
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
业务推广励折扣a promotional allowance discount
个人individual bonus
"中华人民共和国优质产品励条例"Regulations of Awarding Fine Quality Products of the People's Republic of China (1979)
工人而发的a premium for (the workers)
职工等…设立的奖金bonus to (employees, etc.)
设备运用等…设立的奖金bonuses for (incessant use of equipment, etc.)
产量金制production bonus
现代管理7要素人力、金、产销方法、机器设备、物料、市场、士气manpower, money, methods, machines, materials, market, morale
值得merit a bonus
公民励委员会在二次大战期间,由美国联邦政府成立的Civilian Award Board
内部励金intrinsic reward
出口export promotion
出口export incentive
出口export encouragement
出口金证明export bonus vouchers
功利主义的惩制度a utilitarian reward punishment system
加班overtime premium
加班the attendance bonus
加班津贴overtime premium
勤劳加班the attendance bonus
区域就业regional employment premium (指经济开发区企业增加就业机会而按工人数额得的补贴)
单项bonus for single items of merit
发放bonus issue
合理化建议励办法suggestion system
和平peace prize
哈尔西励工资制Halsey premium system
团体group bonus
团体红利group bonus system
外部extrinsic reward
外部extrinsic reward
jack pot
励基金bonus pool
励基金premium fund
励工资制wage-incentive plan
VE 励条例value engineering incentive clause
励物资bonus goods
award and punish
award and punishment
惩制度reward and punishment (system)
惩制度bonuses and penalty system
赏和制裁reward and sanction
a hat money
the reward payment (rewards and bonuses)
a merit bonus
premium bond
incentive compensation
金制bonds plan
金制度bonus system
金及福利基金bonus and welfare fund
金和津贴费计划bonus and premium plans
金岀入总额aggregate fund in-and-out flow
金工资bonus wage
金或贴补grant or bounty
金支付payment in kind
金支付premium payment
金收入金额amount of income from funds used
金最低标准minimum funding standard
金账目a bonus account
如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增加The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%
安全accident reduction bonus
定时励计划time-premium plan
定期评工资制a measured day rate plan
对此账单,我公司所以办理现金折扣,乃系励如期付款The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on date due
小农励法Small Holding Act
工作人员金和津贴bonus and allowance to employees
巴德士计点金制Bedaux point system
应付the bonus payable
应付利润分享profit-sharing bonus payable
开门door prize
开门资本家对外勤职员的抽彩奖door prize
的机会brass ring
我们厂的工资支付方法采用计件和金制The method of payment in our factory is on the piece-rate and bonus basis
戴明本美国戴明博士the Deming prize
投资investment incentives
投资investment grants
投资励法案investment incentives act
按利润分发distribute bonuses out of profits
推销the push money
lottery wheel
evolving bonus
ex bonus
债券premium bond
惩的目标价格target price with bonus and penalty
标准惩制度normative reward and punishment system
流动金定额standard of current capital
滥发indiscriminate issuing bonuses
爱国a liberty lottery ticket
爱国liberty lottery ticket
物质励制度material reward system
物资material rewards
物资material award
a grand prize
甘特励工资制Gantt premium system
甘特励计划Gantt premium plan
生产成本加励一共的费用cost-plus-incentive fees
生终year-end bonus
竞赛emulation bonus
超额生产的累进性the accelerating premium
统一财政励措施协定Convention on Uniform Fiscal Initiatives
综合comprehensive bonus
职员officers’ bonus
职工励基金employee incentive fund
职工the employee bonus
脏污棘手装卸dirty money
英女皇Queen's Award (奖励优异的工业革新和出口业绩)
荣誉honourable mention
董事the bonus to directors
bonuses distributed according to strict calculations
诺贝尔经济学金获得者Nobel Prize winner for economic
财务励制度financial incentive system
赠品premium bonus
赫尔西励工资制the Halsey premium plan
超产payment by results (按时计件超额有奖)
超产金计划production bonus
超计划利润bonuses for overfulfilling the profit norm
超额bonuses topping quate
超额完成计划overfulfilment bonus
退伍时的gratuity fund
间接出口励金indirect export bounties
附带的extrinsic reward and punishments
附条件的佣金和conditional commission and bonus
隐蔽补助concealed bounty
隐蔽的出口励金concealed export bounties
领取基金会提供的学金on the foundation
领取由基金会提供的学金on the foundation (或津贴)
额外工作overtime bonus
额外的extra premium
美国麦尔肯国家质量以美国前商业部长命名,用于奖励在商业和质量上有杰出成就的美国公司Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award