
Terms containing 如下 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上述货物已装上XX轮,如天气许可,该轮将于今天下午启航The above goods have been forwarded per S/S which sails this afternoon, weather permitting
commer.下月月初如有船We'll ship early next month subject to the availability of vessel
dentist.今天我将做如下治疗Today I will do the following treatment
gen.你能向我介绍下汽车的分类吗?例如微型汽车、运动型多用途汽车和全尺寸汽车Can you introduce the specific categories of vehicles to me? Such as compact, SUV, full-size
light.你能给我演示下这台升降灯是如何操作的吗?Can you show me how the pulley lamp works, please?
auto.修改如下as amended by
el.修正如下as amended by
gen.假如您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you
commer.全文如下The full text reads as follows
gen.全文如下it reads as follows
commer.其他情况下不如此not otherwise
gen.兹抄录如下herewith copy
econ.兹报盘如下We offer as follows...
econ.兹随函寄上我方续订的物品如下We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith a repeat order as follows
busin.决议如下be it resolved
gen.决议如下the resolution runs as follows
busin.叙述如下described as follows
gen.在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例如吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa
sport.在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
gen.声明全文如下the statement reads in full as follows
gen.大意如下的声明statement to the following effect
gen.如下所述as follows
gen.如下所述be as follows
avia.如下as follows ...
interntl.trade.内容如下read as follows
gen.如下as follows
lat., busin.如下et seq
commer.拉丁语如下所述,所示ut infra
gen.如下as below
commer.如下所述ut infra (示)
interntl.trade., lat.如下所述ut infra
relig.如下所述ut infra
econ.如扣下的这笔金额已超出适量,我方将退回这笔超额中的一半If the amount deducted is more than adequate we shall release a half of such excess amount
econ.如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style
gen.如果你去美国旅行,强烈推荐你尝一下新英格兰蛤蜊汤If you travel to America, New England clam soup is strongly recommended
dentist.如果你想让我停下来,你需要举起你的手。明白吗?If you want me to stop, just raise your hand, Understand?
commer.如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
econ.如果你方同意我方的安排,请在注有"同意并接受"字样下签名If you agree with our arrangement, please sign under the words "Agreed to and accepted"
econ.如果你方对新型毛织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
econ.如果你方试用一下这些货物,我确信你方会满意的If you give these goods a trial n., I'm sure you'll be satisfied with them
econ.如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
gen.如果你认为胃分流术适合你,可以与医生讨论一下If you think gastric bypass surgery might be right for you, talk with your doctor
econ.如果发生下述情况,授予贵公司的专营许可证即成为非专营许可证…The exclusive license granted to your company will become non-exclusive when the following conditions occur...
dentist.如果在下次复诊前临时冠掉了,请与我们联系If the temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, please contact us
econ.如果客户向我方下更多订单,我方存货将大大减少If clients order much more from us, our stocks will be reduced greatly
proj.manag.如果您不想立即格式化该卷、请单去"不要格式化这个卷"、然后单击 "下一步"If you don't want to format the volume right now, click "Do not format this volume", and then click "Next"
gen.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast
busin.如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot
econ.如果明天下午合同准备好,我们就邮寄给你们签字In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature
proj.manag.如果禁用此参数、UM 服务器将邀请呼叫者留下语音邮件If this parameter is disabled, the UM server invites the caller to leave a voice mail message
proj.manag.如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
econ.如果运输成本降下来,我们就能够投资于自动化装卸If transportation costs come down, we will be able to invest in automated handling
gen.如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next
econ.将A方股票换成B方股票其方式如下The way of converting the shares of Party A into the shares of Party B shall be as follows...
gen.当然,如果你可以等我一下。让我找张纸写下来Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down
gen.您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered
gen.您填一下失物单好吗?如果有人发现了,我们可以和您联系Would you please fill out the lost property form? So we can contact you if it's located
sport.成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
gen.提醒…注意如下事实alert...to the fact that
gen.新车在正式使用前最好先试开一下,对新机器也是如此it is recommended to drive a new car before you put it into use, and so with a new machine
gen.有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun
dentist.根管治疗的方法如下The methods of root canal treatment are as the following
gen.现在,假如你不介意,请拉一下铃,再要一副刀叉碟子来,我们一同进餐吧Ring, then, if you please, for a second knife, fork, and plate, and we will dine together
gen.理由如下the reason is this
econ.电文如下the telegram reads (as follows)
commer.电文如下The cable reads as follows
econ.考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
econ.考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
expl.评估米矿作业产生浮尘的国家污染物分类细则手册、列岀了由于煤矿爆破产生的浮尘全部悬浮颗粒方程如下The national pollutant inventory manual far the estimation of fugitive dust from mining operations offers the following equation for the dust total suspended particulates generated from blasting in coal mines
expl.通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height
gen.顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible