
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
三相子绕组three phase stator winding
三相对称分布子绕组three phase symmetrically distributed stator winding wound
向性omni directionality
向风fishtail wind
向风multi-directional wind
向风multi directional wind
向风choppy wind
期检修non-periodic overhaul
不稳分层unstable stratification
不稳labile region
不稳大气unstable atmosphere
不稳层结unstable stratification
不稳工况unsteady state condition
不稳平衡unstable equilibrium
不稳平衡labile equilibrium
不稳振动特性unstable characteristic
不稳labile flow
不稳unstationary flow
不稳fluctuation stream
不稳状态unstable regime
不稳状态labile state
不稳转向unstable oversteer
不稳驰振unstable galloping
中性热稳neutrally thermal stability
中性稳大气neutrally stable atmosphere
中性稳neutrally stability
临界不稳critical instability
交叉稳导数cross stability derivative
.亥姆霍兹Helmholtz theorem
伯努利Bernoulli's law
低速稳low speed stability
倾侧不稳rolling instability
傅里叶Fourier's law
共轭幕conjugate power law
internal stator
性变量deterministic variable
常空气动力学quasi-steady aerodynamics
分压law of partial pressure
刚性固rigid fixing
初始不稳incipient instability
制动器设brake setting
功率的测determination of output
动力稳dynamic stability
动态不稳dynamic instability
动态稳dynamic stabilization
动态稳导数dynamic stability derivative
动态稳dynamic stability
动态稳dynamic stability
动量momentum theorem
动量守恒law of momentum conservation
动量守恒conservation of momentum theorem
动量矩moment of momentum theorem
双速风电机组风轮的额转速rotor nominal speed for dual speed wind turbines
发散不稳divergent instability
变速桨距variable speed fixed-pitch
变速桨距variable generator speed fixed-pitch
变速桨距风电机组variable genera tor speed fixed-pitch wind turbine
变速风电机组风轮的额转速rotor nominal speed for variable speed wind turbines
合格判acceptance value
土壤水分测soil moisture cont ent analyser
均匀常风uniform steady wind
坐标确determination of coordinate
壁面law of wall
external stator
外部external stator
多极发电机multipolar electrical generator stator
多极外部multipolar external stator
多极大直径multipole large diameter stator
夜间稳nocturnal stability
大气稳度常数atmospheric stability constant
大气稳度长度atmospheric stability length
大气稳atmosphere stability
大直径多极large diameter multi-pole stator
守恒conservation relations
守恒law of conservation
守恒conservation law
安培Ampere*s law
位机构orientation mechanism
位焊positioned weld
位焊position welding
位螺旋screw setting
位螺栓fitted bolt
位销detent pin
位销adjusting pin
制无线监控系统customised wireless SCADA system
向动作directive action
向性directing property
向机构orientation mechanism
向气流directional air flow
向能量direct energy
向辐射directional radiation
向风轮yaw fixed rotor
向风轮free yaw rotor
向风轮free-yaw rotor
向风轮yaw-fixed rotor
向风轮fixed yaw rotor
址准则siting criteria
址准贝siting criteria
子与转子绕组的匝数比turns ratio of the rotor-to-stator winding
子匝数stator turns
子匝数number of stator turn
子叶片stator blade
子槽stator slot
子漏抗stator leakage reactance
子漏阻stator leakage reactance
子电压stator voltage
子电压相量图stator voltage phasor diagram
子电感stator inductance
子电流stator current
子电阻stator resistance
子磁导stator permeance
子磁轨stator yoke
子磁通stator flux
子线圈stator winding
子线圈悬stator coil overhang
子绕组stator winding
子轭stator yoke
子齿stator tooth
常响应steady state response
常振动steady vibration
常排放率steady emission rate
常流动permanent flow
常流场steady flow field
常流气体动力学steady gas dynamics
常流空气动力学steady flow aerodynamics
常流空气动力学static aerodynamics
常的time independent
常羽流steady state plume
常解steady solution
常速率steady rate
常风steady wind
常风载steady wind load
常驰振响应steady galloping response
心夹盘centering chuck
性描述qualitative description
日镜簇heliostat cluster
日镜组heliostat cluster
时取样样品grab sample
时器timing controller
时寿命试验fixed time test
时断路器time cut-out
时短路器time cut-out
期修理scheduled repair
期检修periodic overhaul
期检査routine inspection
期检査regular maintenance
期检査regular check
期清理routine cleaning
桨式风力机线性变参数模型LPV model of fixed-pitch WECS
桨距fixed-blade pitch
桨距叶片fixed pitch blade
