
Terms containing | all forms
gen.往常指性格、作风、竞技状态等run true to form
gen.一切种种东西,形形色色,诸此类this, that or the other
gen.一切种种东西,形形色色,诸此类this, that and the other
gen.一切都应付自know what one is about
gen.一块立方氧化锆比相同大小的钻石更重,但不钻石硬。此外,立方氧化钴比钻石发出更多光芒A chunk of cubic zirconia is heavier than a diamond of the same size, but not as hard Moreover, cubic zirconia produces more flashes of color than a diamond
gen.一贫not a feather to fly with
gen.一贫as bare as the back of one's hand
gen.一钱skin a flint
gen.万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有何处理这方面问题的规定What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it
gen.inferior to
gen.not as good as
gen.be below
gen.might just as well
gen.would rather
gen.had better
gen.go athwart one's purpose
gen.所望don't come up to one's expectation
gen.所望don't come up to one's expectations
gen.所望fall short of one's expectations
gen.所望fall short of one's expectation
gen.说取决于Mdepend on M rather than (N, 取决于M而不是N)
gen.M 不M那么好not in the same street as
gen.M不N重要M matters less than (N)
gen.不一定it need not be
gen.不仅wore than this
gen.不仅wore than that
gen.不用睫毛夹而用假睫毛何?How about wearing fake eyelashes instead of using an eyelash curler?
gen.不管是否be it true or not
gen.不论结果hit or miss
gen.不过such as it is
gen.不过so so
gen.不顾舆论through good and evil report
gen.与其 N不 MM rather than rather M than (N)
gen.与其 N 倒不 Mwould rather M than (N)
gen.与其 N 倒不 Mwould sooner M than (N)
gen.与其 N 倒不 Mrather M than (N)
gen.与其N不Mwould much sooner M than (N)
gen.与其N不Mwould much rather M than (N)
gen.…与其…不如…had rather... than
gen.与其N倒不Mwould much rather M than (N)
gen.与其N倒不Mwould sooner M than (N)
gen.与其N倒不Mhad much rather M than (N)
gen.与其说… 不如说rather
gen.与其说是 M 不说是Nnot so much M as (N)
gen.与其说是N不说是Mmore M than (N)
gen.与其说是M不说是Nnot so much M as (N)
gen.Y与Z的关系正X与Y的关系一样as X is to Y, so Y is to Z
gen.两个正电荷也是and so do two positive charges
gen.两个正电荷也是two negative charges repel each other
gen.为对付这种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例阿司匹林或退热净。To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen (小贴士:在国外挂急诊,费用可能会很高,由于国内外医疗体制不同,在国外看病需要注意以下4点:1 •小毛病尽量自己看,出国前多带非处方药;2•选择保险公司指定的医院;3. 牢记该国急救电话,如美国是911, 韩国是119等; 4. 费用可以讨价还价。在美国,很多医疗账单可以打7折。)
gen.之于B 正 C 之于 DA is to B what C is to DA
gen.他们也是and so do (they)
gen.似乎是so it appears
gen.但愿may it be so
gen.你们国家的气候何?What is the climate like in your country?
gen.你们热情周到的服务让我有一种宾至归的感觉Your thoughtful service has made me feel at home
gen.你的牛排要何烹调?How do you like your steak?
gen.你能向我介绍下汽车的分类吗?例微型汽车、运动型多用途汽车和全尺寸汽车Can you introduce the specific categories of vehicles to me? Such as compact, SUV, full-size
gen.使 M 担心不知结果keep M in suspense
gen.使发动机永远keep the engine young
gen.倒不... as well
gen.be it that
gen.in case (of)
gen.in case of
gen.provided (that)
gen.外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission
gen.您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you
gen.的话if anything
gen.先生,叫香槟鸡尾酒给夫人,您来点樱桃酒何?How about a Champagne Cocktail for madam and a Kirsch for you, sir?
