
Terms for subject China containing 完善的 | all forms | in specified order only
不断完善的法制环境constantly improving legal environment
不断完善社会主义的各项制度steadily improve socialist institutions
修改完善现有的法律amend and improve the laws currently in force
基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas
完善人民的民主权利保障制度improve the system for safeguarding the people's democratic rights
完善代表列席常委会会议的机制improve the mechanism for having deputies attend meetings of the Standing Committee as non-voting participants
完善代表小组的组织活动方式improve the way activities for teams of deputies are organized
完善公众参与、专家论证和政府决策相结合的决策机制improve the policy-making process by integrating public participation, expert evaluation and government decision-making
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规strengthen the social safety net
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规standardize people's organizations and improve public administration
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs
建立比较完善的财政保障政策体系框架set up a sound policy framework to guarantee funding (for)