
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 存在 | all forms
七日通知存款seven-day notice deposit
不记名、可转让定期存款单negotiable certificate of deposit
专户存款specific account deposit
专用存款special deposit
专项存款special deposit
专项存款cash in bank-special fund
两种外轮廓并存造型dual silhouette
两级存货管理制two-bin system
个人存款private deposit
中央银行货币存量central bank money stock
交存担保deposit of security
产品存货水平估计数product inventory level estimator
产品存货程度估计值product inventory level estimator
人寿保险的现金退保值,人寿保险积存金cash surrender value of life insurance
仓库堆存费stowage charges
以存折作抵押的贷款pass book loan
以筹资人仓库存货作抵押的资助field warehouse
企业库存变动change in business inventories
估价存货stock at valuation
低库存量low-priced stocks
保存费necessary expenses
保证存款secured deposit
保证金保存人stake holder
保证金存款security deposit
保险储存reserve stock
保障性存货protective stock
信托存款trust deposit
储备存量reserve stock
储存keep in reserve
储存价格upset price
储存地点storage location
储存式喂纱器storage feeder
储存式喂纱机构storage feed mechanism
储存式给纱装置storage feeder
储存式衬纬装置magazine weft device
储存成本storing costs
储存物backlog material
储存能力store capacity
储存费用storage costs
储存费用storing expenses
储存费用holding costs
储存限期storage life
储蓄存折savings pass-book
储蓄账户存款单saving account deposit slip
再存款率redeposit rate
净储存net store
净存款net deposit
净存量net store
净存量net storage
净存量net stock
净存量net inventory
净库存net stock
净库存net storage
净库存net inventory
减少存货reduction of stock
减少存货reduce stocks
减少库存decumulation of inventories
分散储存scatter storage
分散存贮scatter storage
划拨储金存款transfer saving deposits
初期存货价值opening stock
剩余存货surplus stock
包装与保存packaging and preservation
包装存货stowing stores
包装、装卸、存储与运输packaging, handling, storage and transportation
即付存款sight deposits
卸货存货转货receiving storage and delivery
厂存原料material on hand
原坯储存库grey stock room
发放库存issuing store
发票存根invoice stub
发货单存根invoice book
可视存储档案visible file
可转让存款transferable deposit
合并存货consolidated stocks
后备存货reserved stock
周转库存running stock
周转库存《管理》running stock
商业库存commercial inventory
商品储存merchandise storage
商品储存preservation of the goods
商品储存commodity inventory
商品存货inventory of merchandise
商品库存commodity inventory
商品盘存inventory of merchandise
商品进销存报告report on merchandise movement
商店存货消耗shrinkage of retail inventory
商用库存commercial inventory
坯布库存grey stock
墨西哥牛存裤宽大型charro pants
备份存量reserve stock
备用存货standby stock
外汇存款账户foreign exchange deposit accounts
多余存货excess stock
多层次存货multiechelon inventory
太阳能吸收和储存织物solar absorbing and retaining fabric
女人为结婚而储存的衣物bottom drawer
存仓货物担保field warehouse
存储倾向propensity to hoard
存储单位memory unit
存储单元memory unit
存储器memory unit
存储图memory map
存储指令store order
存储管式图形显示器《计算机》storage tube graphical display
存储系数packing coefficient
存储能力memory capacity
存储装置memory unit
存储装置memory storage unit
存储装置memory device
存储量storage capacity
存出保证品properties pledged
存帽架hatcheck stand
存库单storage order
存折deposit certificate
存折paying in book
存折deposit receipt
存折bank deposit certificate
存折余额pass book balance
存据certificate of deposit
存放期storage life
存档on file
存档样duplicate sample
存档样keep sample
存档样本keep sample
存档样本duplicate sample
存档样板stock pattern
存款place a deposit
存款put out
存款不足no fund
存款不足no effects
存款传票memorandum of deposit
存款净额net deposit
存款凭证letter of deposit
存款利息deposit interest
存款单paying in slip
存款单paid-in slip
存款单letter of deposit
存款单据paying in slip
存款存根pay in slip
存款收据deposit receipt
存款簿paying in book
存款账户saving account
存款账户deposit account
存款货币流通速度velocity of deposit money
存款金额amount of deposit
存绉样keep sample
存货stock goods
存货stock of goods
存货stock article
存货stock in the inventory
存货goods in store
存货不多stock running low
存货保管storage of inventories
存货净额net stock
存货净额net inventory
存货准备reserve for inventory
存货减少reduction of inventory
存货减量decumulation of inventories
存货分类账stores ledger
存货利润stock profits
