
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 如 何 | all forms | in specified order only
如果您有任何不舒服,请让我知道。If you have any strange feeling, please let me know about it. Impression taking
您是否了解如何预防牙周疾病?Have you ever heard about prevention of periodontal disease?
您现在身体状况如何How are your health conditions now? (Excellent, Average, Poor)
您现在身体状况如何How is your general health condition at present?
您现在身体状况如何Are you in good health now?
您认为义齿设计得如何What do you think about this design of the denture?
感觉如何How do you feel?
现在,我将在模型上向您展示如何刷牙Now, I will show you how to brush your teeth using this dental model