
Terms for subject Technology containing 定量 | all forms | in specified order only
定量的价值values of definite magnitude
定量的凝固的劳动时间definite masses of congealed labor-time
定量的商品given commodity
一定形态的劳动量amount of labor in a certain form
一定数量的种子a quantity of seeds
一定重量designated weight
一氧化碳定量分析quantitative analysis of CO gas
三维定量信息quantitative three-dimensional information
三角测量定位法triangulation location
不可定量因素non-quantifiable factor
不确定量uncertain quantity
不确定的量化quantification of uncertainty
不稳定产量unsteady rate
不稳定产量non-stabilized rate
与运输量无关的固定支出fixed expenditures not related to traffic volume
临界深度流量测定critical depth discharge measurement
临界深度流量测定法critical depth discharge measurement method
事故中子剂量测定法neutron accident dosimetry
亚当斯色度值定量指示法Adams chromatic value system
亚当斯颜色定量指示法Adams chromatic value system
传送带式定量磅秤conveyer type batcher scale
位力定理质量virial-theorem mass
假定储量hypothetical reserve
假定流量hypothetical discharge
元素定量分析quantitative elementary analysis
先定变量predetermined variable
光化学当量定律law of photochemistry equivalence
光化当量定律law of photochemical equivalence
光化当量的爱因斯坦定律Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence
光密度定量photodensitometric quantitation
光栅能量测定仪grating energy measuring device
光谱定量分析spectrum quantitative analysis
光谱定量分析spectral quantitative spectroanalysis
光谱化学定量分折quantitative spectrochemical analysis
光谱半定量分析semi-quantitative spectrochemical analysis
光谱半定量分析semi-quantitative spectroanalysis
全球定位系统空中三角测量GPS aero-triangulation
全盐量测定total salt determination
全额定载货容量full-rated capacity
公定计量sworn measures
分子重量测定仪molecular weight determination apparatus
分子量测定器molecular weight estimation apparatus
分层定量采油separate layer quantitative oil production
初始稳定流量initial steady discharge
剂量反应评定dose-response assessment
前定变量predetermined variate
剩油量测定gauging by innage
剩油量测定gaging by innage
化合量定律law of combining weight
化学剂量测定chemical dosing
化学需氧量测定chemical oxygen demand test
化学需氧量测定chemical oxygen demand determination
化学需氧量测定仪chemical oxygen demand analyser
区域剂量测定法area dosimetry
千伏安额定容量kilovolt-ampere rating
定量估计semi-quantitative estimate
定量测定semi-quantitative determination
木材的定量浸注法lowly process
单像管定量单像摄影测量学monoscopic quantitative monophotogrammetry
卫生器具定额流量the rated flow of fixture
压力传感式定量自动秤load cell weighing equipment
吉布森流量测定法Gibson method
同位素含量一密度测定仪moisture-density nuclear gauge
同位素含量一密度测定仪moisture-density nuclear gage
含气量压力测定法pressure method for air content
含气量测定air content determination
含气量测定仪entrainment meter
含气量测定仪air meter
含水量一密度同位素测定仪moisture-density nuclear gauge
含水量一密度同位素测定仪moisture-density nuclear gage
含水量快速测定仪speedy moisture meter
含水量测定器moisture gauge
含水量测定器moisture gage
含水量测定器moisture determination instrument
含水量测定计湿度计moisture gauge
含水量测定计湿度计moisture gage
含湿量测定仪moisture content measuring apparatus
含盐量测定计salinity meter
含砂量测定器sand tester
含量测定仪content meter
吸水量测定measurement of water absorption
吸水量测定measurement of water adsorption
土壤含水量测定soil moisture measurement
土壤数量的确定soil quantity determination
土方工程量测定earth quantity determination
土方量测定earth quantity determination
土石方量测定bank measure
地下定线测量underground alignment
地形测量定位topographical position finding
地形测量定位topographic position finding
地磁场定向测量法directional survey with magnetic compass
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geological body
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geologic body
地震相定量分析seismic facies quantitative analysis
垂向稳定渗入流量vertically steady quantity of infiltration
填充料供料定量stone batcher
多糖含量的测定measurement of the polysaccharide content
孔板式定量投药装置orifice proportioning feeder
孔板式定量注入装置orifice proportioning feeder
安定性和质量试验soundness and fineness test (水泥)
dosing plant
定义变量defined variable
定义标量defining scalar
定位变量locator variable
定位测量location surveying
定位测量measure of location
定位量测放大镜fixation measuring microscope
定体积比分量系统pipette system