gen.全文it reads as follows
gen.关于饮食和营养,有此多的相互矛盾的意见There is so much conflicting advice about diet and nutrition
gen.其真相大致that's about the size of it
gen.兹抄录herewith copy
gen.果符号then if symbol
gen.医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor
gen.即使虽然even so
gen.即使be that as it may
gen.否则果符号else-if symbol
gen.听其so be it
gen.在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa
gen.在不意时不失望make the best of the matter
gen.在不意时不失望make the best of things
gen.在地中海国家,果你和别人交谈,不愿碰触他们的手臂,或者打招呼时,不亲吻他人,不拥抱他人,那么别人会觉得你冷漠In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you'll be considered cold
gen.在威尔士人们何过情人节?How do people in Wales spend Valentine's Day?
gen.在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关耶稣诞生的戏剧,用来展示耶稣是何在马厩里出生的Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or "birth" play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable
gen.在这里通常我们不给小费,但是果你要给也可以People don't usually tip here, but you can
gen.磐石as firm as a rock
gen.磐石as firm a rock
gen.处处不be a fool to
gen.恒河沙数numberless as the sands
gen.恒河沙数numberless as the sand
gen.大意下的声明statement to the following effect
gen.好了,到时间办登记手续啦。果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately
gen.…一般早so soon as
gen.…一般早as soon as
gen.一路绿灯,我们能准时到达We can get there on time if the lights are with us
gen.所述as remarked earlier
gen.所述as remarked above
gen.上所指出as has been indicated above
gen.上所述as already noted
gen.上所述as previously stated
gen.上所述as noted above
gen.上所述it was stated
gen.上所述as stated above
gen.上所述的above mentioned
gen.所述be as follows
gen.所述as follows
gen.as follows
gen.as below
gen.你认为what about
gen.你认为what of
gen.how about
gen.所述as before
gen.前所述as before
gen.so to speak
gen.such as
gen.so to say
gen.that…就像in the same way as
gen.同…一样as with
gen.同N的四倍那么大four times as big as (N)
gen.by request
gen.坐针毡the anxious bench
gen.堕五里雾中be lost in a fog
wushu.封似闭apparent close-up
gen.尼文rune (一种北欧古文字)
gen.意算盘wishful thinking
gen.意算盘smug calculations
gen.愿以偿come up to one's expectations
gen.愿以偿get one's wish
gen.愿以偿meet one's expectations
gen.愿以偿answer one's expectations
gen.我方不断订货,你方能保证竹纤维毛巾的质量吗?If we place regular orders, can you ensure the quality of your bamboo fiber towels?
gen.所指示ut dietum
gen.所指示ut diet
gen.…所述as explained in
gen.有可能if possible
gen.本来可以预料到的as might have been expected
gen.本章前面所述as described earlier in this chapter
gen.on condition that
gen.provided (that)
gen.subject to
gen.果…on the understanding that...
gen.果 ф = 30°,则ф' = 60°if ф = 30° as given, then ф' = 60°
gen.果…我,我们将不胜感谢we shall esteem it as a favour if
gen.果…我,我们将不胜感谢I shall esteem it as a favour if
gen.要是没有… 的话were it not for
gen.要是没有… 的话were it not that
gen.要是没有… 的话if it were not for
gen.果一个人想要追求另一个人,便会利用这个节日以匿名的方式向对方告白People who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously
gen.果一个女性在25岁以后体重增加,就减少了骨折的风险The more weight a woman gains after age 25, the lower her risk of fracture
gen.果上述缺点得以改正则是一个理想的设计方案an otherwise ideal design
gen.果不堵车,我们就来得及We'll be all right if there're no holdups
gen.果不是由于but for
gen.果不是…而是…if instead of
gen.果不是这样if this were not so
gen.果不是这样were this not so
gen.果不是那样if instead
gen.果不让力作用于其上no body can be set in motion without having a force act upon it
gen.果东西是在免税商店购买的话,法律允许你免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free, if purchased in a duty-free shop
gen.果仅仅如果语句if and only if
gen.果你买不起钻石,就试试漂亮的人造珠宝吧If you can't lay your hand on a suite of diamonds, then look for exciting costume jewelry
gen.果你买的话,我可以从“制造商建议零售价”里折掉500美元I can take $500 off the MSRP if you buy it
gen.果你允许的话with your leave
gen.果你允许的话by your leave
