
Terms for subject Environment containing 学生 | all forms | in specified order only
个体生态学autoecology That part of ecology which deals with individual species and their reactions to environmental factors (处理个体物种和它们对于环境的反应的生态学。)
人体生理学human physiology A branch of biological sciences that studies the functions of organs and tissues in human beings (生物学的分支,研究人体内器官与组织的功能。)
人类生态学human ecology The study of the growth, distribution, and organization of human communities relative to their interrelationships with other humans and other species and with their environment (研究人类群体的成长、分布和组织,与其他人类、其他种群、周围环境之间的相互关係。)
人类生物学human biology The study of human life and character (对人类生活和特征的研究。)
作物生态学crop ecology
修复生态学restoration ecology
农业生态学agricultural ecology
分子生物学molecular biology The study of the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena at the molecular level; the discipline is particularly concerned with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, the macromolecules essential to life processes. It seeks to understand the molecular basis of genetic processes. Techniques used include X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy (在分子水平上研究化学结构和生物现象过程;此学科特别关注的是蛋白质、核酸、酶、生命过程必不可少的大分子的研究。它的目的是了解对遗传过程的分子基础。使用的技术包括X -射线衍射和电子显微镜。)
动物生态学animal ecology A study of the relationships of animals to their environment (对动物及其与周围环境的关系的研究。)
动物生物学animal biology The scientific study of the natural processes of animals (研究动物的自然过程的科学)
动物生理学animal physiology Study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organisms (对于动物组织的正常处理和代谢的研究。)
学生态型chemoecotype (chemoecotypus)
学、生物和环境的chemical, biological and environmental
卫生学、保健学hygiene The science that deals with the principles and practices of good health (有关良好健康的原理与实践科学。)
古生态学palaeoecology The application of ecological concepts to fossil and sedimentary evidence to study the interactions of Earth surface, atmosphere, and biosphere in former times (应用生态化石和沉积的证据来研究地球表面之间的相互作用。)
古生物学palaeontology The study of life in past geologic time, based on fossil plants and animals and including phylogeny, their relationship to existing plants, animals, and environments, and the chronology of the Earth's history (地质时期动植物的化石,它们之间的关系对现有的植物、动物和环境、地球历史有参考价值。)
国际环境生物地球化学专题讨论会International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry
土壤生态学edaphology The study of the relationships between soil and organisms, including the use made of land by mankind (研究土壤和生物之间关系的学科,包括人类对土地的使用。)
土壤生物学soil biology The study of the living organisms, mainly microorganisms and microinvertebrates which live within the soil, and which are largely responsible for the decomposition processes vital to soil fertility (生物体的研究,该生物体主要是指生活在土壤内的微生物和无脊椎动物,主要研究土壤分解,对土壤肥沃程度起至关重要的作用。)
学校生活school life Any part or the sum of experiences had while attending an instructional institution, or the amount of time spent in such a program (进入教育机构获得的经验的部分或总和,或在这些机构花费的时间。)
寄生虫学parasitology A branch of biology which deals with those organisms, plant or animal, which have become dependent on other living creatures (生物学的一个分支,涉及到微生物、植物或动物。)
应用生态学applied ecology The application of ecological principles to the solution of human problems (用来解决人类问题的生态学原则方面的应用。)
微生物学microbiology The science and study of microorganisms, including protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and rickettsiae (微生物的科学和研究,包括原生动物、藻类、细菌、菌类、病毒和立克次体。)
恢复生态学restoration ecology
景观生态学landscape science
景观生态学landscape ecology The study of landscapes taking account of the ecology of their biological populations. The subjects thus embraces geomorphology and ecology and is applied to the design and architecture of landscapes (利用生物种群生态学对景观的研究。这样的主题涵盖地形学和生态学,并被应用于景观的设计和结构设计。)
植物生态学plant ecology Study of the relationships between plants and their environment (研究植物及其环境的关系。)
植物生态学者plant ecologist
植物生物学plant biology The scientific study of the natural processes of plants (植物自然过程的科学研究。)
植物生理学plant physiology The study of the function and chemical reactions within the various organs of plants (,植物不同器官的功能和化学反应。)
水生生物学hydrobiology Study of organisms living in water (水生生物体的相关研究。)
污染控制生态学pollution control ecology
河口生物学estuarine biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater (对在半封闭海岸水体的科学研究或生命特征过程研究。该水体可以自由连通到海洋,此处的海水被淡水显著稀释。)
