
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一级有保荐美国托凭证sponsored level I ADR
一般款账户general deposit account
三级有保荐美国托凭证sponsored level HI ADR
上调款准备金率raise the reserve requirement
上调款准备金率reserve rate hike
上调商业银行款准备金率raise reserve requirements for commercial banks
上调银行款准备金率raise bank reserve requirements
下调贷款利率cut the deposit and lending rates
下调银行款准备金率cut the reserve ratio requirements
不定期irregular deposit
不良贷款stock of non-performing loans
不记名uninscribed deposit
专用tied deposit
专项cash in bank-special deposit (funds)
专项基金special fund deposit
个人通知personal call deposit
中国托凭证Chinese depositary receipt
中央登记放系统central registration depositary (由美国证券交易商协会 (DASD) 开发的一个电脑系统)
中央结算及管系统central clearing and depositary system
中央结算系统管处CCASS Depositary
中央证券管制度central depositary system
中央证券管处centralized securities depositary
中央证券管处central securities depositary
中央证券寄centralized securities depositary
中央证券寄central securities depositary
临时款账户temporary deposit account
乙种活期demand deposit"B"
买卖库sale and purchase inventory method
二次secondary deposit
二级有保荐美国托凭证sponsored level I ADR
企业基金银行bank deposit on enterprise fund
优利preferential rate deposit
优利定期preferential rate deposit
伦敦托凭证London Depositary Receipt
偿债基金cash deposits in sinking funds
偿还债券deposit for bond redemption
全球托凭证global depositary receipts (是银行在多个国家或地区发行的凭证)
公司corporate deposit
公司内部货利益及耐久性资产内部利益intercompany profit in inventories and long-lived assets
公司内部握对方债票inter company bond holdings
公司利润留corporate retained earnings
公司社团corporate deposit
公库款保管银行government depositary
公库收入总general treasury receipts deposits
公款私deposit public funds in personal accounts
分批法用于生产方面货类别计价法lot method
分期命蓄instalment savings contracts
利息滚interest accumulation table
升息bump-up CD
合伙人提帐户partner's drawing account
合并留收益表consolidated statement of retained earnings
同业due to banks
同业inter-bank deposit
向个人银行客户提供人民币兑换与款业务offer Rmb exchange and deport services for personal banking customers
向银行客户提供款服务offer deposit services to banking customers
吸收take deposits
吸收款竞争competition for securing deposits
商品stock-in-trade (merchandise inventory)
器具提furnitures and fixtures sinking fund
在制品货帐goods in process inventory account
在外款数outstanding of deposits
在途deposit in transit
处理库股票收益profit on treasury stock
外国货币foreign money deposit
外币deposit in foreign currency
外币款帐户foreign currency deposits account
大众化all-savers certificate
大额jumbo certificate of deposit
大额large deposit
大额可转让定期large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits (由商业银行发行的一种不可提前支取、但可在二级市场上自由流通的定期存款凭证,简称"存单 (certificate of deposits, CDs)")
大额可转让定期单利率CDs rate
大额可转让定期单期权CDs option
大额可转让定期单期货CDs futures
人人民币现金deposit RMB cash
人保证金deposit received
人保证金guarantee deposit and margin received
人保证金customers deposit
人银行的保证金margin deposited with the bank
储交叉store interleaving
储准备金deposited reserve
储备用的成本stored-up cost
储成本holding cost
储费用carrying cost
出保证金refundable deposit
出保证金guarantee deposit and margin paid
券信托公司Depositary Trust Company
券信托公司参与账户depositary trust corporation participant account
券信托结算公司Depositary Trust & Clearing Corporation (1999 牟由存券信托公司 (Depositary Trust Company,DTC) 和全国证券结算公司 (National Securities Clearing Corporation,NSCC)合并而成的控股公司)
savings deposit certificate
saving deposit certificate
certificate of deposits (由商业银行发行的不可提前支取、但可在二级市场自由流通的定期存款凭证,全称为"大额可转让定期存单 (large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits)")
large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits (由商业银行发行的一种不可提前支取、但可在二级市场上自由流通的定期存款凭证,全称为大额可转让定期存单)
certificate of deposit
存款收据,送款簿deposit receipt
单利率CDs rate
单期权CDs option
单期货CDs futures
在成本historical past cost
户保障depositor protection
托优先股depositary preferred stock
托公司depositary company
托凭证depositary receipt
托证券depositary securities
托银行depositary bank
saving deposit certificate
deposit passbook
check book
bank savings book
savings deposit certificate
paying-in book
deposit book (pass book)
certificate of deposit
bank saving book
certificate deposit
bank pass-book
折储蓄存款passbook savings deposits
折储蓄提款passbook savings withdrawals
certificate deposit
bank books
放中央银行款项deposit in the central bank
放国外同业总帐nostro ledger
放国外的同业账户nostro account
放外国银行账款due from foreign banks
放期为...on deposit for periods of...