定体积比分量系统pipet system
定充量耦合器coupling of definite amount of filling
定压量热计constant pressure calorimeter
定向井测量directional well surveying
定向变量orientation variables
定向孔测量orienting well survey
定向测量orientational measurement
定向测量oriented survey
定向测量directional measurement
定向设计小时交通量directional design-hour volume
定向钻孔方位测量orienting hole survey
定向雨量计vector rain gauge
定向雨量计vector rain gage
定容量泵fixed delivery pump
定容量马达fixed-displacement motor
定性测量observational measurement
定排量变压力泵fixed-displacement-variable pressure pump
定排量液压马达constant displacement hydraulic motor
定期存入等量数目款项到期后的未来价值比future worth of one per period
定期平均年生长量periodical mean annual increment
定期平均年生长量periodic mean annual increment
定期平均年疏伐量periodical mean annual intermediate yield
定期平均年疏伐量periodic mean annual intermediate yield
定期收获量periodical yield
定期收获量periodic yield
定期林分疏伐量periodical stand depletion
定期林分疏伐量periodic stand depletion
定期测量routine measurement
定期测量periodical measurement
定期测量periodic measurement
定期生长量periodical increment
定期采伐量period cut
定泊水道测量站anchor hydrographical station
定泊水道测量站anchor hydrographic station
定流量constant flow
定点测量spotted survey
寸一地定界测量land survey of demarcation
定碘量分析iodimetric analysis
定线测量final survey
定线测量location surveying
定线测量route location survey
定落差水位一流量关系constant-fall rating
定质量因素qualitative factor
定量fixed quantity
定量下料器fixed quantity feeder
定量元素分析quantitative elemental analysis
定量光谱分类quantitative spectral classification
定量分析quantitative study
定量分析quantitative analysis method
定量分析method of quantitative analysis
定量分析中最小二乘法least square method in quantitative analysis
定量分析值number of quantitative analysis
定量分类法classification of the quantitative system
定量分类系统quantitative classification system
定量分组quantitative classification
定量判据quantitative criterion
定量判读quantitative interpretation
定量吸收quantitative absorption
定量吸附quantitative adsorption
定量地层解释quantitative layer interpretation
定量地热温标quantitative geothermometer
定量地震活动分布图quantitative seismicity map
定量失真quantization distortion
定量 X 射线衍射quantitative X-ray diffraction
定量形态学quantitative morphology
定量指数a quantitative index
定量振动quantitative shock
定量收集quantitative collection
定量效应quantitative effect
定量数值quantitative value
定量显微镜quantitative microscope
定量模拟quantitative modeling
定量gauging water (拌和水泥时的规定量用水)
定量gaging water (拌和水泥时的规定量用水)
定量gauge water (拌和水泥时的规定量用水)
定量gage water (拌和水泥时的规定量用水)
定量水生生态学quantitative hydroecology
定量水表fixed quantity water meter
定量steady current
定量steady flow
定量stationary flow
定量流动fixed rate flow
定量流变学quantitative rheology
定量浇包meter ladle
定量测定quantitative measuring
定量测定quantitative testing
定量测定quantitative test
定量测定quantitative examination
定量测试器quantitative tester
定量浮游生物估算quantitative estimation of plankton
定量浮游生物采样器quantitative plankton sampler
定量理论quantitative theory
定量生态控制法quantitative methods of ecological control
定量研究quantitative study
定量示踪quantitative tracing (法)
定量示踪器quantitative tracer
定量稀释剂quantitative dilution
定量调节quantitative regulation
定量调节器metering control
定量送料泵constant displacement pump
定量配料仓proportioning silo
定量配料仓batching silo
定量配料设备rationing equipment
定量马达fixed-displacement motor
定量马达constant displacement motor
定长变量fixed-length variable
定限雨量器limit gauge
定限雨量器limit gage
定额储[贮]量ration storage
定风量空气调节系统constant volume air conditioning system
定风量系统constant Air Volume system
库存最大最小定量控制系统max-min system
库存高低点定量控制制度order-point control
库存高低点定量控制系统max-min system
开尔文最小能量定理Kelvin's minimum energy theorem
开尔文环量定理Thomson circulation theorem
开尔文环量定理Kelvin's circulation theorem
引气量测定仪entrainment meter
引气量测定仪air-entrainment meter
张量发散定理tensor-divergence theorem
弹性变定当量equivalent elastic set
弹簧额定负载量rated spring capacity
当量固定波equivalent constant wave
当量比例定律the law of equivalent proportions
总合式定量预测aggregate estimation of mineral resources
总碱量测定determination of total base
定量constant basis
