
Terms for subject Securities containing 完全 | all forms | in specified order only
完全义务信托imperfect obligation trust
完全单据incomplete bill
完全契约incomplete contract
完全套期imperfect hedge
完全的信息imperfect information
全部售完辛迪加经办人向其成员宣布所有为机构销售所保留的股票已全部售完pot is clean
证券全部售完fully distributed
全部预订完be booked up
公司治理全套完整规则whole set of complete rules for corporate governance
完全事后清偿full ex-post settling up
完全保有的财产freehold estate
完全信用债券full-faith and credit bond
完全免费基金pure no-load fund
完全公开市场价格full open market price
完全兼并full merger
完全兼并企业的一切都被兼并,包括名称都不复存在forward merger
完全决定权full discretion/discretionary power
完全利息定价full accrual pricing
完全双向支付full two-way payments
完全反稀释将转换价格降低至新一轮融资时收购价格的绝对值full-ratchet antidilution
完全合并full merger
完全套期交易perfect hedge
完全对冲perfect hedge
完全所有权perfect title
完全披露原则principle of full disclose
完全披露要求full-disclosure requirement
完全损失total loss
完全支付absolute payment
完全改变的过手证券fully modified pass-through securities
完全权益perfected interest
完全棘齿full ratchet (公司章程中,保护原股东权益的规定)
完全独占pure monopoly
完全留置权perfected lien
完全留置权perfect lien
完全相同的要约identical offer
完全秘密信托fully secret trust
完全稀释fully diluted
完全稀释后的收益fully diluted earnings
完全稀释后股本fully diluted share capital
完全竞争资本市场complete capital market
完全第一留置权perfected first lien
完全股票full-paid capital share
完全补偿full remuneration
完全裁量权full discretion/discretionary power
完全解除absolute discharge
完全证券组合complete portfolio
完全评价法full valuation
完全贬值full devaluation
完全付清的not full payout
完全偿还债款unsatisfied debt