
Terms containing 完整 面 | all forms | in specified order only
oil不完整剖面immature profile
met.不完整晶面imperfect face
fin.全面、完整的计划comprehensive and integrated plan
el.地面完整性监测信道ground integrity monitoring channel
tech.完整光滑面理论Kossel theory (晶体生长)
tech.完整面finished face
desert.完整面universal face
proj.manag.带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个地面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target
econ.我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档案We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers
cosmet.涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别加强涂抹After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes
space表面完整性surface integrity