
Terms containing 定期货运 | all forms | in specified order only
textile定期货运tramp shipping
tech.定期货运物资tramper cargo
tech.定期货运物资tramp cargo
logist.不定期航船货运指数index of tramp shipping freights
interntl.trade.不定期航行船只货运指数index of tramp shipping freights
busin.不定期货船运价指数index of tramp shipping freight
busin.不定期货船运费率tramp shipping freight rate
textile不定期货船运输tramp shipping freight
textile不定期货轮运费tramp shipping freight
busin.不定期货轮运费tramp freight
busin.不定期货轮运输tramp service
econ.你们可放心我们会在规定期限内将余下的货物装运You may rely on it that we are shipping the remaining goods within the period specified
shipb.定期货船运费cargo liner freight
shipb.定期货船运费率cargo liner rate
textile定期货运time freight
avia.定期货运scheduled freight
auto.定期货运汽车cargo liner
tech.定期货运班轮cargo liner
textile定期货运航线scheduled freight line
econ.定期货运航线the scheduled freight line
tech.高速货运定期列车freight liner