
Terms for subject International trade containing 安全 | all forms | in specified order only
不保证船舶经常浮泊但要求安全搁浅not always afloat but safe aground
世界粮食安全制度system of world food security
保持安全浮泊always safely afloat
共同安全总署Mutual Security Agency
共同安全法案Mutual Security Act
关于海关安全的安排应以各国法律为准national legislation regarding the customs security arrangements should prevail
军事安全关税tariff for military security
国际安全运输集装箱公约1972年12月2 日International Convention for Safe Transport Container
国际海上人命安全公约international convention for safety of life at sea
国际集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safe Transport Container
安全保护程度protection of security
安全入口security entrance
安全合格牌照safety approval plate
安全和工业标准safety and industrial standards
安全地带margin of safety
安全存货safety stock
安全条件safeguard requirement
商品安全margin of safety
安全margin of safety
安全积载所需的袋装货bag for safe stowage
安全网基金safety net facility
安全装置security device
安全负荷safe working load
安全资本security capital
安全边际指可能达到的销货额超过保本点销货额的保险数额;指售价超过成本的数额margin of safety
安全边际指售价超过成本的数额margin of safety
安全通行safe conduct
安全通行证safe conduct
安全限量threshold limit values
安全集装箱safe container
破损漏气物件必须移至安全地点用于易燃液体leaking packages must be removed to a safe place
社会安全法案social security act
社会安全security tax
社会安全给付social security benefit checks
船内安全报告clean bill of health
船只能安全到达的附近地点as near thereto as the ship can safely get
[经]资源的全面安排over-all disposition of resources