gen.果你去美国旅行,强烈推荐你尝一下新英格兰蛤蜊汤If you travel to America, New England clam soup is strongly recommended
gen.果你够不到食物,可以请别人帮你把菜传过来If something is out of your reach, you can ask politely for someone to pass it to you
gen.果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip (or reduce the amount you would tip)
gen.果你想做一件旗袍,就要买缎子If you want to make one, you need the satin
gen.果你想减少脂肪,必须要做有氧运动If you want to decrease body fat, you must do aerobic exercises
gen.果你想要空间更大或更舒服的车,我推荐大型轿车If you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car
gen.果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you
gen.果你没有滑倒,就不会弄断了腿If you have not slip and fall, you will not have broken your leg
gen.果你现在就来,那更好if you come now, so much the better
gen.果你知道某人抑郁,这件事也同样影响你。If you know someone who is depressed, it affects you, too (小贴士:医院称为 hospital, 通常提供住院治疗;诊所称为clinic,通常只接受门诊患者,比医院规模小。hospital 和hotel 同源;而clinic和incline 同源,因为病人历史上是斜躺在床上接受治疗的。注意,在使用 hospital 这个单词时,美国和其他英语国家不一样,通常需要一个冠词,如 in the hospital; 但在英国及其他国家,一般用 in hospital。 charlatan 是达不到标准,只为了获得利润而行医的人。古罗马有个词叫 archiater, 是宫廷医生 (court physician), 比较接近中文“太医”的含义。诊断并治疗后,或者诊断后不治疗就离开的患者叫outpatient(门诊患者),而住院治疗的患者叫 inpatient。入院叫 to be admitted, 住院叫 hospitalization。)
gen.果你稍微注意if you had half an eye
gen.果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
gen.果你要申请签证,那最好现在就开始准备If you want to apply for a visa, you'd better start getting ready for it now
gen.果你认为胃分流术适合你,可以与医生讨论一下If you think gastric bypass surgery might be right for you, talk with your doctor
gen.果你跟洛杉矶任何一个电影人交谈,他们一定会告诉你全球电影票房的上升给好莱坞带来的是根本性的改变Speak to anyone in the film industry in Los Angeles and they will tell you that the growth in global box office is bringing about fundamental change in Hollywood
gen.果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
gen.果使用国际长城卡,您可以享受九五折优惠You can get a 5% discount if you use a Great Wall International Credit Card
gen.果其他情况都一样all other conditions being equal
gen.果发生in case (of)
gen.果发生in case of
gen.果发生最坏的情况if the worst comes to the worst
gen.果在他们身上看到了任何的伤痕,我就用药膏涂在上面If I find any cuts or scraps on their bodies I apply healing ointment to their wounds
gen.果在哪儿能…的话if anywhere
gen.果在易燃物附近发生短路,可能会引起火灾if the short is near inflammable material, it may start a fire
gen.果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?
gen.果天气好的话weather permitting
gen.果太…就会can not + inf. + too... or...
gen.果希腊人邀请你去他家做客,给女主人送上鲜花或者蛋糕就很合适了If you are invited to a Greek home, flowers or a cake for the hostess are an appropriate gift
gen.果必须选择for choice
gen.果您对购买的商品不满意,我们保证退款We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with your purchase
gen.果您想要,可以要点鸡肉If you like, you can have some chicken
gen.果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast
gen.果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website
gen.果您有事要询问,您可以打电话给大堂副管If you require anything, you can call the Assistant Manager
gen.果您有什么要求,请通知我们If you have any further requirements, please let us know
gen.果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online
gen.果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal
gen.果您真的想要,我们可以给您打九折If you really like it, we can cut down the price by 10 percent
gen.果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again
gen.果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door
gen.果情况坏到极点if the worst comes to the worst
gen.果我不给小费就是无礼了?Am I rude if I don't tip?
gen.果我们加冰,会破坏它的味道If we add ice, the taste will be spoiled
gen.果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?
gen.果我更改预订后,价格增长了应该怎么办?What happens if my booking goes up in price after making changes?
gen.果我要在机场留宿一夜,住宿费用机场会承担吗?Will the airline pay for my room if I have to spend the night at the airport?