存货利润inventory profit
存货协定stockpiling agreement
存货周转stock turn
存货增加accretion of stock
存货契约stocking contract
存货市值market value of inventories
存货总额total inventory
存货损耗inventory shrinkage
存货控制inventory control
存货明细分类账inventory subsidiary ledger
存货构成composition of inventory
存货消耗shrinkage of stock
存货消耗shrinkage of inventory
存货状况inventory situation
存货的购置成本acquisition cost of inventory
存货盘点stock count
存货目录stock inventory
存货目录inventory list
存货短缺shortage in inventory
存货管理management of stock
存货统计inventory statistics
存货编号stock number
存货补充replenishment of inventory
存货调整亏损inventory adjustment debits
存货跟踪stock chasing
存货过多excess inventory
存货量quantity stocked
存货量amount of inventory
存货问题inventory problem
存量quantity stocked
存量一流量模式stock-flow model
存量增加increase in stock
存量控制stock control
存量逐渐减少stock running low
季节性库存seasonal inventories
定期存time deposit certificate
定期存折certificate of time deposit
定期存款maturity-designated deposit
定期存款periodical deposit
定期存款fixed term deposit
定期存款单time deposit certificate
定期存款单certificate of time deposit
定量存货管制order point control
定量存货管制法order point system
实地盘存take inventory
实存actual balance
实存现金价值actual cash value
实际库存actual stock
寄存保管箱safe custody
寄销存货inventory of consignment
封存基金sterilized fund
封存外汇blocked exchange
封存现金sterilized cash
封存账户blocked money account
小量存货low-priced stocks
巨额存款wholesale deposits
已取得盈余滚存acquired surplus
布料/ 辅料存货系统fabric/ accessory inventory system
布料/辅料存货系统fabric/accessory inventory system
年终库存year-end stock
库存产品stock keeping items
库存余额stock balance
库存储备reserve stock
库存分析inventory analysis
库存分类账store ledger
库存协议stocking agreement
库存合同stocking contract
库存周期stock cycle
库存周转率inventory turnover ratio
库存品goods in trade
库存品转移stock transfer
库存商品stock goods
库存商品goods kept in stock
库存增值stock appreciation
库存增加increase in inventories
库存增加increase in stock
库存增加accretion of stock
库存情况inventory situation
库存损耗stock depletion
库存控制系统inventory control system
库存控制经营原则inventory control operating doctrine
库存明细分类账inventory subsidiary ledger
库存材料material on hand
库存材料material in storage
库存构成composition of inventory
库存消耗shrinkage of stock
库存物资material in storage
库存物资明细账stores ledger
库存现金cash in treasure
库存积压over stock
库存管理management of stock
库存结余stock balance
库存缩减reduction of stock
库存股本treasury stock
库存表inventory list
库存证书inventory certificate
库存调节reconciling inventory
库存账stock account
库存货物stock article
库存货物stored goods
库存货物goods kept in stock
库存货物goods in stock
库存费用storing expenses
库存费用storing costs
库存过剩excess inventory
库存量storage level
库存量volume of stocks
库存量quantity stocked
库存量amount of inventory
库存问题inventory problem
库存额value of stock
库存高低点控制order point control
库存高低点系统order point system
应提存收益required earnings
廉售存货stocktaking sale
开户存款initial deposit
弹力牛存裤stretch denim pants
强制储存involuntary inventory
当场点盘存take inventory
总存货total inventory
总存量total inventory
总库存量比较法total inventory method
总库存量法total inventory method
成品存货finished stock
成品库存stock of finished goods
成品库存finished stock
扬基定期存单Yankee CDs
技能盘存skill inventory
投机性库存speculative stock
担保品存入单memorandum of deposit
担保存款secured deposit
挤提存款run on banks
提取存款withdrawal of deposit
提存准备负债reserve-carrying liability
提存账户deposit account
支票存根checkbook stubs
支票存款checking deposits
支票存款户checking account
支票存款货币checking account money
收货、储存、交货receiving storage and delivery
政府存款public deposit
整理存货stowing stores
新存货new stock
新库存new stock
旅客存根联passenger coupon
无保证存款unsecured deposit
无存款no fund
无存款no effects
无存货none-in stock
无限制保存indefinite storage
旧库存old stock
旧盈余滚存old surplus
更换存货rotation of stock
最低存款余额minimum free balance
最低存货量minimum quantity of stock
最低存货量minimum quantity of inventory
最低库存量minimum quantity of stock
最佳存量optimum stock
最后留存净额ultimate net retention