桨距齿轮驱动风电机组Danish concept
definite proportion
滑轮fixed pulley
滑轮crown block
constant velocity
definite quality
量估算quantitative estimation
量描述quantitative description
量试验quantitative test
高气球constant level balloon
尺度距索guide wire
尾流law of wake
层流稳性理论laminar flow stability theory
展向恒厚度比spanwise constant thickness ratio
帕斯卡Pascal's law
帕斯奎尔稳Pasquill stability
运动stationary motion
幂次power law
库塔一儒科学夫斯基Kutta-Joukowski theorem
库塔-儒科夫斯基Kutta-Joukowski theorem
开槽slotted stator
弹性不稳elastic instability
弹性固flexible fastening
德哈托稳判据Den Hartog stability criterion
总体稳度参数bulk stability parameter
功率firm power
功率constant power
功率输出区constant power output region
stationary field
最大输出firm peak discharge
条件stationary condition
电能firm power energy
转矩constant torque
输出firm output
TSR 运行区constant TSR operation region
恒速桨距fixed-speed fixed-pitch
恒速桨距fixed generator speed fixed-pitch
恒速桨距叶片constant speed fixed pitch blade
恒速桨距风电机组fixed genera tor speed fixed-pitch wind turbine
恒速风电机组风轮的额转速rotor nominal speed for constant wind turbines
戈特勒不稳Görtler instability
把…固定住pin down
抗倾翻稳stability against tipping
指数power law
振荡不稳oscillatory instability
限值derived limit
故障fault location
故障位置测fault location
故障测abort sensing
仪表adjusting gauge
压力setting pressure
计算relay setting
方向稳directional stability
向动作floating action
向风baffling wind
无功功率设reactive power set-point
最低判minimum decision limit
最低测minimum determination limit
最佳额风速optimum rated wind speed
最大额maximum rating
最大额负荷maximum rated load
机侧额容量rotor side rated capacity
机械稳mechanical stability
机械稳性试验stability test
标准额出力standard rated output
标准额功率standard rated power
标准额功率standard rated output
标准额负荷normal rated load
楞次Lenz's law
横向稳transversal stability
横向稳transverse stability
横向稳lateral stability
横摇不稳rolling instability
横风稳cross wind stability
止推轴承位环thrust collar
正弦锁激励sinusoidal lock-in excitation
毕奥一萨伐尔Biot-Savart law
气体gas law
气候稳climatic stability
气动不稳aerodynamic instability
气动力方向不稳aerodynamic directional instability
气动力稳aerodynamically stable
气动弹性不稳aeroelastic instability
气动弹性稳aeroelastic stability
气动稳aerodynamic stability
气流稳airflow stability
法拉第Faraday's law
流体动力学圆柱绕流circle theorem of hydrodynamics
流体静稳hydrostatic stability
流动稳flow stability
measurement value
渐进稳asymptotical stability
渐进稳asymptotic stability
爬梯固ladder bracket
牛顿Newton's law
牛顿摩擦Newtonian friction law
牛顿流体阻力Newton's law of fluid resistance
牛顿第二Newton's second law
物质不灭law of perdurability of matter
物质守恒law of perdurability of matter
物质守恒conservation of matter theorem
理想气体ideal gas law
电压稳裕度voltage stability margin
电磁弧稳magnetic arc stabilizer
电磁感应law of electromagnetic induction
界壁law of wall
疲劳评fatigue evaluation
材料疲劳额fatigue rating (of material)
白贝罗Buys-Ballot's law
白金汉πBuckingham's pi theorem
瞬时稳transient stability
性模型deterministic models
转子载荷deterministic rotor loads
载荷deterministic loads
磁通守恒laws of flux conservation
不可压缩流steady state incompressible flow
分层stable stratification
分层流stable stratified flow
变压器stabilizing transformer
因素stabilization factor
大气stable atmosphere
失速locked in stall
密度层结stable density stratification
层结stable stratification
工作温度stabilized operating temperature
工况steady condition
工况性能steady state performance
degree stability
度指数stability index
度等级stability class
性判据stability criterion
性参数stability parameter
性导数stability derivative
性类别stability category
性边界stability boundary
操作stable operation
风洞settling chamber
气团stable air mass
水平level of stability
沙丘arrested dune
stationary current
流系统steady flow system
的直流电galvanic current
moment of stability
空气stable air
网络stabilization network
翼板stabilizing fin
范围stability range
负荷steady loads
转速steady speed
过渡转向stable oversteer
运行steady operation
运行stable operation
运转steady running
运转工况steady running condition
递减率stable lapse rate