放比率deposit loan ratio
money deposited
款不足no sufficient funds
款不足not-sufficient funds
款不足not sufficient funds
款不足银行拒绝兑现支票insufficient funds
款不足支票not-sufficient-funds check
款不足支票not sufficient funds checks
款中介机构depositary intermediary
款乘数deposit multiplier
款乘数deposit expansion multiplier
款余额outstanding deposits
款余额balance of deposits
款余额balance held on deposits
款保管合同deposit administration contract
款保证保险depositary bonds
款保证金guaranty money for deposits
款保险体系deposit insurance system
款保险公司deposit insurance corporation
款保险制度deposit insurance system
款保险条例deposit insurance regulations
款保险计划deposit insurance program
款保障计划deposit protection scheme
款债券depositary bond
款债券depositary bonds
款净额net deposits
款准备金reserves against deposit
款准备金deposit reserve
款准备金required reserves
款准备金deposit cover
款准备金reserve against deposit
款准备金制度deposit reserve system
款准备金政策deposit reserve policy
款准备金率required reserve ratio
款准备金率reserve requirement ratios
款准备金率deposit reserve rate
款凭单certificate of balance
款凭证deposit certificate
款分理处depositary agency
款创新deposit innovation
款创造deposit creation
款利息收人interest income on deposits
款利率interest rate on deposit
款利率上限deposit rate ceiling
款利率上限ceiling limit for deposit interest rates
:款单deposit tickets
款单deposit form
款单paid-in slip (deposit ticket)
款单deposit ticket
款单pay-in slip
款基础deposit base
款实际利率real rate on deposit
款差错更正通知单deposit correction slip
款帐户S. A savings account
款帐户deposit account
款平均余额deposit line
款年周转率annual rate of turnover of deposits
款总帐deposit ledger
款手续费service charge
款担保deposit as collateral
款损失loss of deposit
款-放款边际比率marginal deposit-loan ratio
款数额deposit amount
款本坪根deposit slip of paying-in book
款机构depositary institution
款机构deposit institutions
款比率deposit ratio
款率deposit rate
款的形式form of deposits
款管理deposit administration
款簿paying-in book
:款簿deposit book (pass book)
款簿deposit account
款簿的存根duplicate deposit tickets
款融通安排deposit facility
款货币demand currency
款货币bank money
款费用expense on deposit
款转账deposit transfer
款转账支票depositary transfer check
款运转支票depositary transfer check
款风险deposit risk
deposit cash
留利息retention interest
疑债务doubtful debt
疑票据doubtful bill
疑贷款doubtful loan
疑资产doubtful asset
立时间duration of existence
管代理人depositary nominee
管信托结算公司Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
管处及代理人系统depositary and Nominee System (香港交易所使用的系统)
管处及共用代理人系统depositary and common nominee system
管机构depositary agent
账室counting house
stock on hand (inventory)
stock inventory (inventory stock on hand)
货与收入比率inventory-income ratio
货与销售比率inventory-sales ratio
货之变现力liquidity of inventory
货价格变动帐户inventory fluctuation account
货会计inventory accounting
货会计accounting for inventories
货会计的处理方法inventory accounting methods
货估价损失loss on inventory valuation
货充足adequate stock
货分类帐stock ledger (stockholders’ ledger)
货卡stock card perpetual inventory card
货周转率turnover of stock inventories
货定价inventory pricing
货差异inventory variation
货差异法inventory variation method
货帐stock account
货成本inventory cost
货成本与控制inventory costing and control
货成本的选择inventory cost selection
货暂记帐户inventory suspense account
货核算inventory accounting
货的内容content of inventory
货的帐面价值book value of inventories
货统控制卡stock control card
货计价中的主要成本计算法prime costing in inventory valuation
货计价方法inventory costing methods
货调整帐户inventory adjustment account
货过时成本stock obsolescence costs
贷款比例loan/deposit ratio
贷款比率deposit-loan ratio
银行现金cash deposit
固定资产fixed asset sealed and stored
帐户blocked money account
冻结账户blocked money
货款银行保付书blocked funds attestation
封锁的英镑结blocked Sterling balances
款准备金率上调0.5个百分点raise the required deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points