有限库存restricted stock
期初存货opening store
期初存货inventory initial
期初存量opening store
期初存量opening stock
期初库存opening stock
期初盘存inventory initial
未保险存款uninsured deposit
未偿付的提存款outstanding drawing
材料库存material stock
标准存量standard inventory
核对存货check the stocks
棉织品存货过多glut of cotton goods
概率库存probabilistic inventory
概率性存量probabilistic inventory
正常库存regular stock
毛坯存储rough storage
永久保存账册perpetual book
永续库存perpetual stock
永续库存法perpetual stock method
永续盘存制running inventory system
永续盘存法running inventory method
永续盘存法running inventory system
永续盘存法perpetual inventory method
法定存款储备率statutory reserve of deposits
法定存款准备金statutory reserve of deposits
活期存折deposit passbook
活期存款checking deposits
活期存款currency deposit
活期存款liquid deposit
活期存款sight deposits
活期存款account current
活期存款账户account current
浮动汇率存款单floating rate certificates of deposit
浸没式存布箱beck-type cloth accumulator
清存货季节season of sales
清查库存check warehouse stocks
清点存货take stock
清点盘存inventory check
滞销存货slow-moving inventory
滞销库存《管理》sleeping stock
漂白牛存布bleached denim
点查存货通知circular note
熟化储存室yarn aging chamber
牛存衬衫cowboy shirt
牛存装式覆肩cowboy yoke
牛存风格jeans look
牲畜存栏数cattle stock
特别基金存款special fund deposit
特别存款special deposit
特别存货special stock
特定活期存款specified current deposit
现存惯例existing usage
现存股票existing stock
现存货物existing goods
现存量on hand inventory
现有存货on hand inventory
现有存货existing stock
现有库存on hand inventory
现货库存量spot stocks
现金及银行存款cash and deposits with banks
现金结存cash in balance
理想存量optimum storage
理想库存optimum stock
生存保险pure endowment insurance
留存收益表retained earnings statement
留存资金retained funds
盘存take an inventory
盘存make an inventory
盘存亏损inventory adjustment debits
盘存报告inventory report
盘存控制经营原则inventory control operating doctrine
盘存时机内半成品clothing of the machine
盘存点review point
盘点,盘存,盘货make an inventory of stock on hand
短期储存short-term storage
短期存款short deposit
短期存货short-term stock
私人仓库存储private storage
私人存款private deposit
积极储存式导纱器positive storage feed unit
程序可控存储器programmable memory
立即存取储存器zero access storage
立即存取加法zero access addition
累计盘存法progressive inventory method
结存确认书confirmation of balance
绣花存储器embroidery memory
美国货币市场存款账户money market deposit account
耐储存色牢度color fastness to storage
自动数据存储与传输装置,自动数据存输系统Automatic Data Accumulator and Transfer
行李存放处luggage locker
补充存款supplemental deposits
补充库存replenish one's stock
补充库存replenishment of stock
补足存量replenishment of inventory
褪色牛存裤fade-out jeans
西部牛存骑马外套western house coat
计价盘存pricing inventory
订货与储存order and storage
订购与库存order and stock
负存货negative inventory
负存量negative inventory
负库存negative inventory
财政部存款treasury deposit
货币市场存单money market certificate
货架储存shelf stock
货架存货shelf stock
货栈存货单warehouse warrant
贮存stock pile
贮存场storage yard
贮存限期storage life
资本封存sterilization of capital
资金存量,基金存量amount of funds on the deposit
超存excess inventory
超额存货excess stock
辅料储存accessory inventory
辅料储存hair accessories inventory
运送或管线库存transit or pipeline inventory
进口依存度dependence on import
进口存款import deposit
进口存款率import deposit rate
连续存货perpetual stock
退回存货return to stock
退回库存物资stores returned
通知储蓄存款savings at call
通货性存款monetary deposit
金融市场存款单money market certificate
银行存折pass book
银行存折deposit passbook
银行存款cash on deposit
银行存款money in bank
银行存款bank account
银行存款分析analysis of bank deposits
银行存款支票户checking account at a bank
银行存款证明bank deposit certificate
银行存款调整reconciliation of cash on deposit
银行存款账户bank account
长期存款periodical deposit
长期存款long-term deposits
长期存款deposit for a fixed term
随机存取记忆《计算机》random access memory
集装箱流动及存放控制inventory control
零售价盘存retail inventory
零星活期存款petty current deposit
零部件库存part stock
非自愿库存involuntary inventory
面辅料存货系统fabric/accessory inventory system
预存款advanced deposits
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