
Terms for subject Technology containing 定出 | all forms | in specified order only
一小时额定出one-hour rating
不定期单位支出计算non-periodical calculation of unit expenditures
不定期单位支出计算non-periodic calculation of unit expenditures
与运输量无关的固定支出fixed expenditures not related to traffic volume
作出决定的过程decision process
出口信贷君子协定gentlemen's agreement on export credit
出口商品稳定基金stable funds of export commodities
出票后定期付款payable at fixed period after date
出票后定期汇票bill payable at a fixed period after date
定出firm output
固定时延输出fixed-delay output
固定溢出fixed overflow
固定连续挤出系统stationary continuous extrusion machine
定义性出现defining occurrence
定值性出现generation occurrence
定值输出deterministic output
定出口截面喷嘴fixed exit nozzle
定出断面design of section
定出航向shape a course
定向数据输出格式format of data directed output
定心凸出物spigot edge
定心凸出物centring spigot
定期单位支出计算periodical calculation of unit expenditures
定期单位支出计算periodic calculation of unit expenditures
定点溢出fixed overflow
定相输出uniphase output
已接受而尚未运出的定货总数backlog of orders
年固定支出annual fixes cost
年固定支出annual fixed charges
开往指定出口港火车上交货价free on board cars LCL (less than carload lot)
总支出协定overall payment agreement
总额定出gross rated capacity
定出料量constant discharge
恒定输出振荡器constant output oscillator
恒定输出放大镜constant output amplifier
挤出式流变测定法extrusion rheometry
排出规定effluent control
数据定向输出data-directed output
旋转定位读出rotational position sensing
水井出水量测定设备water-well yield test equipment
定出售商品official selling
法定滞留和出售权statutory right of detention and sale
混凝土透水试验用流出水量测定法output test
浸出物测定determination of extractives
用桩定出stake out
用镘刀刮出一定深度的灰缝trowelled joint
用镘刀刮出一定深度的灰缝troweled joint
相互出借协定interloan agreement
看样本后决定出offer subject to sample approval
定出firm bid
租出固定资产fixed assets for rent
定出stable effluent
稳定性出价stabilising bid
稳定最大输出firm peak output
稳定最大输出firm peak capacity
稳定馏出燃料stable distillate fuel
窗口定位出错window alignment error
符合规定的支出qualifying expenditures
算符定义性出现operator-defined occurrence
经检验定出的产量tested capacity
超出额定值的电压over-rating voltage
转速读出可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
载波额定输出功率carrier power-output rating
输出入相抵协定import-export offset agreement
输出功率稳定度output power stability
输出电平不稳定性output level instability
输出电流额定值output current rating
输出稳定度output stability
输出能量稳定度output energy stability
输出额定值output rating
速度读出可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
锅炉额定出boiler rating output
锅炉额定输出功率rated output of boiler
限定输出功率limited output
非法定支出extra statutory expenditures
预定输出控制schedule control
定出bonds authorized
定出rated capability
额定输出specified output
额定输出rated output (功率)
额定输出功率normal output
额定输出电压nominal output voltage
额定连续出力normal continuous rating