
Terms for subject Securities containing 字体 | all forms
丁字形账户skeleton account T
不实数字blind figure
与上年同期数字相比year-on-year comparison
两位数字的增长double-digit growth
传真签字facsimile signature
传闻数字传闻某公司财务报表数据但尚未披露,常被投机者用来炒作whisper number
倒金字塔法随股价上涨,抛售股票总量开始逐步增多reverse pyramiding
借款字据instrument of indebtedness
债务偿还数字debt service figures
关键数字key figure
出现赤字in the red
初步数字preliminary figure
十字线表示开盘价与收盘价相同状况cross line
十字过滤线vertical horizontal filter
十字过滤线技术分析vertical horizontal filter
基准估计数字benchmark estimate
基准数字修订benchmark revision
基金赤字fund deficit
增强型数字资料传输专线enhanced digital datafeed
增补签字additional signature
大写数字word figure
字形交易U-turn transaction U
已弥补的赤字funded deficit
投资心理账户金字塔mental accounting investment pyramid
投资金字塔investment pyramid (资金配置结构如金字塔一样的投资配置方案)
投资金字塔financial pyramid
授权签字authorized signature
授权签字样本specimen of authorized signature
支票伪造签字check forgery
数字信息服务digital information service
数字化现金digital cash
数字化现金cyber cash
数字化签名digital signature
数字化签名算法digital signature algorithm
数字化股票期权digital stock options
数字化认股权证digital warrant
数字化证书digital certificate
数字化货币digital coins
数字化钱包digital wallet
数字期权digital option
数字省略digit deleted
数字许可证用于固定收人证券产品电子平台digital certificate
数字货币digital money
数字货币期权digital currency options
数字资料传递digital data feed
数字通用编号系统data universal numbering system
数字金额amount in figures
文字上保证documentary assurance
文字与数字金额不符words and figures differ
文字承诺written commitment
文字披露written disclosure
文字证明written document
期末数字end-period figures
未分配的赤字undistributed deficit
未处置的赤字undisposed deficit
未签字版本unsecured copy
未经授权的签字unauthorized signature
母子十字一种蜡烛线图形技术分析harami cross
法规金字塔指美国对证券行业安全运作,从上到下有一整套调整的法律体系regulatory pyramid
流动资金赤字working capital deficit
电子签字electronic signature
百分比数字percentage figure
矩阵中心十字法Cardinal square (技术分析)
神奇数字Fibonacci number
神奇数字Fibonacci Arcs
神奇数字系列Fibonacci series
签字交付回条signed delivery receipt
签字保证guarantee of signature
签字原件signed original
签字担保signature guarantee
签字放弃权利或财产sign away
银行保留的 签字样本specimen signature
签字样本signature specimen
签字盖章signed and sealed
红字条款red clause
红字账户rubricated account
经营性赤字operation deficit
统计数字statistical data
老字号firm of long standing
联合签字joint signature
虚假数字questionable figure
被证券交易所认可的名字marking name
认可签字名单list of authorized signatures
资本组合数字capital formation figure
赤字纪录red ink entry
赤字经营operating in the red
运转资本赤字working capital deficit
追加签字additional signature
金字塔式指数结构pyramid index structure
金字塔式推销pyramid sale
金字塔式比率pyramid ratio
金字塔式证券交易pyramiding exchange
金字塔式骗术pyramid scheme
风险金字塔结构financial pyramid
验证数字准确性verified figures
魔力6字股票对价格被低估股票的称呼magic sixes
黑字black ink