
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
事故中的全区域safe area in the context of a casualty
优惠贸易preferential trade arrangements
传送装置的全工作载荷safe working load of a loose gear
不符合项security non-conformity
事件security incident
声明declaration of security
威胁security threat
措施治安措施security measures
等 1security level 1 (正常,船舶和港口正常操作)
等级 2security level 2 (加强)
等级 3特殊security level 3
等级security level
设备security equipment
值班全系统vigilance system
健康、全和环境health, safety and environmental
全球海上遇险和全系统 GMDSS 标识global maritime distress and safety system GMDSS identities
公司保company security officer
公司的全管理目标safety management objectives of the company
初步系统全评估preliminary system safety assessment
危险程度和全标记degree of hazard and safety label
危难、紧迫和全警报distress, urgency and safety alarms
双杆操作全负荷safe working load for union purchase
可卸零部件的全工作载荷safe working load for detachable gear
合格全型certified safe type
合格全型设备certified safe-type equipment
英国国家全局National Security Agency
国际全管理 ISM 规则International Safety Management ISM Code
1974/1978 国际海上人命全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 74,78, as amended from time to time published by IMO (SOLAS)
国际海事人命全公约SOLAS convention
国际消防全系统规则FSS code (FSS 规则)
国际消防全系统规则The International Code for Fire Safety Systems
国际消防全系统规则International Code for fire safety systems (FSS 规则)
国际航运全及防止污染管理规则International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention
国际船舶保证书International ship security certificate
国际船舶和港口设施保 ISPS 规则International Ship and Port Facility Security ISPS Code
地交 WIG全证书wing-in-ground craft safety certificate
垂直定面vertical stabilizing fin
基于全方针和目标的绩效economy-based safety policy and objective
"e"增电气设备increased safety"e" electrical equipment
外部全相关信息external safety related messages
太赫兹检仪security check instrument by Tera-Hz wave
全与应急准备措施的有效性分析effectiveness analysis of safety and emergency preparedness measures
全与应急准备的功能要求functional requirements to safety and emergency preparedness
全中心safety centre
全保护系统safety and protective system
全保护装置safety protective device
全关键safety critical
全切断safety cut-out
全区域safety area
全及极限保护safety and limit control
全及极限保护safety and limit protection
全口盖逃口盖escape cover
全和利于环保safe and environmentally friendly
全和环境无害化拆船指南guidelines for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling
全因数安全系数safety factor
全固化剂低毒固化剂safety hardener
全完整性safety integrity
全完整性水平safety integrity level
全完整性等级safety integrity level
全工作极限safe working limit
全工作载荷等safe working load
全弹簧release spring
全性审查safety audit
全插入深度safety inserting depth
全放艇索life line
全方位clearing bearing
全水准safety level
全水平法safety-level approach
全港safe port
全状况safety condition
全瓣安全挡板safety flap
全目标safety objective
全相关的自动功能safety related automatic functions
全程序safe procedure
全等效safety equivalency
全等级safety level
全管理体系safety management system (SMS)
全管理体系 SMS 的基本要求functional requirements for a safety management system (SMS)
全管理手册safety management manual
全膜片safety membrane
全膜片safety disk
全装卸货物手册safe loading and unloading of cargos manual
全设备检验safety equipment survey
全通道safe route
全通道safe passage
全避风港safe haven
全释放装置relief device
全链备用链条safety chain
全销保险销safety pin
全阀safety relief valve
全阀调整试验safety valve operation test
全降落速度safety falling velocity
德森电源产品Anderson power-supply product
装稳性installation stability
静型先进推进系统advanced quiet propulsion system
静型潜艇quiet submarine
实地保physical security
客船全证书safety certificate for passenger ships
2009尽早实施2009年香港国际全与环境无害化拆船公约中的技术标准Early implementation of the technical standards of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
free of average
2009 年香港国际全与环境无害化拆船公约Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Cycling of Ships, 2009
弹性flexible installing
弹簧外露式全阀exposed spring type safety valve
总体装方案installation process
故障全原则failure safe principle
故障全原则fail-safe principle
无键装螺旋桨轴keyless screwshaft
最终全地点ultimate points of safety
"i"本质全电路intrinsically-safe circuit "i"
极限全因数限安全系数ultimate factor of safety
核能货船全证书nuclear cargo safety certificate
核能货船全证书或核能客船安全证书nuclear cargo ship safety certificate or nuclear passenger ship safety certificate
气体全区域gas-safe space
气体全处所gas safe space
水平定面horizontal stabilizing fin
海上offshore installation
海上保审核员security auditor at sea
IMO 海事全委员会IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
消防全培训手册fire safety training manual
消防全工程设计engineering analysis on fire safety
消防全操作工程分析engineering analysis on fire safety operation
消防全操作手册fire safety operational book
消防全操作手册fire safety operation booklets
消防全目标fire safety objectives
消防全系统fire safety system
消防全系统规则fire safety systems code
涡轮机装船self-propulsion and self-elevating platform
港口保port security officer
港口设备保port facility security officer
港口设施保计划port facility security plan
潜水系统全证书diving system safety certificate
澳大利亚海事全局Australian Maritime Safety Authority
热作safe-for-hot work
特殊用途船舶全证书special purpose ship safety certificate
特种业务客船全证书special trade passenger ship safety certificate
环境environmentally safe
甲板全索具和安全索deck safety harness and safety line
破坏保状况collapsing security condition
破坏保状态status of damaged security
稳性、载重线和渔船全分委员会Sub-committee on Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety
ILO 第152号职业全与健康码头工作公约ILO152 Convention concerning occupational safety and health in dock work
综合全评估formal safety assessment
自动全控制器automatic safety control
自升式风电装船wind turbine installation vessel
IMO 航海全委员会IMO subcommittee on safety of navigation (NAV)
航行全分委员会Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation
"船上天然气燃料发动机装置全暂行指南"interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship
船员全通道的可接受的装置acceptable arrangements of means for safe passage of crew
船舶全管理体系ship safety management system
船舶保ship security
船舶保体系ship security system
船舶保ship security officer
船舶保威胁辨识ship security identification
船舶保报警系统ship security alarm system
船舶保计划ship security plan
船舶保计划和相关记录ship security plan and associated records
船舶保评估ship security assessment
苏联国家全委员会Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
蓄电池充培小时计battery meter
认可的保组织recognized security organization
货船全证书certificate for cargo ships
货船全证书cargo ship safety certificate
货船无线电全证书cargo ship radio certificate
货船构造全证书ship safety construction certificate
货船设备全证书ship safety equipment certificate
起重设备的全工作载荷safe working load for hoisting apparatus
过压全阀个人漂浮装置overpressure relief valve personal flotation device
连锁全系统interlocking safety system
透气系统的全装置safety device in venting systems
锅炉舱全出口stokehold escape
风电装船offshore wind farm installation vessel
高压全阀high pressure safety valve
高速船全证书high-speed craft safety certificate