
Terms for subject International trade containing 契约 | all forms | in specified order only
三方契约tripartite indenture
不是根据契约的索赔non contractual claims
不附担保的契约bare contract
东方贸易租船契约eastern trade charter
临时契约provisional contract
远洋轮临时船员雇用契约running agreement
书面契约written agreements
买卖契约sale contract
买卖契约contract of sale
买卖契约sales contract
买卖契约bill of sale
买回契约squeeze agreement
买日契约squeeze agreement
买货契约buying contract
代替契约之正本authentic text
价格契约price contract
佣船契约charter party
佣船契约提单charter party bill of lading
供应契约contract of delivery
保证履行契约give one's hand on (a bargain)
保证履行契约give a bargain
保险契约insurance contract
保险契约contract of insurance
信托契约deed of trust
信托契约fiduciary contract
信托契约trust indenture
信用契约fiduciary contract
债券契约bond indentures
债券信托契约bond indentures
全权租船契约bareboat charter
契约性义务quasi-contractual obligation
减价契约条款down price clause
分别契约several contract
初期契约initial treaty
加价契约条款up price clause
劳氏海损契约Lloyd's Average Bond
劳氏海损契约格式Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"
包船契约charter party
包船契约提单charter party bill of lading
单一契约single contract
单方承担义务的契约contract unilateral
单方面受益的契约gratuitous contract
单纯契约simple contract
卖出契约deed of sale
卖出后附有购回条件之契约sale and repurchase agreement
受托契约deed of trust
口 头契约verbal oral contract
口头契约verbal oral contract
可分别履行的契约several contract
合伙契约partnership agreement
合作契约articles of co-partnership
合法的契约合同legal contract
商业代理契约commission contract
商务代理契约commercial agency contract
因损害或违犯契约而提出补偿物tender of amend
因违反契约赔偿的损失heart balm
国外汇兑契约foreign exchange contract
国际借款契约委员会international loan contracts committee
国际公路货物运输契约的公约公路货运公约Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
国际货物销售契约公约Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
土地契约land contracts
外汇契约foreign exchange contract
多式联运契约MT contract
多边契约multilateral treaty
大宗契约quantity contract
契约上的财产共有conventional community
契约义务conventional obligations
契约之甲party of the first second part
契约价格contract of price
契约关系contractual relationship
契约发生意外supervening impossibility
契约、合同、契据、章程、承包contract cont
契约履行期限contract date
契约式合资经营contractual joint venture
契约当事人contracting parties
契约当事人contracting party
契约性条约contractual treaty
买卖的契约曲线contract curve
契约有效期life of agreement
契约期限term of contract
契约满期日terminal of an agreement
契约生效execution of contract
契约登记簿contract register
契约的完善perfection of contract
契约的实施部分operative part of a deed
契约票购contract purchasing
契约缔结地法lex loci contractus
契约编号contract serial number
契约范围contracted domain
契约规定的准备金contract reserve
契约规定股利contractual dividend
契约规定股息contractual dividend
契约货品contract goods
契约过失culpa in contrahendo
契约运费率contract rate
契约运费率制度contract rate system
完整契约条款entire agreement
定买卖契约bind a bargain
定期航海雇船契约voyage charter
定期财产保险契约term policy
定购契约purchase contract
履行契约deliver the goods
履行契约execute one’s promises
履行契约execute one's promises
工资契约wage contract
延期契约extension agreement
待执行契约executory contract
待执行的契约executory contract
忠诚保险契约fidelity bonds
总租船契约gross charter
成文契约literal contract
成本加利契约cost-plus contract
投标契约bidding contract
抵押契约deed of mortgage
押船契约hypothecation agreement
押船契约bottomry bond (or contract)
押船借款契约bottomry bond
担保契约hypothecation agreement
担保契约deed of security
拒绝履行契约lying down
拟一份契约以备签证draw up the formal contract for signature
无偿契约naked contract
无报偿契约nudum pactum
无报酬代价契约nude contract
无担保的契约naked contract
无条件契约open contract
无条件契约bare contract
明示契约express promise
暂行契约conditional contract
有偿契约onerous contract
有效的契约valid contract
有条件的契约conditional contract
有条件转让契约债券escrow agreement bond
有条件转让契约债券escrow agreement bonds
未经谈判接受对方事前制定的合同服从契约contract of adhesion
服从契约adhesion contract
期货契约future contract
期货契约forward contract
未完成契约uncompleted contract
未定期限的契约open-end contract
未定租船契约open charter
来回程租船契约return voyage charter
标准租船契约type charter party
比率溢额混合分保契约mixed quota surplus treaty
海上保险契约contract of marine insurance
海损契约average bond
火灾契约fire contract
特别契约优于普通契约contractus specialis derogat generali
独占经理契约monopoly contract
现船租船契约spot charter
申报式保险契约reporting contract
申报式保险契约reporting contract
盖印契约speciality contract
直接契约direct contract
确定契约firm contract
确定销售契约firm sale contract
社会契约social contract
租用契约hire agreement
租船契约demise charter
租船契约charterer party
租船契约contract of affreightment
租船新契约new charter
租赁契约lease holds
租赁契约lease hold
契约strike hands
缔结契约negotiate a contract
缮写契约write out an agreement
自动增价契约价格escalation price
航次租船契约voyage charter
补进契约covering contract
要式契约formal contract
<-> 要物契约contractus re
解除契约条约terminate a contract pact
契约enter into a compact
订明的契约express promise
认购契约underwriter’s contract
论日佣船契约daily charter
货运契约freight agreement
购买契约deed of purchase
赔偿契约indemnity bond
转移责任契约hold-harmless agreement
转让契约deed of transfer
转送契约contract for carriage
过户契约transfer deed
运煤租船契约coal charter
运输契约contract of carriage
运输契约contract of affreightment
运送契约carriage contract
销售契约obligation sale
间接契约indirect contract
附加契约accessory contract
集团契约collective bargaining
雇佣和解雇水手的契约signing on or off of crews
雇船契约deed of charter of a ship
契约性责任non-contractual liability
契约性赔偿责任non-contractual liability
契约的收入noncontractual income
契约索赔non contractual claims
契约索赔non-contractual claims
非正式随意契约informal agreement
预定保险契约open contract