress
目标assumed target
药包hypothetical charge
高程由任意高程基准面起算的高程assumed elevation
偶然误差lawn of accidental error
光测截面一种测定巷道、平巷和斜坡道截面的方法。将一束垂直于巷道或平巷轴向方向的光投向巷道壁上,通过光影的形状来确定巷道截面light sectioning
全球位系统Global Position System
全球卫星global positioning satellite
冰点测freezing test
冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline
的安全区determined safety zone
区域地壳稳地壳表层某一区域在地球内动力作用下的稳定程度regional stability of earth crust
区域地壳稳地壳表层某一区域在地球内动力作用下的稳定程度regional stability
区域构造稳地壳表层某一区域在现代构造应力场作用下的稳定程度regional stability to tectogenesis
区域稳regional stability of earth crust
区域稳regional stability
单一的变量位传感器stand-alone single variable-location sensor
危险品船舶运输及其贮存规参考联合国海事分支专门机构“政府间海事协商组织 IMCO〈Intergovermental Maritime Consultative Organization〉的有关规定,制定的内河及海上运输、贮存危险品的法规。通常,由总则、危险品运输、危险品贮存、常见危险品分类和特性以及处罚规则等章节组成rules for the carriage and storage of dangerous goods in ship
危险货物国际公路运输欧洲协European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
压缩土在无侧胀条件下受压时,在压力变化不大的情况下,其孔隙比的变化与压力的变化成正比compression law
参数确parameter determination
双轴向biaxial orientation
反射波在两种不同介质分界面上发生反射时遵循的规律,即人射线、反射线和法线在同一平面内,人射线和反射线分别在法线两侧, 人射角等于反射角reflection law
反射lawn of reflection
反范围角位法back azimuth method
受非连续面控制的不稳性问题discontinuity-controlled instability problems
台阶稳坡面角angle of repose of the bank slope
台阶稳坡面角bank slope stable angle
台阶稳坡面角belt slope stable angle
含尘量测dust estimation
咱们确一下开会的日期吧Let's decide on the data to hold a meeting
唯有专家才能断采石场发现的那块岩石的年代Only experts can data the rock that was found in the quarry
回声位仪echo locator
围岩稳在无支护的条件下,巷道围岩依靠自身的强度保持相对稳定的能力stability of surrounding rock
为颗粒表面结构电荷牢固吸附而不能与之分离的反离子层的内层fixed layer
fixed bottom
式平台这种类型的作业平台稳定性较好,受水流影响小,因此定位准确、方便,但架设支架平台的工作量大,也不够机动灵活,材料耗量大,钻孔爆破周期长,在爆破前还需拆除可能被损坏部分,所以只适宜于工程规模小、爆破点集中或水情复杂的近岸爆破区fird platform
为保证凿井作业安全和进行井筒测量等作业,在封口盘下方一定距离设置的,固定于井壁的盘状结构物shaft collar
装药fixed charge
误差与测量值大小无关而有固定数值的误差fixed error
配比fixed composition ratio
炮孔square-up hole
炮孔peripheral hole
炮孔outside hole
炮孔line hole
爆破line blasting
地质上的不确因素geological uncertainty
地质力学的不稳性问题geomechanics instability problem
地质鉴geological identification
场地系数测determination физ. of field factors
外行处理这事,没有专业知识,肯会失败A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it
多孔向孔在主孔中有若干分枝孔的定向孔multi-hole directional drillhole
多炮孔按顺序时爆破multi-hole sequential timer shot
多点向测量multi-shot directional survey
多重时电路multiple timing circuits
孔底bottom hole orientation
性试验炸药长期贮存会发生自然分解、自爆等现象,按规定应做定期的安全性试验。试验内容根据炸药种类和出厂日期而定stability test
安全炸药测检验Buxton test
安全爆破距离是指抛掷的碎片不会越出预的范围、对周围人和物不造成伤害的最小距离A safe blasting distance is the minimum distance beyond which the throw of fragments does not affect the surroundings significantly
义荷载define loads
位地质异常与岩石过渡区locating geologic anomalies and rock transition zones
位杆guide pole
锚固位杆anchorage bar
位线positional line
向中心基于最小抵抗线原理,在工程上提出了定向坑和定向中心的设计方法。所谓定向坑,就是天然的或人工开创的〈多是用辅助药包开创的〉凹面。主要爆破药包的最小抵抗线都垂直于凹面,指向凹面的凹率中心,这样的中心就是定向中心oriented center
向仪direction falser
