
Terms for subject Commerce containing 定量 | all forms | in specified order only
与合同上所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
严格地说,货物质量与合同规定并不完全相一致The quality to the goods, properly speaking, is not fully in conformity with the stipulation in the contract
决定产品生产数量determined quantity of products
可确定重量ascertainable weight
后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
定量ration system
定量quantitative value
定量性能quantitative performance
定量指数quantum index
常量定性分析macro-qualitative analysis
推定矿藏量probable ore
标定容量rated capacity
统计比推定量ratio estimate
法定度量衡official weights and measures
法定重量legal weight
测定的变量measured variable
确定重量ascertained weight
稳定销售量steady sales
约定数量agreed quantity
装载数量由船长决定quantity at captain's option
规定的数量stipulated quantity
规定的质量stipulated quality
质量与合同规定的标准不符We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
达到法定载重量的一批货物carload lot
运费每吨按重量或容积计算由船方决定weight or measurement per ton at ship's option
重量平衡测定balance measurement
定量功率rated capacity
额定数量rated quantity
额定消耗量rated consumption
额定载重量marked capacity