
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
book stacks
数码档案preserve digital archives
preservation copy
deposit copy
本阅览室reserved book room
本阅览室depository reading room
联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产国际公约Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
信息取服务information access service
光纤optical storage
interrial storage
合作保模式collaborative preservation system
国际图联保保护中心中国中心IFLA-PAC Regional Centre China
国际图联信息取和言论自由委员会IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression
储书库main collection
储书库main stacks
储书库basic stack room
取方针access policy
档价值archival value
档库archival depository
档库archival database
档数据archival data
档本archival copy
疑文献questioned document
疑文献document in question
实物储physical storage
藏书deposit collection
尚有in stock
stock number
reserved copy
开放取运动open access movement
数字储系统digital repository system
数字档系统digital archiving system
数字保digital preservation
数字资源保preserving digital information
数字资源保preservation of the digitized materials
数字资源保digital resource preservation
整合保系统integrated preservation system
extant works
美国密执安大学等期刊储计划Journal Storage Project
法定缴图书馆legal deposit library
海量mass memory
版权本保copyright depository
参考资料ready reference
移动闪USB flash drive
系统高速缓system cache
纸质电子图书共图书馆mixed library
纸质电子图书共图书馆hybrid library
缩微保microfilm preservation
preservation copy
deposit copy
档案质量archival standard
档案质量archival quality
联合国文件托图书馆United Nations document depository
联网network access
著者dubious author
著者doubtful authorship
资源著录与Resource Description and Access
远距图书储库remote storage facility
远距图书储库remote storage
远距图书储库off-site storage
远距图书储库off-campus storage
邮件mail archives
集中式collective archival data
顺序储结构sequential storage structure
顺序取储存sequential access storage
顺序取记忆sequential access memory
馆藏数字资源保preservation of the digitized materials
高密度储high density library storage