向倒塌directional collapse
向倒塌方位的确定烟囱和水塔定向倒塌的方位是根据其高度和它至周围建筑物的水平距离的情况来确定的orientating method of directional blasting
向孔diverted hole
建筑物向折叠倒塌directional folded collapse (of a high building)
向抛掷directional throw
向抛掷爆破能将大量岩土按预定方向抛掷到要求位置,并堆积成一定形状的爆破技术directional pin-point blasting
向斜孔采用定向钻进技术钻成的钻孔,简称定向孔directional drill hole
向断裂爆破directional rupture blasting
向杆identification pole
向炮孔directional hole
向爆炸oriented explosion
向爆炸回声测距directional explosive ranging test
向爆破controlled trajectory blasting
向爆破采用硐室或深孔装药,使爆破岩土按预定方向运动并堆积在设定范围之内的爆破作业directional blasting
向窗为了确保烟囱或水塔能按设计的倒塌方向倒塌,除了正确选取爆破缺口的形式和参数以外,有时在爆破缺口两端用风镐或爆破方法开挖出一个窗口,这个窗口叫做定向窗。定向窗的作用是将保留部分与爆破缺口部分隔开,使缺口爆破时不会影响保留部分,以便确保正确的倒塌方向orientating opening
向臼炮爆破试验angle-mortar blasting
向药包pin-point charge
向近井点为进行联系测量在井口附近设立的控制点near-shaft point for orientation
向近井点为进行联系测量在井口附近设立的控制点near-shaft control point
向连接点立井平面联系测量时,与投点锤线进行连接测量的测点connection point for shaft orientation
向连接点立井平面联系测量时,与投点锤线进行连接测量的测点transfer point
向采掘directional excavation
向采掘directional mining
向钻孔guided drilling
向钻进利用钻孔自然弯曲规律或用人工造斜工具,使钻孔在不同的孔段,能按设计的方位和倾角延伸的钻进技术定向钻进,这是一种更精确地向目标方位钻进的技术controlled drilling
向钻进利用钻孔自然弯曲规律或用人工造斜工具,使钻孔在不同的孔段,能按设计的方位和倾角延伸的钻进技术定向钻进,这是一种更精确地向目标方位钻进的技术directed drilling
向钻进利用钻孔自然弯曲规律或用人工造斜工具,使钻孔在不同的孔段,能按设计的方位和倾角延伸的钻进技术定向钻进,这是一种更精确地向目标方位钻进的技术directional drilling
向面oriented plane
向频率记录传感仪directional frequency recording sensor
向黏结点connection point (for orientation)
所谓定员,是指同时进行某一作业所必需的工人数。例如:炸药操作间的定员,是指可同时在操作间进行作业以及其他特殊需要的工人总数rate ting workers
性视觉分析qualitative visual observation
时功能timing junction
时序列timing sequence
时延期fixed delay
时散布标称延时时间相同的雷管实际起爆时间的波动。若采用火焰延时器,则其散布随标称延时时间延长而增加。因此,半秒延时雷管不推荐用于高精度控制光面爆破。为此建议使用电子延时雷管scatter in timing
时电路timing hookup
时的结果timing outcome
时精确good timing
时起爆法timing initiation
期或不定期地给一家双月刊撰稿contribute regularly or not to a bimonthly
标圈数scaling factors
标比例圈数scaling factors
fixed point
点剥离spot Stripping
网爆破pattern shooting
轴轮系轮系中各齿轮轴的几何轴线都固定的轮系称为定轴轮系。其中每根轴上只拥有一个齿轮的称简单定轴轮系, 拥有联轮的称复式定轴轮系shaft-fixed gear train
量体积单位质量炸药的体积,单位为m³/kgbulk specific volume
额的分类建筑工程定额可以从不同角度进行分类,按定额包含的不同生产要素分类,可分为: 1. 劳动定额。 2. 材料消耗定额。 3. 机械台班定额classification of quota
实验标应力强度系数experimental calibration of stress intensity factors
实验确花岗岩的动态抗张性能experimental determination of dynamic tensile properties of a granite
对不可抗拒力规的条款force majeure clause
对实地数据进行分析,以确飞石距离和爆破设计参数之间的相互关系Field data are analyzed to determine the correlation between flyrock distances and the blast design parameters
导爆索法爆速测detonation velocity by Dautriche method
尽管用精确时和微妙爆破方法获得一些好处、但也出现一些问题Notwithstanding the benefits arising from good timing and millisecond delay, a number of problems arose
局部锁应力local lock-up stress
岩体连续性量描述quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses
岩石完好度的地质测geological diagnosis of rock grade
岩石边坡稳stability of rock slopes
岸绳对拉固药包岸边对拉固定法适用于爆夯区紧靠岸边时采用。此时,悬吊药包的绳索通过主索与岸边建筑物或用地锚对拉固定。我国一些基床水下爆夯工程就是采用这种方法施工的positioning charge through rope from the bank
