
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
中间储器temporary storage
养分策略nutrient-conserving strategy
策略conservation strategy
策略conservative strategy (c-strategy)
策略C strategy
保持生策略conservative survival strategy
光盘只读储查询服务CD-ROM search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on an electronic storage medium, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clients (由负责查询电子存储介质中存储的编目或其它信息的图书馆职员提供的特别服务,通常是为了满足图书馆的用户的查询需求。)
农业储agricultural storage Any deposit or holdings of farm products, fertilizers, grains, feed and other related supplies in facilities or containers, often to prevent contamination or for times when production cannot meet demand (农产品、,化肥、谷物、饲料的交存或持有,以及其它用来防止污染或预防生产无法满足需求时所需的相关设施或容器。)
动物生animal habitat The locality in which an animal naturally grows or lives. It can be either the geographical area over which it extends, or the particular station in which an animal is found (动物自然生长和生存的地方。 此处是动物所遍及的地理区域,或者指某种动物被发现的特别位置。)
地下储underground storage Storage located underground designed to hold gasoline or other petroleum products or chemical solutions (用于保存汽油或其他石油化工产品或化工溶剂的地下贮藏。)
城镇粪便堆unauthorized dump
城镇粪便堆town night soil dump
过程, 处理持有的物品,材料或某些物理位置的废物,如在设施,容器或倾倒区的一系列行动。storage general term used for energy, heat, pollutants, also within the meaning of accumulation; A series of actions undertaken to deposit or hold goods, materials or waste in some physical location, as in a facility, container, tank or dumping site; process
saving The amount of current income which is not spent for survival or enjoyment (没有用于生活或娱乐的现金收入的数量。)
活对策game of survival
活数survival count
活能力survival capacity
stock trade, Stored products ready for sale (为销售做准备而存储的产品。)
安全safe survival
干旱drought survival
survival The act or fact of surviving or condition of having survived (尚存的行为或事实或状况之后的生还。)
生存概率probability of survival
系数survival factor
管理stock management The handling or controlling of accumulated materials or stored goods (处理或控制积累的材料或存储的货物。)
资源inventoried resources
废料贮waste storage Temporary holding of waste pending treatment or disposal. Storage methods include containers, tanks, waste piles, and surface impoundments (临时贮存待处理的废料。贮存方法包括容器、油罐、废物堆、蓄水池。)
temporary storage
temporary storage Any deposit or holdings of goods, materials or waste in a facility, container, tank or some other physical location for a brief or short time period (用于短期存储或者保持物品,材料或设施的废物的容器,罐或其它物理位置。)
最终final storage A system where inert materials, which are not to be mobilized by natural processes even for long time periods, are confined by three barriers: the natural impermeable surroundings, an artificial barrier (such as liner) which can be controlled and, most important, the inert material itself. The concept of final storage includes the possibility to mine the materials in the future if such materials are sufficiently "clean" (mono-landfills) and if it becomes economic to mine such ores (一种系统,其中有惰性物质,即便在自然进程中很长时间也不变化,其被三种界限限制:天然不透水的环境,可以控制的人工屏障如内衬,以及最重要的即惰性物质本身。最终存储的概念包括在未来"干净"的、经济的存储这些矿物质的可能性。)
未经认可的堆unauthorized dump
未经认可的堆town night soil dump
清点stocktaking The counting over of materials or goods on hand, as in a stockroom or store (仓库或商店中,清点现有的材料或物品。)
热储heat storage Keeping heat created during a period of low consumption until a peak period when it is needed (在需热较少的时期贮存产生的热量,以备在需热高峰期使用。)
价值non-use value
价值existence value
对策game of survival
策略survival strategy
碳氢化合物储hydrocarbon storage tank A container or a reservoir for the storage of hydrocarbons (储存碳氢化合物的容器或储存槽。)
细菌活率bacteria survival ratio
经济生能力economic viability Capability of developing and surviving as a relatively independent social, economic or political unit (作为相对独立的社会、经济或政治体的发展和生存能力。)
能源储energy storage Amount of energy reserves; often refers to the stocks of non-renewable fuel, such as oil, which a nation, for example, possesses (储存大量能源,常指那些不可再生资源的储存,例如石油占有国对石油的占有。)
资源resource reserve No definition needed (不需要定义。)
防污染转移和贮系统antipollution transfer and storage system
饥饿生反应starvation-survival response