
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一次性one-time premium
一次性lump-sum award
业务推广励奖promotional allowance discount
保险insurance premium
假日holiday premium pay
免税学金tax-exempt scholarship
免税研究tax-exempt fellowship
全厂性励计划plant-wide bonus plan
内部internal rewards
减少事故accident reduction bonus
出口励制度incentive export system
出口励金export bounties
加班金收入overtime premium earnings
合伙人bonus to partner
合同contract letting
团体工计划group incentive plan
固体废物综合利用comprehensive utilization reward of solid wastes
励出口制incentive export system
励分红基金bonus and dividend fund
励工业incentive industry
励工资incentive wage
励工资制premium system
励工资制bonus system
励工资制度incentive system of wages
励工资计划incentive wage payment plan
励工资计划wage incentive plan
励工资计划incentive pay plan
励投资条例investment incentive act
励条款bonus clause
励标准incentive standard
励综合利用制度system of rewarding comprehensive utilization
励计划incentive scheme
励费用award fee
品匣trophy case
品橱trophy case
reward and punishment
commendation and penalization
惩制度system of rewards and penalties
惩条例bonus and penalty clause
罚合同bonus-penalty contract
罚条款bonus and penalty clause
reward and bonus
金储备bonus payment reserve
金分配reward distribution
金分配法bonus plan
金制度premium system
金制度bonus plan
金和津贴制bonus and premium plan
金式工资bonus wage
金条例bonus clause
金条款bonus clause
金法bonus method
金津贴incentive pay
金账bonus account
安全safety bonus
安全safe bonus
小指标计分point system on small quotas
小组励计划group incentive plan
小组金工资制group-bonus wage plan
工地worksite premium
工地construction site premium
工资励制度bonus system of wages
工资金制度bonus system of wages
应付bonus payable
应有的due reward
建筑architectural award
建筑获architectural award
建筑设计prize for architecture
建筑设计architectural award
开发bonus incentives for development
惩罚励条款penalty-and-bonus clause
成本加金合同cost-plus incentive fee contract
承包金制contract bonus system
投资investment incentive
提前竣工bonus for early completion of works
改善人类居住环境最佳范例best practices in human settlement improvement
放弃waiver of premium
金计时工资plain time rate
最优获得者grand champion
储蓄bonus bearing certificate
设计竞赛prize competition design
服务年限length of service bonus
模糊anonymous bonus
津贴和subsidies and incentives
消费者有竞赛consumer contest
滥发reckless bonus paying
滥发overissue of bonus
激励性incentive bonus
特别special bonus
现款cash reward
现金发cashing in a prize
竣工bonus for completion (金)
竣工bonus for completion (励)
经常性regular bonus
经济惩制reward and punishment by economic means
职员bonus to officer
职工励基金staff and worker's bonus
职工励基金staff award fund
职工励基金employee incentive fund source
职工金制度premium bonus system
薪金加金制salary plus bonus
计件励工资piecework premium wage
计时励工资reward system on time-rate basis
decide on awards through discussion
bonuses issued on the basis of a general voicing
诺贝尔Nobel Prize
贝杜工资励方案Bedaux plan
超载工作bonus paid for extra-heavy work
超限额金税tax on the above-norm bonus
隧道坑道工程中的超额励工资制度premium system
超额bonus for topping quota
超额完成计划over-fulfilment bonus
输出励金export bounty
附带的extrinsic rewards and punishments
大会award-giving meeting
颁发bestow a prize
预定结束日期bonus target date
额外extra premium
额外工时overtime bonus