
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing 存储器 | all forms | in specified order only
一组存储器memory stack
上推存储器pushup storage
不可清除存储器non-erasable storage
中间存储器interim store
中间存储器intermediate storage device
中间存取存储器intermediate access memory
串行存储器serial storage
串行存取存储器serial access storage
临时存储器temporal storage
存储器primary memory
存储器接口main-memory interface
二进制存储器binary storage
交叉存储器interleaved storage
交换存储器switch memory
交换式存储译码器switched memory decoding
交错式存储器interleaved storage
交错式存储器interleaved memory
伪随机存取存储器pseudo random access memory
低位存储器low memory
低温存储器cryogenic memory
作业交换存储器job swapping memory
便笺式存储器scratch ROM
便笺式高速存储器scratch pad memory
便签式存储器scratch ROM
先人先出存储器pushup storage
光电存储器optoelectronic memory
全息存储器holographic memory
共享存储器shared memory
再生式存储器regenerative memory
分段式存储器segmented memory system
分配存储器allocate storage
功能存储器functional memory
加到存储器add to memory
动态随机存储器dynamic RAM
单帧存储器one-frame memory
单片存储器on-chip memory
单片存储器monolithic memory
单调存储器flat memory
卡片随机存取存储器card random access memory
双向存储器开关ovonic memory switch
双极型随机存取存储器bipolar random access memory
只读存储器read-only storage
只读存储器启动程序startup ROM
只读光盘存储器compact disc-ROM
只读光盘存储器CD-read only memory
可擦编程只读存储器erasable PROM
可擦编程只读存储器erasable and programmable read-only memory
可擦可编程只读存储器erasable programmable read-only memory
可改写的只读存储器read-mainly memory
可编程只读存储器reprogrammable ROM
可编程只读存储器programmable ROM
后人先出存储器push-down storage
后人先出存储器nesting storage
基本存储器模块basic storage module
声频存储器audio memory
存储器external memory
多端口存储器multi-port memory
多重存取存储器multi-access memory
大容量存储器HI-C storage
大容量存储器bulk memory
大容量存储器mass memory
大容量存储器large capacity memory
存储单元地址寄存器location address register
MOS 存储器MOS memory
存储器争用memory contention
存储器交叉存取memory across access
存储器内地址memory address
存储器再生memory regeneration
存储器分级体系memory hierarchy
存储器存取memory access
存储器存取端memory access end
存储器容量长度memory length
存储器所存数据memory stored data
存储器提取时间memory access time
存储器插件memory card
存储器插槽memory bank
存储器无冲突存取memory conflict-free access
存储器映像的输人/输出memory mapped I/O
存储器组地址memory pool address
存储器装人程序memory loader program
存储器访问memory reference
存储器转储store dump
存储器高速缓存memory cache
存储地址寄存器memory address register
存储寄存器memory register
存储拨号器repertory dialer
存储缓冲器memory buffer unit
存储缓冲器【区】memory buffer
实效存储器virtual memory
实质上的存储器virtual memory
实际的存储器physical storage
容量适中的存储器modest capacity memory
寄发存储器register memory
局部存储器local memory
平面磁膜存储器planar magnetic-film memory
并行检索存储器parallel search memory
弹性缓冲存储器elastic buffer memory
影像存储器shadow memory
擦程序只读存储器flash EPROM
快速存储器rapid storage
快速擦写存储器flash memory
总线存储器highway memory
扩充式可编程只读存储器extended programming read-only memory
扩充数据输出动态随机存取存储器extended data out dynamic random access memory
扩充数据输出随机存取存储器extended data out dynamic RAM (EDO DRAM)
扩充数据输出随机存取存储器extended data out RAM
扩充数据输出随机存取存储器extended data out random access memory
按内容存取存储器content accessible memory
按内容定址存储器associative storage
控制只读存储器control read-only memory
掩模型只读存储器mask ROM
数字行存储标准转换器digital line-store standard converter
数字静止图像存储器digital still store
普通存储器 美国地理学会球化学学会general storage
本地存储器local storage
本地存储器local memory
本机存储器local memory
档案库存储器archival memory
档棗库存储器archival storage
永久性存储器persistent storage
海量存储器mass memory
海量光存储器mass optical memory
潜像存储器latent image memory
照相-光学存储器photo-optic memory
熔丝编程只读存储器fusible link PROM
物理存储器physical storage
环形存储器toroidal memory
用户状态存储器line state memory
电可擦只读存储器electrically-erasable read only memory
电可擦可编程只读存储器electrically erasable PROM
电可擦可编程只读存储器electrically erasable programmable read only memory
电可擦可编程随机存取存储器electrically erasable PRAM
电可改写的只读存储器electrically alterable read-only memory
电可改写的可编程只读存储器electrically alterable programmable read only memory
电可编程只读存储器electrically programmable readonly memory
电源故障保护大容量存储器power failure defense bulk memory
电荷耦合存储器charge-coupled memory
盒式存储器magnetic tape memory
直接存储器接口direct memory interface
直接存取存储器direct access memory
直接存取存储器direct access storage device
直观存储器direct-view storage tube
相联存储器content accessible memory
矩阵式存储器matrix storage
磁光存储器magneto-optical memory
磁光存储器photomagnetic storage
磁光存储器magneto-optic memory
磁珠存储器bead store
磁盘高速缓冲存储器disk cache
磁阻存储器magnetoresistive memory
空操作存储器保护no-operation memory protect
立即存取存储器zero access storage
立即存取存储器immediate access store
紧致海量存储器compact mass storage
紫外线可擦可编程只读存储器ultraviolet-erasable programmable read only memory
紫外线可擦除的只读存储器ultraviolet erasable ROM
结构存储器structure memory
结构存储器structural memory
结构化存储器存取structured memory access
编译存储器compiled memory
虚拟存储器环境的通信接口组件virtual memory environment communication interface assembly
虚拟存储器环境的通信接口组件VME communication interface assembly
计算机存储器computer storage
记人薄膜存储器post-and-film memory
话单存储器memory ticket
读、写存储器read/write memory
贯穿存人高速缓冲存储器store-through cache
辅助存储器管理程序auxiliary storage manager
进程存储器开关表示process-memory-switch representation
逐位存储器bit by bit memory
镀磁线存储器magnetic-plated wire memory
长期存储器long-term storage
随机存储器random access memory
静态随机存储器static RAM
非易佚性存储器non-volatile memory
非易失性随机存取存储器nonvolatile RAM
非破坏性读出存储器non-destructive readout memory
顺序存取存储器sequential access storage
高速存储器high speed memory
高速存储器fast-access storage