gen.果我进行了更改,我预订的专车服务会怎么样?What happens to my chauffer bookings if I change?
gen.果我预订阿联酋航空公司航班,能够申请宗教餐吗?Can I enjoy a special religious meal if I choose a flight from the Emirates?
gen.果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in
gen.果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor
gen.果是这样的话if so
gen.插人语果有的话if any
gen.果有发生过的话那也if ever
gen.6587-2334.果有什么需要我们做的,请告诉我们。前台的分机号码是 6587-2334If there? s anything we can do for you please let us know. The extension for the Front Desk is
gen.果有变化的话请您告知前台,好吗?If there's any change, could you inform the Front Desk, please?
gen.果有空位,请通知我。我想换座位If you have a vacant seat, please let me know. I would like to change my seat
gen.果有过的话那也if ever
gen.果机器发生故障turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine
gen.果某人发生什么意外不幸if anything should happen to sb.
gen.果没有but that
gen.果没有if it were not for
gen.果没有if it were not for
gen.果没有but for
gen.果没有,我马上派人到药店买一个过来If not, I'll send someone down to get one from the pharmacy
gen.果没有有效的绝缘it were not for effective insulation
gen.果没有煤,可以用石油来代替if there is no coal, oil can be used instead
gen.果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel
gen.果物体没有重量,那么它就不会有势能if a body had no weight, it would have no potential energy
gen.果申请人不能证明申请合理性,那将会被拒签A visa must be denied if the applicant cannot establish his or her eligibility
gen.果病人对青霉素过敏,那该怎么办呢?What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin?
gen.果睫毛很稀的话,可涂上一层黑的睫毛膏If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara
gen.果车上都安装个简单的电子稳定装置,很多翻车事件就不会发生了Many roll-overs would not happen if vehicles simply had a device called Electronic Stability Program (ESP)
gen.果透支了怎么办?What if I overdraw?
gen.果那at this rate
gen.果那at that rate
gen.果…那将会怎样呢what would happen if
gen.果…那将会怎样呢what if
gen.果…那怎么办怎么样what would happen if...
gen.果…那怎么办怎么样what if
gen.果那样in that case
gen.果钟表发条是用几乎没有弹性的铅做的,它上紧以后就不会有势能if the clockspring were made of lead, with practically no elasticity, it would possess no potential energy when wound
gen.果销量够大,我们未来加大订购量If the sales volume is large enough, we will give you larger orders in the future
gen.果镜框或者镜片有问题,请立即致电与店主联系If there is something wrong with the optical frame or lens, please make a call to the shopkeeper immediately
gen.in this manner
gen.in this wise
gen.in such a manner
gen.…以致以使so... that...
gen.此之…以致so... as to (+ inf.)
gen.此…以致so... that
gen.此如此thus and so
gen.此如此thus and thus
gen.此而已such as it is
gen.此这般thus and thus
gen.此这般thus and so
gen.此这般such and such
gen.此这般so and so
gen.浮雕一般in relief
gen.遇紧急情况,请联系客房中心或总台服务If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or Front Desk
gen.需轮椅车和拐杖,请与行李房联系We offer wheelchair and walking stick. Please contact the Luggage Room if you need
gen.…如果气中没有灰尘if there were no dust in the
gen.尤其the more so
gen.尽管for all that
gen.尽管这样be that as it may
gen.尽管虽然然而仍旧for all that
gen.尽管虽然然而仍旧in spite of that
gen.尽管be that as it may
gen.希望此吧,但是我仍然感到紧张啊I hope so, but I still feel a bit nervous
gen.当然,果你可以等我一下。让我找张纸写下来Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down
gen.当然,果你已经有严重的抑郁症状,那么应寻求正确的帮助Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help right away
gen.当然,果找不到,航空公司会赔偿,但我们相信能找到Well, of course, in that case the airline will pay you compensation. But I'm sure we'll find it
wushu.流水move like flowing water
gen.as though
gen.其分的appropriate (to)
gen.恰好as it is
gen.M慢慢增大,N 也M increases slowly, and so does (N)
gen.何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?
gen.何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?