小额small denomination savings certificate
小额放业务retail banking
小额活期petty current deposit
市场不完美性之presence of market imperfection
帐户滚余额结单running balance statement of account
帐面book inventory
帐面盘book inventory
平均averaging stock
年金储蓄annuity savings deposits
条件condition concurrent
广泛提供非企业人民币款服务widely offer non-corporate RMB deposit services
主栏items master file
余数balance on hand
债券公司债美国库债券treasury bond
商品成本cost of goods on hand
成品成本cost of finished goods inventory
现金储备vault cash reserve
现金及银行存款cash on hand and at bank
现金帐户cash on hand account
现金簿account of cash in vault
现金表statement of cash in treasury
现金表statement of cash treasury
现金表statement of cash in treasure
股份treasury shares
股份treasury share
股份treasury stock
股份reacquired stock (shares)
股票treasury stock
statement of cash in vault
费用storage expenses
资产会计accounting for inventories
开有我行款帐户的通汇银行depository correspondent
开立银行款户opening a bank account
开预记帐户open credit account
开预记帐户open a credit account
强制forced deposit
往来deposit book
往来bank book
往来pass book
往来帐户current account deposits
往来账户current account deposit
息票dividend counterfoil
成品盘balance of stock system (balance of stores system; perpetual inventory system)
或有contingent remainder
户口结为负值negative balance
房地产提land and building sinking fund
on hand
现金spot cash
储款save as you earn
扬基yankee CD (由美国以外的银行或企业在美国发行的、以美元计价的大面值可转让定期存单)
扬基美元yankee dollar certificate of deposit
批准书的交deposit of instrument of ratification
把钱人银行keep one's savings on deposit at banks
持有大量低收益的银行hold vast quantities of low-yielding bank deposits
指定designated deposit
指定国内designated domestic deposit
按市价估计货利润estimated profit from sales valuation of merchandises inventory
按规定须放的保证金数额amount of margin required to be deposited
挤提银行run on a bank
捐赠库donated treasury stock
损失提或备抵reserve against loss
掉期swap deposit
掉期与swap and deposit
支票stub of a cheque
支票stubs of a cheque
支票check stubs
支票根簿check stubs
支票款户头checking account
支票产最低minimum cash balance for checking account
支票及票据对款总额比率ratio of checks and bills to total deposits
支票簿check-book stub
支票簿check book stub
支票集check scratcher
收益与留收益表statement of income and retained earnings
收益与留收益表statement of earnings and retained earnings
收益留比率earnings retention ratio
收紧银行款准备金要求tighten banks' capital requirements
放款对款比率ratio of loans to deposits
政府机关deposit held by government agency
显性款保险制度explicit deposit insurance system
普通general deposit
普通款户regular bank account
普通基金general fund deposit
暂时temporary deposit
暂时sundry creditors temporary deposits
暂时款户sundry creditors
最优现金结optimal cash balance
最低量法minimum stock method (base stock method)
最后幸者年金last-survivor annuity
有保荐托凭证sponsored ADR
有担保secured deposit
期初opening inventory (initial inventory, beginning inventory)
期初库在产品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
期末final inventory (merchandise inventory final)
期末库在产品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
期末盘periodic inventory method
期票总portfolio of bills
人银行的收人undeposited receipts
未分配留盈余unappropriated earned surplus
未拨定用途留收益unappropriated retained earnings
未领取的unclaimed deposit
本期收益及留收益表statement of current and retained earnings
杂项sundry deposit
材料盘报吿stores inventory report
标准普尔托凭证Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts
欧洲Euro CD
欧洲托凭证European depositary receipt
欧洲Eurocurrency deposit (即"Eurodeposit",泛指一国银行体系中的外币存款,如欧洲美元存款)
欧洲市场Euromarket deposit
欧洲美元Eurodollar certificate of deposit
欧洲美元Eurodollar deposit
欧洲货币Eurodeposit (即"Eurocurrency deposit",泛指一国银行体系中的外币存款,如欧洲美元存款)
欧洲货币款利率Eurodeposit rate
欧洲货币单位Eurocurrency unit deposit
正确决定货的重要性importance of accuracy in inventory determination
残段生曲线stub-survivor curve
永续盘running inventory (perpetual inventory)