海洋生物学marine biology A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea (一个生物学的分支,论述栖息在海中的生物。)
淡水生物学freshwater biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or river (对生活在含有较少含量溶解盐和矿物质的湖泊或河流中的生物进行的科学研究。)
生产工艺学process technology Any technical strategies, methods or tools used for the conception, design, development or implementation of any system (任何技术策略、方法或工具用于构思、设计、开发或任何系统的实现。)
生命科学life science A science based on living organisms collectively (一种基于所有生物的科学。)
生态学ecology The study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment (对活体生物与其生活环境之间相互联系的研究。)
生态学家的动态ecologist movement Grouping of individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection of the environment (致力于环境保护的个体与组织群体。)
生态小儿科学eco-paediatrics Branch of medical science concerning the study and the therapy of children diseases caused by environmental factors (医学的分支,关于环境因素引起幼儿疾病的研究与治疗。)
生态毒性学ecotoxicology The science dealing with the adverse effects of chemical, physical agents, and natural products on populations and communities of plants, animals and human beings (处理化学物质、物理代理和天然产品对于社区、动植物、和人类有不利影响的科学。)
生态生理学ecophysiology The study of biophysical, biochemical and physiological processes used by animals to cope with factors of their physical environment, or employed during ecological interactions with other organisms (研究动物用来应对物理环境因素,或者与其他的有机体发生生态交互时所运用的生物物理、生物化学和生物学过程的学科。)
生态系统动力学ecosystem dynamics
生物伦理学bioethics The study of ethical problems arising from biological research and its applications in such fields as organ transplantation, genetic engineering, or artificial insemination (在那些器官移植、基因工程或者人工受精等领域中,生物学研究及其应用引起的伦理问题的研究。)
生物化学biochemistry The study of chemical substances occurring in living organisms and the reactions and methods for identifying these substances (对于在活的有机体中出现的化学物质、以及确定这些物质的反应和方法的研究。)
生物地理化学循环biogeochemical cycle Movement of chemical elements in a circular pathway, from organisms to physical environment, back to organisms. The process is termed a nutrient cycle if the elements concerned are trace elements, which are essential to life. A biogeochemical cycle occurs when vegetation decomposes and minerals are incorporated naturally in the humus for future plant growth (化学元素的运动循环,从生物到物理环境,回到生物。如果相关元素是微量元素,这个过程被称为一个养分循环,是生命的基础。一个生物地理化学循环发生在植被分解,矿物为未来植物生长被自然用于腐殖质。)
生物地理学研究动植物的地理分布, 与动物和植物的地理分布有关的科学。biogeography The science concerned with the geographical distribution of animal and plant life
生物学biology A division of the natural sciences concerned with the study of life and living organisms (涉及生命和活的有机体的研究,是自然科学的一个分支。)
英国生物技术及生物学委员会Biotechnology and Biological Council (of the United Kingdom)
生物气候学bioclimatology The study of climate in relation to fauna and flora (有关动物和植物的气候的研究。)
生物物理学biophysics The hybrid science involving the application of physical principles and methods to study and explain the structures of living organisms and the mechanics of life processes (一种混合科学,涉及到物理原理和方法的应用以研究和解释生物结构和生命过程的力学。)
生理学physiology The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts (生物功能及其组成部分的研究。)
种群生态学population ecology The study of the interaction of a particular species or genus population with its environment (特殊种群或类与它们生活环境的交互作用的研究。)
学生scientific ecology The study of the interrelationship among living organisms and between organisms and their environment, utilizing the methods or theories of science (生物之间和生物和环境之间的相互关系的研究,这项研究利用了科学的方法或理论。)
空气生物学aerobiology The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects (研究空气传播的真菌、孢子、花粉粒和微生物在大气中的分布;广义上研究能发挥特殊生物效应的海藻和原生体的空气繁殖,微小昆虫(例如蚜虫),以及污染气体和微粒。)
美国卫生工程学会American Society of Sanitary Engineering
美国政府工业卫生学家会议American Conference on Government Industrial Hygienists
群落生态学synecology Study of the ecology of organisms, populations, communities or systems (在生物生态学、人口、社区或系统的研究。)
英国生态学学会British Ecological Society
英国职业卫生学会British Occupational Hygiene Society
营养生态学trophic ecology The study of the feeding relationships of organisms in communities and ecosystems. Trophic links between populations represent flows of organisms, organic energy and nutrients. Trophic transfers are important in population dynamics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem energetics (对群落和生态系统中生物的摄食关系的研究。种群之间的营养关联代表着生物体、有机能量和营养素的流动。营养的迁移在种群动态、生物地球化学和生态系统热力学方面是很重要的。)