gen.我们可以选择一些富于变化的颜色,紫色和宝石蓝色,以增加空间的多样化To add your diverse spaces, we can choose a variety of fun colors like purple and royal blue
gen.我们提供正宗法国菜,比翡翠肉汤和鸡蛋番茄沙拉Authentic French food, such as emerald meat soup , and tomato and egg salad
gen.我们有最新的运动器械,例自行车、杠铃、哑铃等We have all the latest apparatus, such as bicycles, bar & dumb bells and so on
gen.我们这儿有许多不同种类的经典中国工艺品,比景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、竹器和中国画We've got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and crafts, such as cloisonne, lacquerware, jadeware, bamboo carvings and China painting
gen.我在软绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning
gen.我在阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该何领取未使用机票的退款?I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?
gen.我恐怕迷路了。果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?
gen.我想尝尝当地的食物,比养麦煎饼、黄瓜粉皮以及白菜薄荷I'd like to have some local food, such as ble noir, cucumber and vermicelli, and cabbage and mint
gen.我想要安静的角落,果可能的话I'd like a quiet corner, if possible
gen.我是楼层服务员。果有什么需要,请告诉我I'm the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you
gen.我有急事要出差。果我们更改时间,会给你造成不便吗?I have to go on a trip urgently. Would it bother you if we changed the time?
gen.我来演示何让这台新的洗衣机搅动衣服I will demonstrate how to make the new washing machine agitate the clothes
gen.我要I am going to my private office
gen.我记得您说过您喜欢戏剧,因此,果您有兴趣的话,我们很乐意安排您观看伦敦西区的戏剧I believe you mentioned that you are a keen theatre-goer. We would, therefore, be pleased to arrange for you to see a West End play if this would interest you
gen.我颇认为I rather think so
gen.或诸此类or the like
gen.承认不某人或某物give sth. best
gen.承认不某人或某物give sb. best
gen.M 承认不M好yield the palm to
gen.反掌easy as my eye
gen.反掌的事the work of a moment
gen.有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是此有趣There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun
gen.有的颜色,例绿和蓝,看上去凉some colours, such as green and blue, seem cool
gen.本次电影节还未指出阿桑奇将何看待此次入围竞选The festival has not yet revealed how Assange will screen the films in competition
gen.机器果发生什么毛病的话if there is anything the matter with the machine
gen.even as
gen.…一样just as
gen.…一样just like
gen.几乎同… 一样just like
gen.完全像…一样just as
gen.…一样as..., so...
gen. M 一样,N也…as M, so (N)
gen.很快就会明显地看到的那样as will be apparent shortly
gen.上面所指出的那样as noted above
gen.上面所指出的那样as already noted
gen.所料预期as expected
gen.样…也just as
gen.…的情况一样as with
gen.M那样Nas M, so (N)
gen.预料according to expectations
gen.预料according to expectation
gen.正是just so
gen.正是as much
gen.正是quite so
gen.正是quite right
gen.正是as is the case
gen.正确实地in one's true perspective
gen.然而,并不一定总是however, this need not always be so
gen.理由the reason is this
gen.百闻不一见seeing is believing
gen.看来并非it appears not
gen.确实such is the case
gen.确实此,你可以在网上查找块滑石陶瓷部件,比较公司在网上发布的商品信息That's true, so you can find steatite ceramic parts on the Internet and compare the information sent by companies
gen.究竟什么how on earth
gen.究竟该何办理入境手续呢?How exactly should I go through the entry formality?
gen.其来的灾祸摧垮了很多家庭啊The sudden calamity had destroyed a lot of families
gen.虽不明讲而实际in practice if not in profession
gen.虽然之…be it ever so
gen.虽然such as it is
gen.虽然for all that
gen.虽然尽管仍然just the same
gen.虽然尽管仍然all the same
gen.虽然此可还是at that
gen.so… 虽然是如此be it ever
gen.虽然情况even then
gen.虽然情况even now
gen.赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”账户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments
gen.鸿毛as light as a feather
gen.非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late
gen.死色as pale as death
gen.顺便说一下,有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible
gen.顾客果对产品不满意,其有权在一段时间内退货When a customer is not satisfied with a product, he is entitled to return it to the store during a certain period of time
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