
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性调升利率bump-up CD (仅有一次调升利率的权利存单)
一级保荐美国托凭证sponsored I ADR
上限浮息capped floating rate deposit
在的投资non-existent investment
不可转让non-negotiable certificate of deposit
不生利non-interest-bearing account
与人民币汇率挂钩的RMB linked deposit
与信用主体挂钩型的credit linked deposit
专用基金deposits of specific fund
中国托凭证China depository receipt
中型股标普指数托凭证MidCap SPDR
中央股票储银行central scrip bank
中央证券central securities depository
中央证券管处central securities depository
中央证券管处国际会议Conference of Central Securities Depositories
亚太区中央证券管处组织Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group
亚太地区中央证券管组织Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group
亚洲款证明Asian CD
交易款计划dealing deposit scheme
交易商款基金dealer's deposits fund
交易库股票所得实收资本paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction
代管收据托程序escrow receipt depository program
企业enterprise deposits
企业利润部分留enterprise profit partly reserved
企业留盈利earning retained in business
伦敦托凭证London depositary receipts
伦敦托证券London depositary receipts
余额转balance down
作担保用人的证券securities deposited as collateral
使市场货过剩glut the market
供应商电子档系统vendor electronic filing system
供应商电子档系统一vendor electronic filing system
本金preserve capital
登记册keeping of register
的委托记录record keeping for orders
记录的规定record keeping requirement
资产preserve assets
资产maintenance of assets
保护款人法Protection of Depositors Act
信托trust deposit
信托fiduciary deposit
信托续期trust period
信贷deposit loan
信贷关联credit linked deposit
债权existence of obligation
偿债deposit for bond redemption
偿债基金sinking fund accumulation
偿债基金款因素sinking fund deposit factor
偿还代管refunding escrow deposits
偿还委托refunding escrow deposits
偿还库股份收益gain on realization of treasury stock
债券deposit bond
股份warehouse share
股票salt-down stock
融资stockpile financing
催缴deposit at call
全套库质押blanket inventory lien
全球托凭证global depositary receipt
全球股权证global depositary receipt
全部储蓄者all savers certificate
全部实际资本stock of real capital
公共部门pubic deposits
公司company deposit
公司永perpetual existence
公司留利润corporate retained earnings
公库cash in public treasury
公库款保管银行government depository
公文office copy
其他可开支票other checkable deposits
银行将收到的存款转存到另一家银行,以赚取利息差价; 央行转存等于增加货币供给redeposit
净留net retained line (net line)
利息interest passbook
办理take deposits
加权平均库weighted average inventory method
半年期的定期deposit of six month maturity
即时款账户instant saving account
压缩光盘只读储器compact disk read-only memory
双货币利率区间增值dual currency range-linked deposit
双货币增值dual currency deposit
双重档及审批制度dual filing and vetting
发行者电子档系统issuer electronic filing system
受聘用的管单位appointed depositary
变动利率款证明variable rate certificate of deposit
可变利率variable rate certificate of deposit
可转让款单negotiable certificate of deposit
大额可转让定期negotiable certificate of time deposits
可转让的定期款单negotiable CD
台湾托凭证Taiwan deposit receipt
同业due from banks
同业款利率depo rate
后续保证金保subsequent margin deposit
吸收make deposits
吸收deposit taking
资金余额idle money balance
呆滞库slow moving inventory
呆滞库inactive stock
商业贮commercial stock
在央行deposits at with the central bank
证券借出记录stock lending record keeping
外币deport in foreign currency
外币掉期foreign currency swap deposit
外汇foreign reserves
外汇款账户foreign exchange deposit account
外汇结报表statement of position
多种限期multiple maturing time deposit
大笔large deposit
大额定jumbo CDs
子公司留股票交易subsidiary treasury stock transaction
于账户的款项money to be kept in account
于账户的资金money to be kept in account
人收款人账户account payee only
人现金cash deposit
人的证券securities on deposit
