
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
从开就排除在优惠办法之外ab initio exclusion
从当月开生息accrue from the beginning of the month
从零开的预算zero-based budgeting
他们给我方寄了原发票They sent us the original invoice
他开从事商业,资金是他兄弟提供的He entered upon a commercial undertaking n., and his undertaking was financed by his brother
他的报告说明公认的会计原则开His report began with a description of the accounting principle generally accepted
价值的原成本original cost value
作业开报告report onto
作为开start with
你方挂号件中必须封入发票及原的或类似的装运单据Your registered letter should enclose invoice and original or comparable shipping document
使开工作put into operation (或运转)
使开运转start up
保持原价值keep original value
保持原价值keep aboriginal value
偿还原业务reimbursable seeding operations
改革initiate a reform
initial outlay
阶段start-up stage
净支出net initial outlay
参与地区initial participating area
生产区initial production area
谈判权initial negotiating right
费用first cost (prime cost)
项目original project
primitive men
开盘initial price
价值cost value
价值undepreciated value
价值original cost value
价值basic cost
价值acquisition cost
位置initial position
保险original insurance
保险费original premium (O. P.)
信用证original letter of credit
信用证original credit
信用证prime credit
信用证master credit
假设initial hypothesis
储量primary reserves
储量initial reserve
公社primitive communes
公社制度primitive communal system
农业aimless farming
凭单an original bill
凭证basic document
凭证source document
出票人a prime maker
创办人original founder
创办人发起人original founder
利息original interest
加价the original mark-up
劳动primitive labour
协议an original agreement
单据underlying document
单据supporting documents
发行的股票original issue stock
可缩写为 OEM器材制造商original equipment manufacturer
回收率primary recovery
垫付original advances
垫款primitive advance
增长率crude rate of increase
底图hard copy
成本法historical cost
成本法original cost method
成本百分率折旧法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
投入initial input
投资initial capitalization
投资收益return on original investment
效用original utility
效用elementary utility
数据资料firsthand material
数据raw data (form, 形式)
文契original copy of the deed
文据original copy of the deed
材料raw data
来源primary sources
森林raw timber size
毛利率original gross rate
法定资本original authorized capital
法郎germinal francs (含10/31克九成纯金的货币单位)
清单a source list
生产original production
的年龄分布initial age distribution
的积累primary accumulation
的购买货币original purchase value (指人类的劳动)
社会primitive society
租金original rent
积累the original accumulation
系统embryo system
经济primitive economy
经济学primitive economics
original table
计算the primary calculation
计算primary calculation
记录the primary accounting
证据正本best evidence
证据正本primary evidence
调査primary investigation
账目original entry
货币primitive money
费用baseline cost
资料source document
资料base line
资料first-hand information data
资料original data
资本the seed capital
资本initial capital (original capital)
资额original investment
进销价差initial makeup
静止油储量initial balance oil reserves
面值original face value
合同的条款将在明日开执行The terms of the contract will begin to be enforced tomorrow
售价与原价值之间的差额acquisition adjustment
商船一到悉尼就开卸货Unloading will commence as soon as the vessel arrives at Sydney
在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开制造该产品Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications
在谈判开阶段我们提到过我们的原则We mentioned our principle in the initial stage of the negotiations
在谈判开阶段我方已强调了准时发货的重要性,现在不再复述We stressed in the initial stage of negotiation the importance of punctual shipment and won't repeat it
发港first port of departure
点事项beginning event
in and out of season
终不渝brazen consistency
审査过去的账目时需要有原合同The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts
1996 年 5 月 1日将是本合同开生效的确切日期The first of May, 1996 will be the exact date of commencement of the term of this Contract
kick off
open for (business, signature, 营业、签署)
start off
set about (doing sth., 干某事)
be set to (doing sth., 干某事)
at the very start
entering upon
和结尾beginning and ending
实行come into force
实行come into effect
工作运转go into operation
工作go operation
工作时期break-in period
日产量initial daily production
时日流量日产量initial flow
营业时间the opening time
elementary period
生效go into operation (或运转)
生效take effect
生效come into operation (或运转)
的产量initial production
经营open a business
被使用come into use
认价比率opening-to-application ratio
议价比率opening-to-application ratio
停止记账book open (close)
调查institute an inquiry
赚钱come out of the red
销售come on to the market
我们将继续进行以前的代表开进行的业务谈判We are going to continue the business negotiations initiated by the former representatives
我们很高兴与你方成交了无烟煤400吨,自5月开按月分4 次平均装运We are pleased to have booked your order for 400 tons hard coal, shipment in four equal monthly installments beginning with May
我们期望圣诞节后重新开大规模的购货We expect a resumption of large-scale purchase after Christmas
我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
我们非常盼望和你们开建立业务关系We are looking forward to inaugurating business relations with you
我们非常高兴能与贵方开业务合作We have the pleasure to initiate the business cooperation with you
折余原成本depreciated original cost
收集原资料the primary acquisition (数据)
新牌产品开上市的日期已定The launch date of the new brand product has been decided
日记账也叫原记录簿The journal is called a book of original entry
时效期的开commencement of the limitation period
时效期间开commencement of the limitation period
重新发盘a renewed offer
最早作业开时间earliest start time
最早开路径树earliest start tree
最迟作业开时间latest start time
付过款的原余额original balance
未整理的原记录unwrought original records
本协议经双方签字即开生效,至次年7 月1日终止This Agreement shall commence upon signature by both sides and may be terminated on July 1st next year
由于我方终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
真正的难题是扩大原市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
约翰・史密斯是俱乐部的创John Smith is a founder of the club
统一的原凭证a unitary primary document
自…时开始生go into effect from...
船开装货前向海关申报enter outward
该公司开获得较大的市场份额The company began to gain a larger market share
请观望,等到有利时机再开Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start
资本原积累proto-accumulation of capital
时间zero time
出发时间starting time
水平base level
级别entry level
补贴initial allowance
运行开start of run
这仅是与你方大量直接业务来往的开This is only the beginning of the considerable direct business relations with you
这家工厂终未找到一名有经验的工程师The plant has been unable to fill the vacancy for an experienced engineer
重新开resume (占用)
银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开新的项目The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project
预计开装货时间expected time of commencement of loading
马上开push off (as soon as you are ready)