工程在规定工作条件下,完成合格的单位建筑安装产品所需要用的劳动、材料、机具、设备以及有关费用的数量标准project quota
工程固资产原值工程总造价减去可以转让或出售的各项临时工程房屋、道路、设备和施工机械等财产的残值后所得的数值original fixed assets value of project
工程固资产形成率将工程固定资产原值除以工程造价所得的比值fixed assets rate of project
巷道中线标将巷道中线的设计方向标定于实地setting-out of center line of roadway
巷道围岩稳性分类根据围岩自稳能力和顶底板移近速度,将巷道分为非常稳定、稳定,中等稳定、不稳定和极不稳定 5 类stability classification of roadway surrounding rock
巷道坡度线标在巷道侧帮距底板一定高度标定巷道的设计坡度setting-out of roadway gradient
带固片的塑料套管光面爆破装药时使管状药包位于中心的塑料制成的装置。在安装管状药包时,固定片启动,直径变得比孔径稍大。当药包被推人炮孔后,药包自动锁定在推到的位置feathered plastic collar
年消耗额计算annual consumption norm calculation
广义虎克三向应力状态下的虎克定律generalized Hook's law
底部固bottom anchorage
延时时间测延时电雷管通人规定的电流后,对其延时时间的测定determination физ. of delay time
延时雷管的时精确性timing accuracy of delay detonators
延迟精度和延迟delay accuracy and timing
建筑物向拆除方案当被拆除楼房的周围场地在一个方向上有较为开阔的场地,其楼房边界至场地边界的水平距离大于楼房2/3 directional3/4高度时,就可采用定向倾倒方案,即使建筑物沿着预定的方向倒塌directional blasting demolition of buildings
开挖边坡稳stability of cut slopes
强迫向倒塌forced directional collapse
当量比例lawn of equivalent proportions
影响时精确的因素timing accuracy factor
影响空气冲击波释放的可控因素是装药重量、炮孔直径、抵抗线、堵塞高度和爆炸controllable factors that affect airblast emission include charge weight, hole diameter, burden, stemming height and blast orientation
原矿original head
快速测express determination
感度测sensitivity measurement
拾取位特征点pick orientation keypoint
specify 的过去式和过去分词specified
区域assigned area
按规掺和custom blending
按规时间点火correct timed ignition
按规配料custom blending
接触角测contact-angle measurement method
摩擦感度测定量的炸药,受一定的摩擦作用,观察其是否发生爆炸的测定determination физ. of friction sensitivity
撞击感度测定量的炸药,受一定质量的落锤自某一高度自由落下的撞击作用,观察其是否发生爆炸的测定determination физ. of impact sensitivity
斜坡稳性问题slope stability problem
方位角azimuth bearing
剥采比indicated stripping ratio
曲线的稳stationary point on a curve
最佳preferred orientation
有人建议、用炸药里碳的总含量来作为确爆炸时的温室气体排量的基础It is proposed that the total carbon content of the explosive should be used as the basis for GHG determinations from detonation
有毒气体含量的测将炸药置于特制的钢弹内爆炸,测定爆炸后气体产物中一氧化碳和氮氧化物等的含量,以每千克炸药爆炸生成的一氧化碳和氮氧化物等的体积量表示。或按各种有毒气体对一氧化碳的毒性系数换算成标准的一氧化碳体积来表示总的有毒气体含量determination физ. of the amount of toxic gases
未受炮孔影响的岩石应力测determination физ. of the stress in rock unaffected by boreholes
本文介绍将爆炸破碎粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以量比较This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted
极不稳煤层厚度变化极大,呈透镜状、鸡窝状,一般不连续,很难找出规律,可采块段分布零星的煤层extremely irregular coal seam
设计对象的几何要素在实地里测设set-tting out
参数calibration parameter
采矿用地located claim
参数calibration parameter
样品鉴sample accreditation
根据实际情况和计算药量、参照成功的有可比性的工程、确药包个数、药量、布置位置、人水深度和起爆顺序design procedure of water pressure blasting
概算概算定额亦称扩大结构定额。它规定了完成单位扩大分项工程或结构构件所必须消耗的人工、材料、机械台班的数量标准。概算定额是由预算定额综合而成的,即将预算定额中相互有联系的若干个分项工程项目,综合为一个概算定额项目quota of preliminary computation
模式炮孔行间位策略pattern row orientation strategies