储准备depository reserve
储准备金depository reserve
单副本duplicate deposit ticket
单转期certificate of deposit rollover
取手段access device
电子货币取时间access time
取管制access control
取量大的账户high volume account
取限制access constraint
在国外的黄金earmarked gold
在国外银行同业的钱款金额amount due from banks abroad
在的风险existing risk
在银行同业的钱款金额amount due from banks
托优先股depository preferred stock
证券 托凭证depositary receipt
证券托凭证depositary receipt
托凭证deposit certificate
托凭证配售placement of GDS
银行存折,储蓄存折deposit book
deposit pass book
折担保贷款loan on passbook as collateral
放公司depository company
放在认可结算所的财产property deposited with recognized clearing house
放抵押品通知书notice of deposit
放收据deposit receipt
放记录或文件地点的适宜性suitability of premises for keeping records or documents
期可变存款callable deposit
根股票stub stock
place on file
档备案filing for record
档规定filing requirements
款代理depository correspondent
款保证书guaranteed certificate of deposit
款信托公司depository trust company
款信托和结算公司depository trust and clearing corporation
款信托支票depository trust cheque
款储备deposit reserves
款公司deposit-taking company
款公司协会The Deposit-Taking Companies Association
款准备金制度reserve against deposit system
款凭证deposit slip
款凭证paid-in slip
款凭证certificate of deposit
款到期Mat. (maturity)
款到期maturity (Mat.)
款到期日不相配梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险deposit maturity mismatch ladder
款协议deposit agreement
款单pay in slip
款单deposit slips of paying-book
款总额total deposits
款户头deposit account
款担保上限deposit guarantee ceiling
款收据deposit slips of paying-book
款收据deposit slip
款方式Form of deposit
款机构depository institutions
款机构放松监管和货币控制法Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act
款机构放松监管委员会Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee
款票据deposit note
款种类kinds of deposit
款简报bobtail statement
款簿deposit pass book
款簿bank passbook
款簿存根deposit slips of paying-book
款规定deposit requirement
款证bank certificate of deposit
款证书bank certificate of deposit
款证明banker's reference
款货币银行deposit money banks
管代理depository nominee
管代理人depository nominee
管信托公司depository trust company
续公司surviving company
续分立指一个公司分立成两个以上公司,本公司继续存在并建立一个以上的新公司split off
续期duration of existence
续期国家对信托的期限规定的界限perpetuity period
续期mean term
续期匹配策略duration matching strategy
续期变动duration drift
续期缺口duration gap
续期落差分析duration gap analysis
续期配对duration matching
stock in the till
existing stocks
货升stock appreciation
货基金账户stock fund account
货控制账stock control account
量流量分析stock-flow analysis
量表stock statement
安抚心忧虑的员工reassure worried employees
定期certificate of time deposits
定期单延期certificate of deposit rollover
定期non-liquid form of deposit
定期款单saving certificate
定期款账户fixed deposit account
定期款账户certificate account
定期留盈余dated earned surplus
定期盘periodic inventory system
信用证escrow letter of credit
货币money lodged
文件sealing up document
货币blocked currency
资金blocked funds
尚未支取款、无人认领的存款unclaimed deposit
展期roly-poly CDs
巨额可转让jumbo CDs
已发行债券的结价值carrying value of bonds issued
已无足够款的支票not sufficient funds check
市场指数market-indexed CD
平准库buffer stock
平均款额deposit line
年终库year end inventory
持有的股份shares held in treasury
treasury share
treasury stock
股交易所获资金capital from treasury stock transaction
股票利润profit on treasury stock
股票法treasury stock method
证券发行Treasury offering
应要求而发行的大额可转让tap CDs
廉价甩掉sell off
开方式大额open-end CD
开设款账户opening a deposit account
往来款账户account current
托管fiduciary deposit
存款deposit retained
批准接受政府款的银行government depository
披露在的不确定性disclose existing uncertainties
抵押续期mortgage duration