速度steady speed
风速time invariant windspeed
stabilizing fin
精确测precision measurement
紧绳监测位标准系统tautline position-reference system
纯弯不稳pure bending instability
纵向稳longitudinal stability
经验handy rule of thumb
经验empirical law
绕线式wound stator
继保整relay setting
继电汽relay setting
羽流稳高度stabilized plume height
耦合不稳coupled instability
自动时器time controller
螺栓头固bolt head retaining slots
螺栓高强度固high strength bolting
的最初起动转矩specifies breakaway torque
负荷ordinance load
set value
设计额design rating
调向稳weathervaning stability
调向稳stability of following wind
贝兹Betz' law
质能守恒law of conservation of mass energy
质量mass law
质量律效应mass law effect
质量作用law of mass action
质量守恒principal of mass conservation
质量守恒law of mass conservation
质量守恒律方程equation of mass conservation
质量守恒conservation of mass theorem
质量测quality measurement
质量评quality assessment
质量评quality evaluation
质量评grade estimation
超导磁体稳stabilization of super conducting magnet
转速不稳unstability of speed
运动law of motion
运行不稳fluctuation of service
rating method
lock on
lock in
共振locked in resonant oscillation
lock in band
效应lock in effect
激励lock in excitation
转子locked rotor
转子转矩locked-rotor torque
转子转矩locked rotor torque
风力机blocking for wind turbines
式悬索桥anchored suspension bridge
系统anchoring system
长期运转的额值continuous rating
降尘测deposit gauge
随机稳边界stochastic stability boundary
静压力测static pressure vent hole
静态电压稳裕度static voltage stability margin
静态稳static stability
常伯努利方程unsteady Bernoulli^ equation
常伯努利方程unsteady Bernoulli's equation
常升力面理论non-steady lifting surface theory
常气动力unsteady aerodynamics
常气动导数non-stationary aerodynamic derivative
常流动time dependent flow
常空气动力学non-steady aerodynamics
常翼型理论unsteady airfoil theory
常荷载time dependent load
常边界元法unsteady BEM model
常边界层unsteady boundary layer
常运动non-steady motion
非固状态unstationary state
非稳旋涡transient vortex
非稳流动non-stationary flow
非稳状态unstable condition
非饱和稳steady unsaturated flow
尺寸preliminary dimensions
检修scheduled maintenance
使用期限rated life
rating value
全负荷full load rating
出力nominal rating
制动功率rated brake power
力矩系数rated torque coefficient
力矩系数rated power coefficient
功率specified horsepower
功率rating power
功率normal rated power
功率power rating
功率风力发电机组rated power
功率horsepower rating
升压rated boost pressure
参数specified condition
叶尖速度nominal tip speed
叶尖速度比rated tip-speed ratio
叶尖速度比标准高 速性系数rated tip speed ratio
叶尖速率比不小于3的风力机high speed WECS
容量specified capacity
容量marked capacity
寿命rated life
工作电压rated operational voltage
工作电流rated operational current
工况specified condition
工况rated condition
扭矩nominal torque
数据rating data
无功功率rated reactive power
气体量specified capacity
rating method
流量rated flow
消耗功率rated consumed power
滑差率rated slip
生产率marked capacity
电流nominal current
空气流速率nominal air flow rate
能量rated energy
视在功率rated apparent power
负荷nominal load
负荷试验rated load test
负荷运行rated load operation
负载rated load
转矩rated load torque
转矩nominal torque
转速rated speed
转速rotor nominal speed
转速nominal rotational speed
输入rated input
输入转速input nominal speed
输出rating output
输出normal output
输出功率rated power output
输出功率rated output power
输出容量rated output capacity
输出转速output nominal speed
过载overload rating
速度normal speed
rated quantity
频率rated frequency
风速风力机rated wind speed for wind turbines
风速rated wind speed
风速nominal wind speed
风速nominal power wind speed
风量nominal air flow rate
颤振稳flutter stability
风向测wind direction meter
风洞实验测wind tunnel determination
风洞稳风速stable tunnel speed
风电机组的额功率nominal power of wind turbine
风的不确uncertain variability of wind
风的测wind measurement
风轮锁rotor locking ring
风轮额转速rated turning speed of rotor
风速风向给wind speed and direction setter
驰振不稳galloping instability
驱动桥位臂axle arm
高空稳overhead stable layer
鲁棒稳robust stability
齿轮箱额功率gearbox nominal power
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