正是涌人大气的爆生气体、其最后的合成、其实难以准确The exact final composition of detonation gases emitted to atmosphere is actually difficult to determine with certainty
限量legal limit
…的时间time 的 ing 形式timing
浮尘测airborne dust survey
深度depth location
混装固场所fixed site blending
潜在的不稳因素potential instability
激光laser alignment
激光向控制Laser-Doppler line control
火药系数与时对岩石冲击破碎的影响effect of powder factor and timing on the impact breakage of rocks
炮孔位与定向positioning and orientation of boreholes
炮孔hole spotting
炮孔尺寸确hole size determination
炮孔间延迟爆破inter-hole delay timing
炸药与岩体的关系被认为是单位炸药消耗量、爆破人员可用来作为确岩体中炸药分布的总指标The relationship between the explosive and the rock mass is known as the powder factor and can be used by the blaster as a general guideline for determining explosive distribution in the rock mass
炸药的a definite quantity of explosive
炸药稳炸药材料在特定时间内暴露于特定环境条件下,仍保持其制造厂标明的化学和物理性质的性能stability of explosive
热光稳thermo-optical stability
热稳在规定的热作用下,炸药保持其物理和化学性质不发生显著变化的能力thermal stability
然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast
煤层稳主要指煤层形态、厚度和结构等的变化程度regularity of coal seam
煤层稳主要指煤层形态、厚度和结构等的变化程度stability of coal seam
爆炸事件确blast event determination
爆炸性岩石锚杆锚explosive rockbolt anchor
爆炸锚锚杆explosive anchored rockbolt
爆生气体测对炸药爆炸生成气体的含量和成分的测量。随现场使用条件而变化。实验室测定爆生气体的方法有:气体分析法、五氧化碘分析法和气体色谱法。前两种方法主要测定碳的氧化物,后者测定氮化物。适合现场使用的最简单的测试方法,是检测管比色法〈colorimetric detector〉measurement of fume
爆破orientation of a blast
爆破blast orientation
爆破blast timing
爆破时等高算法blast timing contouring algorithm
爆破模型的不确因素uncertainty of blasting models
爆轰稳stability of detonation
爆轰稳炸药的性质,在限定条件下使炸药爆轰顺利发展detonation stability
爆轰稳性试验包括炸药的爆轰传播速度和临界直径的测定。在研发期间和生产管理中需要坚持测定爆轰稳定性。爆轰稳定性试验也可用于过期炸药性能测定detonation stability test
爆速和爆震正面压力基本上是由在爆震正面立即产生反应的炸药的初始部分释放的能量决The detonation velocity and detonation front pressure are essentially determined by the amount of energy released by the initial fraction of the ingredients that react immediately at the detonation front
物理比例确physical scale determination
情况specific circumstances
猛度测explosive grading
现代用的硝甘炸药可义为雷管起爆型混合物。其中所含的硝化甘油敏化剂、或作为拓展能量的主要媒介、若适当起爆、雷管起爆型混合物则在爆轰速度下Modern dynamites can be defined a cap-sensitive mixtures which contain nitroglycerin as a sensitizer or as the principal means for developing energy, and which, when properly initiated, decompose at detonation velocity
生产quota of production
电共振频率短路shorted location indication by frequency of electrical resonance
电子时延时分层装药electronic delay-timed explosive decking
电引爆序列时器electric sequential timer
相似正如果两现象相似,它们应具有的性质是:都为完全相同的方程组〈包括现象方程组和单值条件方程组〉所描述。用来描述现象的一切物理量在空间中相对应的所有点及在时间上相对应的各瞬间各量具有同一比例。相似现象必然发生在几何相似的对象里direct similarity principle
相似逆相似逆定理可表述为:凡被同一完整方程组所描述的同一类物理现象,如果单值条件相似,而且由单值条件的物理量所组成的定性准则数值相同,则现象相似inverse similarity principle
矿井核生产能力对生产矿井的各个生产环节重新进行核定而确定的年生产能力checked mine capacity
矿井核生产能力对生产矿井的各个生产环节重新进行核定而确定的年生产能力rated mine capacity
矿山稳性的评估of the stability of mines
破岩是否得当、是否能控制爆堆形状和飞石,取决于精确爆破Proper breakage and control of muckpile shape and flyrock are dependent on accurate blast timing