抵押品放单memorandum of deposit
抵押品collateral register
抵押担保证券MBS depository
担保款和已收取的押金guarantee deposit and margin received
持续盘perpetual inventory
指定用途的留收益appropriated retained earnings
指数托凭证index depository receipt (index share)
指数托股票index share
按成本计算库股的出售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
按现有量买卖证券sell against the box
接受taking money on deposit
接受take deposits
接受款公司deposit-taking company (DTC)
接受款的银行deposit taker
控股公司托凭证Holding Company Depositary Receipts
控股公司托凭证holding company depository receipts
控股公司amount due to holding company
提取drawing down on the deposit account
支票stub counterfoil
支票check book stubs
支票根册check stub book
支票可随时提取无息存款的支票check deposits
支票款簿check pay-in book
支票册stub of a checkbook
收人credit slip
政府部门pubic deposits
数据取控制data access control
数据储data warehousing
款业务的银行经理处non-depository agency
无优先权subordinated deposit
无保荐人的美国托凭证American Desposit Receipt
无备兑美国托凭证American Desposit Receipt
无息non-interest-bearing account
无息款准备金规定unremunerated reserve requirement
无记名托凭单bearer depositary receipt
无足够款的支票not sufficient funds check
日本托凭证Japanese Depositary Receipts
日本托证券Japanese depository receipt
最低款额deposit size threshold
有价证券与总款额比率ratio of securities to total deposits
有价证券总securities holding
有息可交易interest-bearing negotiable certificate of deposit
有担保的secured deposit
有效续期effective duration
有足够的资源在金融动荡中生adequate resources to survive in the turmoil
有限在期limited life
期末盘closing inventory
期货账户规定的保证金deposits required for futures accounts
未兑现可转让的款单outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit
机关团体deposits of non-profit institutions
来自国外银行同业的amount due to banks abroad
标准普尔托凭证Standard and Poor's Depository Receipt (SPDR)
标准普尔托凭证Standard&Poor's Depositary Receipts
标普托凭证Spider, Standard & Poofs depository receipt
标普托凭证Spider (SPDR)
核准的款基金approved deposit fund
核实verification of deposit
核心金融机构存款中稳定不易受利率波动影响的存款core deposit
次级subordinated deposit
欧洲托凭证Euro Depositary Receipt
欧洲定期certificate of deposit
欧洲日元款利率期货合同Euroyen futures contract
欧洲美元可转让定期Euro-dollar CDs
欧洲美元可转让定期Eurodollar certificate of deposit
股票stub stock
残段生曲线stub survivor curve
每一美国托凭证代表的股数shares per ADR
每月结monthly balance
永远perpetual existence
法定款准备标准reserve requirement
法定款准备金比率reserve ratio requirement
注册证券交易商deposit of a registered dealer
活期deposit at sight
活期checkbook money
活期款单demand certificate
活期款账户instant access account
活期款账户quick deposit account
活期款账户demand account
活期款账户current account (CA)
活期反向浮息callable inverse floating rate deposit
活期日计息callable range daily accrual deposit
活期欧利差callable EURIBOR/LIBOR spread deposit
浮动利率floating rate certificate of deposits
浮动利率variable rate certificate of deposit
浮息款证floating rate certificate of deposit
消极浮negative float
资金retention fund
滚动定期roly-poly certificate of deposit
滚动定期rollover certificate of deposit
漏洞loophole certificate of deposit
特别款人special depository
特别款机构special depository
特别提款权定期CDs denominated in SDR
特别活期special current deposit
债务existing debt
现金cash on hand
现货库spot stock
现金spot asset
现金款比率cash ratio
现金款簿cash pay-in book
现金划拨留金额cash-funded retention
现金及银行到期cash and due from banks
分析duration analysis
原理共同基金竞争淘汰原理survivorship bias
实体surviving entity
要付出的代价price of survival (股市)
生息款金额amount at interest (以赚取利息为目的的本金存款)
用于证券交易的保证金marginal deposit for security
电子electronic filing
主承销商债券running through the pot
利润business retention
抵押参与人retained mortgage participant
收人分配appropriation of retained earnings
