
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 学 说 | all forms | in specified order only
三联体学说triplet theory
两点附着学说生理theory of two point attachment
个体发生学说进化ontogenic theory
交替途径学说生理alternate pathway theory
体细胞交换学说somatic crossing over theory
免疫学说生理immune theory
冰川学说glacial theory
冰川反气旋学说glacial anticyclone theory
分子学说molecular theory
化学渗透学说chemiosmotic theory
原套原体学说解剂tunica-corpus theory
原生质学说理论protoplasm theory
原生质学说理论plasma theory
吸涨学说生理theory of imbibition
吸附学说生理adsorption theory
埃斯皮-柯本学说Espy-Koppen theory
基因对基因学说gene-for-gene theory
基因平衡学说genic balance theory
基因组学说genome theory
基因组学说genomic theory
基因转变学说gene conversion theory
基因针对性学说gene-for-gene theory
学说theory (theoria)
对流学说convectional theory
干系学说stem-line theory
平流层引导学说theory of stratospheric steering
异源世代交替学说antithetic theory
心皮多形性学说polymorphism theory of carpel
抗体多样性的多基因学说multiple-gene theory of antibody diversity
抗体形成的选择性学说selective theory of antibody formation
拉马克学说进化Lamarckian theory
摩尔根学说Morganism (Morganismus)
杂合子学说heterozygosis theory
根压学说生理theory of root pressure
气旋学说theory of cyclone
浮力学说buoyancy theory
激素一乙烯平衡学说生理hormone-ethylene balance theory
物种恒定学说进化fixity of species theory
物种起源学说 进化theory of origin of species
生殖叶学说gonophyll theory
生活力学说vitality theory
生物学说 biologismus进化biologism
生物选择学说 进化theory of organic selection
甲醛学说生理formaldehyde theory
电化学说electrochemical theory
磁感离子学说magneto ionic theory
种质学说germplasm theory
DNA 突变学说不连续变异学说DNA saltation theory
类型特化学说进化theory of specialization of types
细胞学说cell doctrine
腐殖质学说土壤humus theory
腐殖质的木质素-蛋白质学说土壤ligno-proteintheory of humus
腐殖质营养学说 土壤theory of humus nutrition
诱生学说influence theory
质流学说土壤mass flow theory
超滤学说生理theory of ultra-filtration
越顶学说进化overtopping theory
重演学说进化reiterative theory
重演学说进化repeating theory
重演学说recapitulation theory
锋的学说frontology (frontologia)
降雨冰晶学说ice crystal theory of precipitation
雌性中心进化学说gynaecoentric theory
顶端细胞学说apical cell theory