恒定出料量constant discharge
恒定挥发性固体含量constant volatile-solid content
恒定最高容量firm peak capacity
混凝土的恒定水量定律constant water content law
恒定流量泵constant flow pump
恒定能量permanent energy
成矿远景区定量预测quantitative prediction of minerogenetic prospective region
手动定量给进阀measuring valve
持续运转额定容量duration of runs
持续运转额定容量continuous rating
指定的总量单位assigned amount unit
振量滴定oscillometric titration
放射性同位素含沙量测定radioisotope sediment concentration meter
数量待定的契约数量待定的合同open-end contract
数量有某人决定quantity at one's option
数量查定quantitative assessment
料斗定量bin weighing batcher scale
普通电量滴定法simple coulometric method
暂态稳定储备余量transient stability margin
最后定线测量final location survey
最小能量定理theorem of minimum energy
最终工程质量规定end product specifications
有机定量分析organic quantitative analysis
本量利假定cost-volume-profit assumption
材料的储备定量normal fixed quantity of materials stock
材料的经济储备定量normal standard quantity of material stock
标准额定产量standard rated output
标准额定产量reference rated output
标定产量capacity production
标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygiene air requirement
标定流量计proving flowmeter
标定点测量control surveying
核定的最大供水量authorized full supply
格式定量lattice-type quantity equip-ment
模拟变量指定analogue assignment of variables
模拟变量指定analog variable assignment
模拟变量指定analogue variable assignment
模拟变量指定analog assignment of variables
残气量测定装置alveolar-air measuring apparatus
残氯定量分析仪quantitative analyzer of residual chlorine
气体定量分析法gasometric method
气体容量测定仪gas-volumetrical measuring apparatus
气体容量测定仪gas-volumetric measuring apparatus
气体流量测定仪gas flow meter
气体流量测定站gas metering station
气相热量滴定gas-phase thermometric titration
气量测定gasometric determination
气量滴定gasometric titration
氟化锂剂量测定法lithium fluoride dosimetry
氮微量定量nitrogen micro-determination apparatus
水井出水量测定设备water-well yield test equipment
水位一流量关系稳定性stability of stage-discharge relation
水位一流量关系稳定性stability of rating curve
水和不溶物含量的测定sediment and water test
水和沉渣含量测定water and sediment test
水泥含量滴定试验cement content titration test
水泵额定流量capacity of pump
水道测量数字定位与深度自记系统hydrographical digital positioning and depth recording system
水道测量数字定位与深度自记系统hydrographic digital positioning and depth recording system
汞量滴定法mercuri metrical titration
汞量滴定法mercuri metric titration
汽油中四乙铅含量测定试验gasoline tetraethyl lead test
汽油中硫含量的测定gasoline sulfur test
汽油储存量的稳定性petrol storage stability
汽油消耗量测定装置gasoline mileage tester
混凝土透水试验用流出水量测定法output test
流量测定measurement of flow rate
流量测定stream-flow gaging
流量测定stream-flow gauging
流量测定measurement of rate of flow
流量测定fluid metering
流量测定flow gaging
流量测定flow gauging
流量测定fluid measurement
流量测定stream gauging
流量测定discharge measurement (值)
流量测定工作metering practice
流量率定曲线flow rating curve
流量率定曲线discharge rating curve
流量率定表discharge rating table
流量稳定标准stable criterion of discharge
流量额定压力flow rating pressure
定量measurement quantity
测定产量之前before evaluating for yield
测定含碳量carbon test
测定油舱底部水量thieving tank
测量不确定度uncertain degree of measurement
测量不确定度measuring uncertainty
测量不确定性measuring uncertainty
测量仪器的标定calibration of a measuring instrument
测量和鉴定measurement and identification
浮游生物定量估测quantitative estimation of plankton
浮游生物定量采样器quantitative plankton sampler
海水生化需氧量测定仪biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater
海洋测量定位marine survey position
消防流量测定hydrant-flow test
灌溉定量irrigation requirement
灰分含量测定ash content test
焚化炉额定容量rated incinerator capacity
照相剂量测定法photographical dosimetry
照相剂量测定法photographic dosimetry
爱因斯坦光化当量定律Stark-Einstein law
爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein photochemical equivalence law
爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein law of photochemical equivalence
特定数量的社会需要quantitatively definite social need
生化需氧量测定biochemical oxygen demand test
生化需氧量测定biochemical oxygen demand determination
生化需氧量测定仪biochemical oxygen demand analyzer
生化需氧量自动测定装置BOD auto-analyzer BOD
