
Terms for subject International trade containing 完成 | all forms | in specified order only
完成non-fulfilments non performance
以抵消方式要求偿还时效已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
作成责成被告完成具体行为的判决enter a judgement providing for specific performance
因时效完成不能行使的权利right barred by reason of limitation
完全标准成本perfection standard cost
完成买卖executed sale
完成定货completed order
完成工作所需人的条件job specifications
完成工作所需人的条件job specification
完成时效期satisfy the prescriptive period
完成百分率基础计算成一法percentage of completion basis
完成的数量quantitative performance
完成销货order filling
审计师致证券包销商工作完成通知书comfort letter
尚未完成的合同pending contract
建筑完成量价值建筑产品价值value of construction output
建筑完成量价值建筑产品价值value of construction put in place
恢复时效已完成的债权revival of a barred claim
恢复时效已完成的权利revive a barred right
时效完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
时效已完成的权利right for which the limitation period has expired
时效已告完成prescription which has taken effect
最终保险完成closed line
完成交易incomplete transaction
完成合同uncompleted contract
完成契约uncompleted contract
完成定单back of unfilled orders
没有完成必要的凭证手续failure to complete required paperwork
消灭时效已完成的债obligation barred by prescription
清偿时效已完成的债权fulfillment of barred claims
行使时效已完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
装卸准备完成通知notice of readiness