
Terms containing 定盘 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.一俟有货可供,我们将一定向你方报盘As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail
avia.万用定时盘universal timing disc (连接在发动机曲轴上,刻有360°角的刻度和悬垂指针的盘,定时用的)
tech.三爪定心夹盘three-jaw independent lathe chuck
tech.三爪定心夹盘three-jaw concentric lathe chuck
tech.三爪自动定心卡盘scroll chuck
tech.上盘定位夹具blocking fixture
IT不指定盘卷请求non-specific volume request
auto.主动式底盘稳定性装置active frame stability
mech.eng.主轴箱和卡盘固定住一根棒料的一端The headstock and chuck hold one end of a piece of the bar stock
commer.买方验货后决定的发盘offer subject to buyer's inspection
tech.信号定时键盘signal timing dial
tech.信号度盘时间键定位dial key setting
agric.光罗盘定向light-compass orientation
oil内盘固定外盘转动钻盘double deck
auto.制动蹄固定盘brake flange
oil刻度盘定位circle setting
textile刻度盘预定张力dialling the necessary tension
bridge.半固定盘式桥牌semi-set game
bridge.半固定盘式桥牌semi-set game
tech.卖方看货后定发盘offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
tech.卡盘固定螺钉chuck set screw
el.反向场效应磁盘定位disk orientation by reverse field (effect)
repr.biol.同位素胎盘定位isotopic localization of placenta
commer.向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
securit.回购定盘利率fixing repo rate
construct.围盘固定器〔固定装置〕coil positioner
oilfixed tray
plast.stationary disc
tech.定盘fixed disk
met.定盘stationary pan
expl.定盘为保证凿井作业安全和进行井筒测量等作业,在封口盘下方一定距离设置的,固定于井壁的盘状结构物shaft collar
tech.定盘fixed tray
tech.定盘anchor disc
busin.定盘存日期official inventory date
multimed.定盘驱动器fixed disk drive
el.固定位置键盘fixed position keyboard
tech.固定凸圆形淘汰盘circular stationary buddle
tech.固定凹圆形淘汰盘concave buddle
tech.固定卡钳式钢盘制动器fixed-calliper disk brake
tech.固定卡钳式钢盘制动器fixed-caliper disk brake
IT固定及可更换磁盘存储器fixed and exchangeable disc storage
IT固定及可更换磁盘存储器fixed and exchangeable disk storage
el.固定/可更换磁盘存储器fixed-exchangeable disk storage
bridge.固定同伴盘式桥牌partnership rubber bridge
bridge.固定同伴盘式桥牌partnership rubber bridge
tech.固定圆形淘汰盘dumb buddle
IT固定块结构磁盘机FBA disk drive
space固定头磁盘fixed head magnetic disk
el.固定头磁盘fixed head disk
telecom.固定头磁盘fixed-head disk
el.固定头磁盘存储器fixed head disk storage
el.固定头磁盘控制器fixed-head disk controller
IT固定头磁盘机fixed head disk
el.固定头磁盘机fixed-head disk unit
el.固定头磁盘架fixed head disk frame
railw.固定导向心盘fixed guide center plate
plast.固定座盘clamping flange
met.固定式烧结盘stationary sintering pan
met.固定式烧结盘stationary pan
met.固定式研磨盘fixed abrasive lap
tech.固定式聚漆盘fixed drip tray
wind.固定法兰盘fixed flange
compr.固定涡旋盘stationary scroll
compr.固定涡旋盘fixed scroll
tech.固定淘汰盘buddle frame
tech.固定淘汰盘sleeping table
tech.固定的斜盘stationary swash plate
telecom.固定磁头磁盘fixed head disc
multimed.固定磁头磁盘fixed head disk
IT固定磁头磁盘存储器fixed head disc storage
IT固定磁头磁盘存储器fixed head disk storage
IT固定磁头磁盘装置fixed head disk unit
IT固定磁盘存储器fixed-disc storage
IT固定磁盘存储器fixed disk storage
el.固定磁盘机fixed disk device
IT固定磁盘格式化fixed disk formatting
port.facil.固定系船柱电动绞盘fixed bollard electric capstan
tech.固定调制盘fixed reticle
busin.固定资产盘亏loss from shortage of fixed asset
busin.固定资产盘亏shortage in physical inventory of fixed assets
busin.固定资产盘亏fixed assets under book amount
busin.固定资产盘盈overage in physical inventory of fixed asset
busin.固定资产盘盈fixed assets over book amount
tech.固定资产盘盈盘亏和毁损的审计audit of profiteer loss and impairment of fixed assets
econ.固定资金的盘点stocktaking of fixed resources
textile固定针盘式套口机steady dial looper
met.固定面板式配电盘dead front switchboard
tech.固定面板式配电盘dead front type switchboard
tech.国铁定期直达列车集装箱底盘车container chassis for freight liner of JNR
textile国际法定清盘international legal liquidation
anim.husb.牧草圆盘测定仪disk meter
avia.外罗盘定位台outer compass locator
el.大容量固定磁盘large fixed-disk
agric.太阳罗盘定向suncompass orientation
tech.太阳罗盘定向sun compass orientation
avia.安定罗盘aperiodic compass
met.定位卡盘positioning chuck
avia.定位度盘setting circle
tech.定位活版盘register galley
auto.定位盘reaction plate (reaction disc)
avia.定位罗盘bearing compass
IT定向涂覆磁盘orientation coating disk
tech.定向罗盘orientation compass
tech.定向罗盘directional finding compass
tech.定影盘fixing tray
wind.定心夹盘centering chuck
agric.定性盘测定qualitative plate test
transp.定指不摆罗盘针aperiodic compass
agric.定时[磁]盘timing disk