收益earned surplus
收益信托的出让人grantor retained income trust
收益报表retained earnings statement
收益资本化retained earnings capitalization
比例retention rate
现金流retained cash flow
现金流量retained cash flow
资产retain assets
额规定retention requirement
盈余滚账户surplus account
盈利留的资本capital retained from earnings
盘活量资产tap the idle assets
盘活量资产liquidize remnant assets
直接款指示direct deposit instruction
直接款账户direct deposit account
直接转direct rollover
社团society deposit
立等instantaneous access
粉饰性window-dressing deposits
红利扣分配顺序上,在普通股后分配公司红利的股票deferred shares /stock
组合式structured deposit
经常性账目current passbook
经营留收益earning retained in business
为负negative balance
为零zero balance
结构化structured deposit
维持保证金maintenance margin deposits
缓冲留贷款buffer stock financing facility
缓冲货融资buffer stock financing
缓冲buffer stock
编制财产库清单formulate a detailed inventory of assets
规定的准备金deposit required reserves
美元大额dollar certificate of deposit
美国托凭证预发行pre-release of ADR
美国托股American depositary shares
美国证券托凭证American Depositary Receipt
美国证券托凭证American depository receipt
美国证券托凭证比率American depository receipt ratio
美国证券托凭证费American depository receipt fees
美国证券托收据American depository receipt
联名joint account
联营互相依关系pooled interdependence
股东委托公司将其股息人银行的委托书dividend mandate
股份放费stock deposit fee
股息dividend counterfoil
股息dividend deposits
股息款专户dividend bank account
股本stock of capital goods
股本关联equity linked deposit
股票stock deposit & withdrawal
股票托制度share depositary system
股票托数据share depository data
股票托方式share depositary system
股票根账册certificate book
股票量报告stock control report
股票量账stock control account
股票借出人留记录record keeping by stock lender
股票寄memorandum of deposit
股金取账户share draft account
自动转定期automatic renewal time deposit
自由日元free yen deposit
英镑款存单sterling certificate of deposit
虚假window-dressing deposits
衍生derivative deposit
视同库现金cash equivalent
记录留期限record retention period
证券certificate deposit
证券放箱active box
证券securities deposit
证券寄letter of deposit
证券留running through the pot
调整后的留收益adjusted retained earnings
财产保maintenance of property
财产库property inventory
货币款账户currency hold account
货币currency holding
货币保本收益型currency linked deposit
货币市场money market deport
资产库短缺assets inventory shortage
资产结报表statement of asset holdings
资本量调整原理capital stock adjustment principle
资本储stock of capital
资本性留盈利earning retained as capital
超级可转让支付命令款账户super NOW account
转期roly-poly certificate of deposit
转期roly-poly CDs
转期定期rollover certificate of deposit
转账transfer deposit
转账branch credit
转账款传票transfer credit voucher
过度留收益undue retention
适者生的市场功能market function of survival of the fittest
golden passbook
金融机构同业financial institution's deposits
银券两得treasury bond-linked enhanced yield deposit
银行款单bank deposit slip
银行款收据bank deposit slip
银行专项款现金cash in bank-special deposit
银行同业banker's deposit
锁住定期lock-up CDs
阶梯跳跃式收益yield jump deposit
附属公司留股票交易subsidiary treasury stock transaction
整付存款club deposit
整取fixed deposit by instalments
整取储蓄instalment saving
零息定期zero-coupon certificate of deposit
零星sundry deposit
款债务non-deposit liability
非核心non-core deposit
非法parking violation
非流通non-negotiable certificate of deposit
非生性不动产信托投资non-surviving REIT
非赢利机构deposits of non-profit institutions
面额face amount certificate
预计残价格estimated residual value
风险续期duration of risk
香港托凭证Hong Kong Depositary Receipts
香港托证券Hong Kong Depositary Receipts
高收益巨额high yield jumbo
黄金储gold deposit
黄金储gold pool
龙头定期tap CDs
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