
Terms for subject Economy containing 定在 | all forms | in specified order only
上述各项规定在本协议终止后仍属有效The above-mentioned stipulations will survive termination of this agreement
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business
你们可放心我们会在规定期限内将余下的货物装运You may rely on it that we are shipping the remaining goods within the period specified
你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme
兹通知你方如不能在规定时间内付款,我方将对你方提出索赔We wish to inform you that if you fail to effect payment within the stipulated time, we shall lodge a claim with you
经济的内在稳定因素built-in stabilizer
内在稳定因素built in stabilizer
发证人以后所作的新规定,本许可证亦可适用,并包括在内The license also includes and extends to new regulations made by the licensor
因为雇员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
在一定时间内付款可享受的折扣time discount
在一定程度上in a manner
在一定程度上to a degree
在一定距离的地方at a distance
在不定条件下under uncertainty condition
在不确定情况下under uncertainty condition
在与客户商谈之前,他们还不能作出决定They cant come to a decision until they have talked with their clients
在任何情况下,付款条件应由销售公司来决定The payment terms shall in all eases be determined by the sales company
在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美元的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
在寡占下的价格与产量的决定price output determination in oligopoly
在…担任一定角色figure in
在此情况下,董事会不得不取消从那家外国公司进口原料的决定Tn this case the board of directors has to reverse its decision on importing materials from that foreign company
在每个单位费用的特定种类下under specific type of per unit cost
在用固定资产fixed assets in use
在确定情况下under certainty condition
在确定此类公平价值时,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern
在预算中我们预定了 20万美元的费用We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget
定购数量在200打以上,可减价5%For quantities of more than 200 dozen the price will be reduced by five percent
总经理决定在曼谷建立一个新的分公司The managing director decided to set up a new branch in Bangkok
我们决定在纽约用出售股票方式成立一家新公司We have decided to float a new company in New York
我们在长城饭店为你们接风洗尘有特定的原因We arrange the banquet in your honor here in Great Wall Hotel for a specific purpose
我们将在一定的时间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment
我们有希望在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet
我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
我方产品每台定价100美元,包括附件费用在内,非常好销Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories
我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point
我相信在执行合同中引起的争端一定会以双方都感到满意的方式得到解决I believe that the dispute arising from the execution of the contract will surely be settled to the satisfaction of both parties
按财产所在地征税的规定the situs rules
政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements
由于大量承约,在圣诞节之前我方不能接受新定单Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot accept any new orders before Christmas
真正的难题是扩大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
经过仔细调查,我们认为箱子必定是在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运A careful investigation inclines us to think that the cases must have been roughly handled on route
若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection
若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection
让货币浮动,意思就是让它在国际市场上自行确定其兑换率The float of a currency means letting it find its own exchange rate on the international market
该商行在海外市场上经营出口业务甚为稳定The firm is doing steady export activities in overseas markets
该股票稳定在1.5美元的价位The stock firmed at $1.50
该轮船将停靠在约定的装运港The ship will berth at the agreed port of shipment
货物在指定的装船港装船goods to be loaded at named port of loading
这笔定货一定要在12月前交付It is a vital necessity to execute this order before December