tech.定时 〔同步〕磁盘timing disk
tech.定时盘timing disc
tech.定时配电盘timer distributor
busin.定期实地盘存periodic physical count
manag.定期实地盘点数periodic physical counts
busin.定期平均盘存法inventory plans, periodic average
busin.定期年终盘存regular end-of-year inventory
textile定期报盘regularity of offers
econ.定期报盘the regularity of offers
interntl.trade.定期盘存periodic inventory
manag.定期盘存period inventory
tech.定期盘存periodical inventory
interntl.trade.定期盘存制periodic inventory system
busin.定期盘存法periodic inventory method
busin.定期盘存法periodic review system
securit.定期盘存法periodic inventory system
tech.定期盘点periodical review
tech.定期盘点periodic review
tech.定期盘点periodical inventory
tech.定期盘点periodic inventory
securit.定期盘点制periodic inventory system
manag.定期盘点法periodical stock taking metod
textile定期盘点法periodical stock taking method
busin.定期盘点法periodical stock-taking method
oil定标盘index pad
auto.灯光定焦盘prefocus plate
fin.定盘fix (为汇率或商品制定一个正式的价格,通常在每个交易日进行)
auto.定钳盘式制动器disc brake with fixed caliper
tech.定闹盘locking plate
busin.年终定期盘存regular end-of-year inventory
auto.底盘定位调准chassis alignment
tech.度盘定位circle setting
space度盘定向dial orientation
tech.度盘定向circle orientation
tech.度盘定向钮circle orienting knob
tech.度盘指针式热效率测定仪dial-needle heat-efficiency meter
securit.开放式定盘open fixing
securit.开盘价确定determination of opening price
busin.待处理固定资产盘盈surplus fixed assets in suspense
tech.感应圆盘式定向功率继电器induction disc type directional power relay
tech.感应圆盘式定向继电器induction disc type directional relay
econ.我们保证对于你方发盘定予认真考虑We assure that your offer will certainly receive our careful consideration
commer.我们遗憾地得悉你方为获确定递盘的努力未获成功We regret to note that your efforts to gel firm bids have proved futile
interntl.trade.报盘与投标的估定assessment of offers and tenders
securit.收盘随市定价市场收盘时以尽可能最优的价格进行交易的客户指令at the close
auto.放开转向盘驾驶稳定性free control stability
tech.无线电罗盘定位radio compass fix
tech.星象罗盘定向star compass orientation
tech.月亮罗盘定向moon compass orientation
busin.样品确定后生效的报盘offer subject to sample approval
lab.eq.棋盘滴定checkerboard titration
tech.模子定心盘die center
gen.模子定心盘die centre
tech.水平度盘定位螺丝horizontal circle setting screw
fin.汇率定盘currency fixings
busin.定盘存估价法legal valuation method of inventory
dril.大钩法兰盘定位锁销collar pin lock plug
busin.法定清盘legal liquidation
el.活动固定磁盘驱动器removable solid-state disk driver
tech.液压控制快速定心卡盘fast-acting hydraulic controlled self centrical chuck
busin.特定成本盘存法inventory plans, specific cost
econ.由于目前市场价格不稳定,我们不能给你方报实盘Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer
navig.由标准罗盘确定的方位bearing per standard compass
navig.由陀螺罗盘确定的方位bearing per gyro compass
navig.由驾驶罗盘确定的方位bearing per steering compass
securit.盘前定价机制pre-market pricing mechanism
busin.盘存计价个别鉴定法specific identification inventory costing method
textile盘式给定器dial setter
busin.盘旋不稳定spiral instability
avia.盘旋定向着陆和进场系统landing and approach system, spiral-oriented
tech.看样本后决定发盘offer subject to sample approval
interntl.trade.着样本后决定发盘offer subject to sample approval
tech.确定罗盘偏差adjustment the compass
commer.确定递盘firm bid
bridge.定盘式桥牌赛set game
bridge.定盘式桥牌赛set game
anim.husb.纸盘放射免疫测定paper disk radioimmunoassay
tech.罗盘卡摆动不定compass is wild
avia.罗盘定位台compass locator
navig.罗盘定位器compass locator
oil罗盘标定compass calibration
el.罗盘、雷达与全球定位系统compass, radar and GPS
nurs.胎儿胎盘功能测定fetal-placenta function determination
tech.自动定心卡盘concentrical jaw chuck
tech.自动定心卡盘concentric jaw chuck
tech.带校正装置的自动定时盘offset dial
chem.自定心三爪卡盘three-jaw selfcen-tering chuck
tech.自定心三爪卡盘three-jaw self-centering chuck
auto.自定心卡盘self-centering chuck
tech.表盘固定销dial foot
proj.manag.要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities
el.计时控制圆盘设定time dial setting
el.计算机辅助键盘鉴定器computer assisted keyboard evaluator
el.跳闸整定值刻度盘trip dial
auto.车轮固定盘法兰wheel backing plate
tech.转向盘定位steering wheel placing
oil转盘额定静载荷rated static rotary load
IT软盘系统 固定磁盘存储器fixed disc storage
IT软盘系统 固定磁盘存储器flexible disc system
auto.轴相对于底盘选定点的位置axle spacing
tech.配电盘及故障点标定装置switch board and fault locator
IT键盘锁定keyboard lockout
agric.键盘锁定标志keyboard lock flag
tech.陀螺稳定罗盘gyrostabilized compass
commer.限定报盘limited offer