岩石硬度变化identifying changes in rock hardness
拉底高度undermine height determination
炮孔间距一是靠经验和试验、二是由钻孔直径来定spacing determined by experience and trial, and again depends on the drill hole diameter
…的位置locating (locate 的 ing 形式)
装药量charge establishment
装药量charge determination
输人definite input
钻头的质量偏差identify drill quality deviations
岩石岩石构造或岩体可长时间支撑施加的应力而不产生明显的变形或位移且当应力解除时不致逆转的性质stability of rock
性系数表征岩体稳定程度的系数stability coefficient
性系数滑动面上抗滑力〈或力矩〉与滑动力〈或力矩〉的比值factor of stability
煤层厚度变化很小,变化规律明显,结构简单至较简单,全区可采或基本全区可采的煤层regular coal seam
爆速stationary detonation velocity
起爆stable detonation
顶板强度高的直接顶板,一般为砂岩和砂质页岩stable roof
精确good timing
精确引爆precise initiation timing
精确爆破accurate blast timing
结构稳性能structural stability
载荷nominal load-bearing capacity
绝对不稳absolute instability
能力评ability assessment
能量标energy rating
自动滴利用电位差计、电流计和比色计的电信号测定终点的仪器automatic titrator
药包埋深不仅是决空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses
装药比、即单位体积的岩石爆破所需的炸药量、根据岩石的类型、炮孔的深度及所用的炸药而The loading ratio or amount of explosive required per volume of rock to be broken, depends on the type of rock,the depth of the hole,and the explosive to be used
容量authorized capacity
时间pre-set time
标准established standard
的地带assigned area
的输人值assigned input value
程序established procedure
载荷specified load
计划的标距离planned scaled distances
计时法爆速测利用爆轰波阵面上离子的导电特性或压力突跃,用测时仪和测针传感器测定爆轰波在药柱中传播一定距离的时间求得爆速determination физ. of detonation velocity by chronographic method
让我们假这个形状是圆的Let us assume this shape to be round
方案agreed plan
set-tting value
的点火次数designed firing times
的过筛粒度given sieve passing size
评估空气振动能级受气象效应影响的程度、需要测量或评地面的以及地面上空的温度、风速和风向An of the degree to which air vibration levels will be affected by the effects of meteorology requires that temperature, wind speed and wind direction be measured or evaluated both at the surface and at levels above the ground
该评估与岩石含水量规的值密切相关、而与实际爆破设计方案或实施的爆破强度无关These estimates are very sensitive to the value used for the moisture content of the rock and are quite independent of the actual blast design or blasting intensity applied
误差传扌番lawn of error propagation
责任和关系界defined responsibility and relationship
质量作用lawn of mass cation
贮存稳stability of storage
起爆时系统initiation-timing system
起爆时装置initiation-timing device
起爆药时与精度initiator timing and accuracy
起爆顺序timing of initiation sequence
轮廓测轮廓测量器具。有几种方法可供测量爆破后岩石表面的轮廓: 1. 经纬仪和测距仪〈激光器〉,手动或全自动。 2. 光槽法:细光槽投影于隧道的周边,并摄影。 3. 立体摄影profilometer
较稳煤层厚度有一定变化,但规律性较明显,结构简单至复杂,全区可采或大部分可采,可采范围内厚度变化不大的煤层comparative regular coal seam
边坡稳wall stability
边帮稳性监测为判断边帮稳定性、研究边帮移动和滑动规律而进行的观测工作slope stability monitoring
过去的十年、为了让二氧化碳在大气中的含量稳在550 * 10⁻⁶、有人呼吁采取极端的行动Calls for drastic action have bee made within the last decade in order to achieve stabilization of CO₂ levels at around 550 ppm twice the preindustrial era levels
通信兵想抄近路争取在天亮之前赶到指位置The messenger undertook to get to his destination before daybreak by taking a short-cut
