
Terms for subject Business containing 完全 | all forms | in specified order only
完全代替品imperfect substitution
完全伽马函数incomplete gama function
完全信息incomplete information
完全关税同盟incomplete customs union
完全 0 函数incomplete function
完全区组incomplete blocks
完全区组设计incomplete blocks design
完全名单名单抽样list sampling with incomplete lists
完全垄断incomplete monopoly
完全寡头垄断imperfect oligopoly
完全竞争市场指市场不能发挥充分竞争的作用imperfect market
完全所有权imperfect ownership
完全所有权指土地、房产所有权有纠纷; 或指以欺诈、盗窃而得到的钱物等defective title
意外险完全所有权保单指购买有纠纷的房地产,为避免损失而投保的保险单defective-title policy
完全数字incomplete figures
完全方程式incomplete equation
完全模型partial model
完全物权imperfect real right
完全票据incomplete bills
票面记载不详的完全票据incomplete bill
完全稳定imperfect stability
完全竞争论theory of incomplete competition
完全竞争论theory of imperfect competition
完全背书partial endorsement
完全观测值incomplete performance
完全识别情形underidentified case
互相完全独立分量mutually totally independent components
全部完工法completion contract method
全部完工法complete contract method
全部完成合同计算法completed contract method
全面完成合同completed contract
半平衡不完全区组设计semibalanced incomplete block design
半平衡不完全区组设计SBIB design
完全部存货clear out all the holding
双方完全自愿complete willingness of the two parties
同质不完全竞争homogeneous imperfect competition
国际资本完全市场perfect international capital market
完全in toto
完全一致perfect agreement
完全不承认责任disclaim all liability
完全不联通图totally disconnected graph
完全不错all approval
完全专业化perfect specialization
完全临界线complete critical set
完全估计式perfect estimator
完全保有的地产free hold
完全信息full information
完全信息对策perfect information game
完全信息最大似然法full information maximum likelihood method
完全信息极大似然法FIML method
完全偶图complete bigraph
完全充分统计complete sufficient statistic
完全兑换即一国货币可自由兑换成它国货币full convertibility
完全共线性perfect collinearity
完全分工perfect division of labor
完全单位法complete units method
完全双向通信full duplex
完全可决系数coefficient of total determination
完全可加性complete additivity
完全合伙full partnership
完全合格的highly qualified
完全合格的会计员fully-fledged accountant
完全同意all okay
完全同意fully subscribed
完全名单名单抽样list sampling with complete lists
完全在本国生产准则wholly produced criterion
完全地产使用费complete landed property use fees
完全均等线line of perfect equality
完全垄断absolute monopoly
完全多重共线性perfect multicollinearity
完全多重共线性complete multicollinearity
完全多重相关perfect multiple correlation
完全契约条款integration clause
完全子图complete subgraph
完全密度函数complete density function
完全对称分布perfectly symmetric distribution
完全就事实而论in sober fact
完全自由竞争市场perfect market
完全开工capacity operation
完全弹性complete elasticity
完全性条件condition for completeness
完全成本定价法absorption pricing
完全承保条款full coverage clause
完全承保条牛承保范围广泛的承保条件full condition
完全接受complete acceptance
完全收回的租赁full payout lease
完全无弹性complete inelasticity
完全显著性差异wholly significant difference
完全条件的船舶保险单hull policy in full conditions
完全极大似然估计量full maximum likelihood estimate
完全complete tree
完全正关系perfect positive relation
完全正则测度complete regular measure
完全正相关perfect positive correlation
完全法定重量full legal weight
完全混合对策completely mixed game
完全特许银行fully licensed bank
完全独立perfect independence
完全独立随机变量completely independent random variable
完全生命表completed life table
完全生效行为complete action
完全登记证券fully-registered bond
完全相关随机变数perfectly correlated random variables
完全稳定perfect stability
完全空间complete space
完全竞争产业perfectly competitive industry
完全竞争市场perfectly competitive market
完全等级相关perfect rank correlation
完全签署fully subscribed
完全简化式模型complete reduced-form model
完全系数向量complete coefficient vector
完全线性相关perfect linear dependency
完全统计量complete statistics
完全继承人successor in total
完全编辑editing for completeness
完全联合complete association
完全背书indorsement in full
完全自主管理completely autonomous management
完全自主经营completely autonomous operation
完全自由贸易区full free trade area
完全计算perfect computation
完全负关系perfect negative relation
完全负相关perfect negative correlation
完全负相关complete negative dependence
完全货币complete money
完全连串码fully concatenated key
完全连接性full articulation
完全金本位制full gold standard
完全限定full definite
完全随机化实验设计completely randomized experimental design
完全随机化隐藏策略completely randomized hiding strategy
完全随机数列completely random series
完全随机模型complete stochastic model
完全预测perfect forecast
完全预测直线perfect forecast line
完全预测线line of perfect forecast
完全完整履行合同defective performance
模型完全mode completion
渐近完全分布asymptotically distribution free
潜在的完全竞争perfect potential competition
电文全文完end of message
系统平衡不完全区组设计symmetrical balanced incomplete-block (design)
综合抽样比不完全抽样multiple fraction defective sampling
被跨国公司完全控制的一部分商品commodity export enclave
部分平衡的不完全区组设计partially-balanced incomplete block (design)
里昂惕夫完全消费系数Leontief complete consumption coefficient
随机化完全模块设计randomized complete block design
完全规范化决策non-completely specified decision
非循环完全子群non-cyclic complete subgroup