
Terms containing 宇宙辐 射 | all forms | in specified order only
el.主要宇宙辐射primary cosmic radiation
tech.宇宙辐射primary cosmic radiation
tech.宇宙射电辐射cosmical ratio radiation
tech.宇宙射电辐射cosmic ratio radiation
space宇宙微波背景辐射cosmic microwave background radiation
space宇宙背景辐射cosmic background radiation
tech.宇宙背景辐射cosmical background radiation
environ.宇宙辐射cosmic radiation Radiations consisting of atomic nuclei, especially protons, of very high energy that reach the earth from outer space. Some cosmic radiations are very energetic and are able to penetrate a mile or more into the Earth (来自外太空而具有非常高能量的、由原子核-特别是质子所组成的辐射。有些宇宙辐射具有极高的能量,可以穿透地球超过一英里深。)
tech.宇宙辐射cosmical radiation
nat.sc.宇宙辐射cosmic rays
tech.宇宙辐射space radiation
nucl.phys.宇宙辐射cosmic radiation
el.γ 宇宙辐射gamma cosmic radiation
space宇宙辐射extraterrestrial radiation
tech.宇宙辐射cosmical radiation value
tech.宇宙辐射cosmic radiation value
space宇宙辐射卫星cosmic radiation satellite (日本 X 射线天文卫星)
el.宇宙辐射研究卫星cosmic radiation satellite
space宇宙辐射卫星日本X射线天文卫星,又名 Hakucho cortical activity 皮层活动cosmic radiation satellite
earth.sc.宇宙辐射和银河射线研究卫星satellite for the study of cosmic radiation and galactic rays
busin.宇宙辐射硬性部分hard component of cosmic radiation
space宇宙高能辐射监测cosmic high-energy radiations monitoring
el.机载宇宙辐射告警设备airborne cosmic radiation warning equipment
avia.机载宇宙辐射警告设备airborne cosmic radiation warning equipment
tech.宇宙辐射secondary cosmic radiation
space次级宇宙辐射secondary cosmic radiation
tech.宇宙辐射super cosmic radiation
space辐射效应实验宇宙线望远镜cosmic ray telescope for the effect of radiation (美国月球勘察轨道器上的)
agric.高空宇宙辐射high-altitude cosmic radiation