通常我们不在人名前加冠词Usually, we do not precede a person's name with the definite article
通过声呐给物体location of objects via sonar
道特里什爆速测Dautriche test
道特里什爆速测Dautriche detonation velocity test method
道特里升法爆速测用已知爆速的导爆索求得受测炸药爆速的测定detonation velocity by Dautriche method
采矿时喷发的爆炸气体实际成分没法准确论、这就是说、像甲烷这种有严重潜在危害的温室气体没法准确量化The actual make-up of detonation gases emitted on mines cannot be accurately determined and this means that potentially powerful GHGs like CH₄ cannot be quantified with any certainty
量纲基本理 πtheory π (量纲基本定理常称作“定理,是相似理论的基本定律)
药包锚定法是利用浮标与混凝土锚〈或块石锚〉将药包固定在水中平面位置及水底设计高度上的一种方法。该方法能在一定水位变幅及流速情况下固定药包charge anchoring
阿贝尔闭式闪点测Abel closed tester
陀螺经纬仪用陀螺经纬仪确定某边方位角的测量gyrotheodolite orientation
limit 的现在分词limiting
性条件qualifications (qualification 的复数形式)
条件definite conditions
通道restricted passage
间距restricted spacing
间距restricted clearance
间隔restricted spacing
间隔restricted clearance
随压力而的屈服应力pressure dependent yield stress
集合。―v <-> 设set
雷管时散射detonation timing scatter
震源location of the epicenter
震源hypocentre location
震源epicenter location
问题作用在物体上的外力,仅由静力平衡方程就能确定的问题statically determinated problem
非确性分析方法与确定性分析方法相对而言。常见非确定性分析方法有: 1. 概率与数理统计。 2. 分形几何学。 3. 模糊数学nondeterministic analysis method
顶板稳未经人工支护的顶板悬露面在某一段时间内保持不冒落的能力roof stability
项目义:设计规范和爆破方案project definition: specifications and blast plan
顺序时控制爆破sequential timer-controlled blast
位置pre-set position
回采量predetermined stope dimensions
延时间隔时间predetermined delay interval
时间pre-set time
混合比例predetermined blend ratio
温度pre-set temperature
的平均孔内乳化炸药密度target average in-hole emulsion density
的平均标准偏移量prescribed mean and standard deviation
的开始或完成日期target date
粒度范围或分类predetermined size categories
脉冲负荷一种爆破方法,其中爆炸产生的气体压力随时间的变化以满足某些要求tailored pulse loading
间距predetermined spacing
预算预算定额是建筑安装预算定额的简称。预算定额是主管部门颁发的,用于确定一定计量单位分项工程或结构构件的人工、材料、施工机械台班和基价〈货币量〉的数量标准budget quota
孔径rated hole diameter
容积rated capacity
爆破压力rated blasting pressure
耗量rated consumption
装药rated load of powder
载荷rated yield load
载荷nominal load-bearing capacity
额外规additional regulation
风险假risk assumption
飞石产生的主要原因包括抵抗线不足、炮泥长度不够、钻孔不精确、单位炸药消耗量过多、地质条件不利露天节理、矿层不稳固和空穴、延时时和序列不当、延时不精确、发生反向爆破、以及台阶上部岩石松散等The major causes of flyrock are inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length, drilling inaccuracy, excessive powder factor,unfavorable geological conditions open joints, weak seams and cavities, inappropriate delay timing and sequence, inaccuracy of delays, back break and loose rock on top of the bench
飞石的义是、由爆炸现场的爆炸力掀起的且不可预测的岩石碎片Flyrock is defined as any rock fragments thrown unpredictable from a blasting site by the force of explosion
飞石着陆的预区域prescribed range of landed flyrock
高精度时雷管detonator with high precision in timing
高耸建筑向拆除.定向倒塌设计的主要原理是在其倾倒一侧的底部,炸开一个大于底部周长1/2的爆破缺口,从而破坏其结构的稳定性,导致整体结构失稳和重心点外移,在本身重量作用下形成倾覆力矩,迫使其按预定的方向倒塌在一定范围内directional blasting demolition of slim and high buildings