生物标定辐射当量radiation-equivalent manikin calibration
生物需氧量测定biological oxygen demand test
生物需氧量测定biologic oxygen demand test
定量计加料graduated hopper-charging
电子剂量测定electron dosimetry
电子探针定量微区分析quantitative electron-probe micro-analysis
电子管额定容量valve nominal capacity
电极式含盐量测定计electrode type salinometer
电测深曲线定量解释方法way of quantitive interpretation of electrical sounding curve
电测深曲线定量解释方法way of quantitive interpretation of electric sounding curve
电量测定法coulometric method
砂内含水量测定仪water-in-sand estimator
硅含量测定silica test
硫化氢的定量分析quantitative analysis of hydrogen sulphide
确定储量measured reserves
确定工程数量方法method of determination project number
确定当量certainty equivalence
确定性分量deterministic component
确定的储量established reserves
确定的投资量established investment
确定的重量ascertained weight
碘量滴定法iodometric titration
碘量滴定法iodimetric method
程序员定义的变量programmer-defined variable
稳定下渗容量ultimate infiltration capacity
稳定下渗容量constant infiltration capacity
稳定产量firm yield
稳定产量steady yield
稳定产量constant rate of production
稳定储备量margin of stability
稳定入渗容量ultimate infiltration capacity
稳定入渗容量constant infiltration capacity
稳定剂加人数量quantity of stabilizer
稳定剂用量consumption of stabilizing
稳定同量异位素stable isobar
稳定向量丛stable vector bundle
稳定度测量器regulation meter
稳定捕获量sustainable catch
稳定最高量stable maximum
稳定注水量steady quantity of water injection
稳定流量steady flow
稳定流量regime flow
稳定流量调节器constant-pressure flow controller
稳定突水量steady quantity of water bursting
稳定等价向量丛stable equivalent vector bundles
稳定能量输入steady energy input
稳定裕量stability margin
稳定裕量margin of stability
稳态稳定储备量steady-state stability margin
混凝土硬化前空气量测定仪air meter
窑的额定产量rated kiln output
等压质量变化测定isobaric mass-change determination
粗料定量控制器chain curtain
粗料定量送料器chain curtain feeder
缩孔流量测定法contracted-opening discharge measurement
网格定点测量法network-fixed site monitoring method
网格定点能谱测量location network spectrum survey
药剂固定储备量stand-by reserves
薄层色谱光密度定量thin-layer chromatographic densitometry
补体总量测定法total complement measurement
表面质量测定surface quality measurement
袖珍含气量测定仪chace air meter
负质量不稳定性negative mass instability
质量不灭定律law of conservation of mass
质量不符规定记录quality discrepancy record
隔声的质量定律mass law
质量数测定mass assignment
质量检定quality arbitration
质量水平鉴定合同quality level certification agreement
质量测定mass measurement
质量测定插入法bracketing method of mass measurement
质量测定系统quality measurement system
质量稳定性评价标准quality retention rating
质量规定quality clauses
质量评定merit rating
质量评定grade evaluation
质量评定规则rules for quality evaluation
质量鉴定quality certification
质量鉴定quality detection
质量鉴定quality determination
质量鉴定qualification test
质量鉴定quality appraisal
质量鉴定merit rating
贾姆拉奥方孔自动恒定流量泄水口Jamrao type orifice module outlet
起重机额定起重量crane rating
超静定量redundant quantity
超静定未知量statically indeterminate quantity
转动叶轮定量给料机rotary feeder
转化定量trans-quantitative method
转子式定量给料秤dosing rotor weighfeeder
输入能量稳定度input energy stability
输出能量稳定度output energy stability
输沙量测定sediment discharge measurement
输沙量率定silt discharge rating
递归定义变量recursively defined variable
通过司法裁定确定水量分配judicial allocation
通量额定值flux rating
遥控容量滴定remote volumetric titrimetry
定量acid estimation apparatus
酸量测定acidimetric estimation
酸量滴定分析acidimetric analysis
鉴定重量证书surveyor's weight certificate
锅炉额定容量rated capacity of boiler
锅炉额定容量boiler rating
锅炉额定蒸发量rated capacity of boiler
错定的解释变量misspecified explanatory variable
防溢定量给料器non-flooding feeder
陀螺定向测量gyroscopic orientation survey
降水量测定measurement of precipitation
降雨量测定measurement of rainfall
限定捕获量restricting catch
限定重量design weight
隔声的质量定律mass law of sound insulation
定量因素non-quantifiable factor
定量目标non-quantitative objective
非总合式定量预测disaggregate estimation of mineral resources
非稳定流定流量抽水unsteady pumping test at fixed quantity
预定产量preset output
预定工作量projected workload
预定流量prescribed flow
颗粒克耶定氮量particulate Kjeldahl nitrogen
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