
Terms for subject International trade containing 季 节 | all forms | in specified order only
出清存货季节season of sales
季节变动指数index of seasonal variation
季节变动补偿数字seasonally compensated figures
季节变动调整年率seasonally adjusted annual rate
季节性关税seasonal duty
季节性变动seasonal variation
季节性变动seasonal fluctuations
季节性折扣seasonal discount
季节性指数seasonal index
季节性税率seasonal tariff
季节性费率seasonal tariff
季节性运输seasonal transport
季节性限制seasonal restrictions
季节性需求seasonal demand
季节seasonal port
季节seasonal ports
季节调整的参数回归parametric regression method, season al-adjustment
季节进口限制seasonal import restriction
强调货物的季节underlie the seasonal character of the goods
季节变化调整adjustment of seasonal variations
季节调整seasonally adjusted
季节送货到农村deliver goods to the countryside in the right season
旺销季节peak selling period
没有调整季节变动的指数not seasonally adjusted index
淡销季节period of slack sales
经过已作季节调整的seasonally adjusted
调整季节变动后的指数seasonally adjusted index
调整季节变动后的数字seasonally adjusted figures
调整季节变动后的数字seasonally adjusted data
进行季节调整时所用的与移动平均数相比法ratio-to-moving-average method of seasonal adjustment
金融季节financial seasonableness