
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般regular incentive
个人individual bonus
个人金制individual bonus
cash sweep
乱发indiscriminate issuing of bonuses
乱发indiscriminate issuance of bonuses
产量production bonus
以销售大小而定的励佣金volume incentive
任务和金计划task and bonus plan
企业管理优秀award for business management
作业金制task and bonus system
假期holiday bonus
储蓄savings drive
储蓄saving encouragement
全勤励计划hundred percent time premium plan
内部internal reward
内部intrinsic rewards and punishments
内部intrinsic rewards
出口励凭证export bonus vouchers
出口励凭证export bonus voucher
分红励办法profit-sharing bonus plans
创利contribution prize
功绩merit award
功绩merit bonus
加班或临时班overtime or odd-shift bonus
劳动竞赛labor emulation incentive
单项single-item incentive
单项bonus for fulfilment of particular targets
合理化建议和技术改进award for rationalization proposal and technical improvement
合理计issue bonuses rationally
员工employee incentive
员工励基金employee incentive fund source
哈尔西金制度Halsey premium system
哈尔西金制度Halsey premium plan
团体励制unit-wide incentives
地区就业regional employment premium
埃默森励工资制Emerson premium system
埃默森效率工制度Emerson efficiency wage system
埃默森效率工资励制Emerson efficiency wage system
增收留成retained income incentive based on increased net income
外部励全extrinsic reward
lottery ticket
券抽签lottery drawing
励出口措施export encouragement
励利息bonus interest
励制度award system
励制度incentive payment system
励品incentive goods
励工资bonus wage
励工资制incentive wage system
励工资制度wage incentive plan
励工资支出incentive wage payment
励工资支出办法incentive wage payment plan
励性合同incentive contract
励方案incentive scheme
励法bonus method
励结构incentive structure
励股incentive shares
励贸易drug up trade
励金制度bounty system
励陆上贸易税收favour taxes for land trade
励陆上贸易税收favor taxes for land trade
bonus goods
售政策policy of premiums for sale
学金和研究奖金scholarship and fellowship grants
惩条件bonus-penalty terms
cash bonus
hat money
bonus funds
制度system of reward
金与福利bonus and welfare
金兑现用现金发奖金cashing prize
金制premium system
金制premium plan
金制incentive payment system
金制award system
金制度bonus scheme
金和津贴计划bonus and premium plans
金基金bonus fund
金支付准备bonus payment reserve
金支出bonus payment
金最高限ceiling bonuses
金激励bonus incentives
金率rate of premium
金率incentive pay rate
金税bonus tax
金股票performance share
金股票公司以股票奖给工作优秀职工performance share
安全accident reduction bonus
定期terminal bonus
定额金制度quota bonus system
定额金计划quota bonus plan
实物bonus in king
小时励制hourly premium system
岀勤attendance bonus
工作励工资制task bonus system
工作task bonuses
工作人员金和津贴bonus and allowances to employees
工资性bonus in form of wage
年功length of service bonus
年终合格产品超额计件above-quota piecework wage based on the amount of qualified products at year-end
应付员工励及福利基金staff incentive and welfare fund payable
应受deserve a reward
应计accrued bonuses
建议suggestion bonus
机会brass ring
成本加励性利润合同cost plus incentive fee contract
投资励条例investment incentive act
投资励法investment incentive law
按利润发distribute bonuses out of profit
按小时计hourly premium system
推销员佣金push money
lottery wheel
支付酬劳pay the reward
政府对等government counterpart fund
效率efficiency bonus
斯堪农励制Scanlon plan
曾荣获国家银质has been winning the national silver medal
债券bond interest lottery
储蓄awarded deposit
储蓄公债premium saving bond
公债lottery bond
公债lottery loan
定期储蓄lottery-attached time deposit
有息带债券bond interest lottery
服务人员励金forces and services bounty
期末terminal bonus
欧文金制度Rowan premium system
水灾恢复有储蓄券bonus bearing flood rehabilitation certificates
污货装卸dirty money
滥发across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit
燃料、原料节约fuel, raw material conservation incentive
物质material award
特等grand prize
现金cash bonus
现金发cashing prize
甘特作业励工资制Gantt task and bonus wage plan
甘特工作励制Gantt task and bonus system
甘特工作金制Gantt task and bonus
甘特课题与金制度Gantt task and bonus system
生产production bonus
生产率productivity bonus
百分之百时间励计划one hundred percent time premium plan
目标bonus for attainment of goal
科技成果scientific and technological achievement incentive
竞争contest a prize
精神spiritual encouragement
累进金制accelerating premium
累进金工资制accelerating premium pay
给予mete out rewards
综合comprehensive bonus
综合composite incentive
群体励制group incentive system
群体励法group incentive plan
职员officer's bonus
职员bonus to officers
职工励与福利基金bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers
职工励基金workers and staff bonus fund
职工励基金bonus funds for staff and workers
职工bonus to employees
职工employee's bonus
职工employee bonus
职工金制度premium system
节时time-saving bonus
节省时间time saving bonus
节约bonus for economizing
节约thrift encouragement
董事bonus to directors
issue bonuses on the basis of recorded work performance
computation of bonus
设备运用bonus for incessant use of equipment
issue bonuses on the basis of discussions among the workers
诺贝尔Nobel Prize
贝道克斯工资励方案Bedaux plan
贝道克斯计点励工资制Bedaux point premium system
负风险negative risk premium
贡献contribution prize
质量励制quality bonuses
超产bonus for overfulfilment of production quota
超产金制production bonus system
超产金制production bonus
超产金计划production bonus plan
超产累进性acceleration premium
超额overfulfillment incentive
超额bonus for topping quota
超额bonus for overfulfilment of quota
超额金税tax on the above-norm bonus
超额生产金计划above-quota production bonus plan
轮班金制shift premium plan
输出励汇率be rate
进口励金import bounty
酬谢pay the reward offered
金钱monetary incentive scheme
银行抽之夜bank night
附带extrinsic rewards and punishment
附带的extrinsic reward and punishment
附条件佣金和conditional commission and bonus
隐蔽励金concealed bounty
集体励制group incentive system
集体金制group bonus system
励制度nonincentive system
励工资nonincentive wage
工资外的额外acceleration premium
额外工作over time bonus
风险risk premium