
Terms for subject Mining containing | all forms
井底初压力bottom-hole initial pressure
井口关井压力initial surface pressure shut-in
井口压力initial surface pressure
井口流动压力initial surface pressure flowing
井底关井压力initial bottom-hole pressure shut in
井底压力initial bottom-hole pressure
井底流动压力initial bottom-hole pressure flowing
井底静压initial bottom-hole pressure shut in
产量估计initial potential estimated
关井initial shut-in
关井套管压力initial casing pressure, shut-in
关井时间initial shut-in time
关井油管压力initial tubing pressure shut-in
关井油管压力initial shut-in tubing pressure
凝析点initial condensation point
压力梯度initial pressure gradient
压力调节器initial pressure regulator
initial casing pressure
套管流动压力initial casing pressure, flowing
套管静压initial casing pressure, shut-in
开井时间initial open time
循环压力initial circulation pressure
总产量gross primary production
抽汲产量initial potential swabbing
抽汲产量initial production swabbing
水驱最终采收率initial waterflooding ultimate recovery
油管压力initial tubing pressure
油管流动压力initial tubing pressure flowing
注水时井数number of wells in initial water flooding
泵抽产量initial potential pumping
泵抽产量initial production pumping
initial flow
测试阶段initial test phase
温差initial temperature difference
point of beginning
蒸汽initial vapour
地层压力与饱和冒泡压力之比primary-to-bubble ratio
压力raw pressure
油层静压original static reservoir pressure
油水界面以上高度height above original oil-water contact
油藏压力pressure, initial reservoir
液面深度initial fluid level
自由水面original free water level
静液柱压力initial hydrostatic pressure
地层测试起时间formation test start time
应变式压力计原压力raw strain gauge pressure
用碱水洗buck on
破裂fracture initiation
破裂压力fracture initiation pressure
循环开start of cycle
惠普压力计原温度值raw Hewlett-Parkard gauge temperature
惠普压力计原温度值raw HP gauge temperature
最早开时间earliest start time
激励后的初畅喷产量initial open flow after stimulation
第一次初流动压力initial 1st flowing pressure
第二次初流动压力initial 2nd flowing pressure
流动压力initial flowing pressure
液面高度starting fluid level
采出石油原地质储量的百分数percent of original oil in place produced