永续盘perpetual inventory method (system)
永续盘balance of stock system (balance of stores system; perpetual inventory system)
永续盘帐户perpetual inventory account
永续盘的明细记录.detailed perpetual inventory records
永续盘running inventory sheet
汇编报表:结合公司内部货利益:内部固定资产利益consolidated statement: intercompany profit in inventories :intercompany profit in longlived assets
活期取账户demand account
活期bank book
活期deposit book
活期pass book
活期current account
活期支票货币demand deposit checkbook money
活期check-book money
活期sight money
活期call money deposits
活期checking deposit
活期bank account
活期款利息计算calculation of interest on current account
活期款利率demand deposit interest rate
活期款吸收acceptance of current deposits
活期款帐户current deposit account
活期款帐户quick deposit a/c
活期款帐户account current
活期款总帐current account ledger
活期款户bank accounts
活期款户band accounts
活期款支付repayment of current deposits
活期款账户demand deposit account
活期储蓄current savings account
活期帐户current account deposits
活期通知存款人须事先通知银行才能提取的存款call deposit
派生derivative deposit
流人香港的内地deposit migration from the mainland to Hong Kong
流动性liquid deposit
流动负债对货比率current debt to inventory ratio
浮动floating deposit
浮动deposit float
浮动利率floating-rate certificate of deposits
浮动利率variable-rate certificate of deposit
浮动利率floating-rate CDs
浮动利率杂项款户sundry deposit account floating
海损average deposit
清洁clean deposit
牛市bull CD
物料盘balance of stores system
保险survivorship insurance
保险survivor insurance
保险pure endowment
电子electronic filing
电汇wire deposits
价值residual value
收益retained earnings (undistributed profit)
收益变动表statement of change in retained earnings
收益变动表statement of changes in retained earnings
收益表statement of retained earnings
现金cash on hand
生产支出retained production payments
盈余retained surplus
盈利retained profit
资金retained capital
稳步有序地放开款利率liberalize deposit rates steadily and orderly
空头bear CD
粉饰window-dressing deposit
累计accumulated stock
缓冲储物资预付资金prefinancing of buffer stock
缓冲库储备safety stock
缓冲库贷款buffer stock financing
商品储存费及贷款利息资产费用指流动费用carrying charges
美元dollar certificate of deposit
美国托凭证American depositary receipt (一份美国存托凭证代表美国以外国家一家企业的若干股份。美国存托凭证在美国市场进行买卖,交易程序与普通美国股票相同。美国存托凭证由美国银行发行,每份包含美国以外国家一家企业交由国外托管人托管的若干股份。该企业必须向代为发行的银行提供财务资料。美国存托凭证不能消除相关企业股票的货币及经济风险。美国存托凭证可在纽约股票交易所、美国股票交易所或纳斯达克交易所挂牌上市)
美国托凭证率American depositary receipt ratio
美国托股份American depositary share (外国公司在美国本土交易所上市的股票,由美国的存托银行根据存托协议发行,是美国存托凭证所代表的实际股票)
美国"定期款"American "time deposits"
美国生产与库管理协会American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
职员deposit from employees
虚假window-dressing deposit
行员储蓄staff savings account
补充supplemental deposit
补充supplementary deposit
补充supplementary deposits
调整款准备金率tinker with reserve requirements
调整后银行款余额adjusted bank balance
财产盘property inventory
账面量结算系统book-entry stock settlement system
货币money on deposit
货币monetary stock
货币额保值所需之暂定款项notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding
货币保conservation of coinage
货物等供下一季供应carry over
款比率loan-deposit ratio
款比率loan to deposit ratio
loan-deposit ratio
loan to deposit ratio
资本stock of capital
资本封sterilization, of capital
资金amount of funds deposited
资金封sterilization of capital
避光保包装标志protect from light
贷款evergreen loans
长期long-term deposit
防范库周期结束所引发的双底衰退prevent a double dip resulting from an end to the alone inventory cycle
附属机构的盈余retained in subsidiaries
陈废obsolete stock
降低银行款准备金率lower the required reserve ratio
限定留盈余restricted retained earnings
限额bank deposit with ceiling
隐性款保险制度implicit deposit insurance system
非交易性non-transaction deposits
非居民款账户non-resident deposit account
非居民日元non-resident yen deposit
款项advance deposit
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