
Terms for subject Economy containing 契约 | all forms | in specified order only
三方契约the tripartite indenture
不可避免契约固定成本unavoidable contractual fixed cost
不得根据非法契约提出诉讼ex pacto illicito non oritur actio
不正当的契约unconscionable bargain
两份契约的条款同样优惠The provisions of the two deeds are equally favourable
个人契约individual bargain
个别契约special contract (即主约的副约)
买卖契约a bought and sold note
买卖契约bill sale
产权契约票据equity contract notes
产生国库负担的契约contract resulting in treasury obligation
契约from contract
他们同意接受上述各点和本合同的各种相互契约They agree to accept the premises and the mutual convenances of this contract
他将履行一切必要的法令及契约He shall perform all acts and deed that may be deemed necessary
以受雇工人不加入工会为条件的雇用契约yellow-dog contract
以轮船作抵押的贷款契约bottomry bond
价格契约contract of price
契约不履行险insurance against nonperformance
保兑契约the confirmed engagement
保险契约或合同insurance contract
信托契约条例trust indenture act
信托契约条例trust indentures act
兹订立契约,买方保证付清商品的所有发票的账款It here-by covenants that the buyer guarantees the payment of all bills and accounts for commodities
分别契约a several contract
分包契约制度system of subcontract
分期定额付款的契约性信托投资计划front-end load plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划front-end loan plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划contractual plan
加价契约条款an up price clause
劳动契约labour contract
劳合社救助契约标准格式Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement
包工契约lump sum contract
包运契约exclusive patronage contract
单方承担义务的契约unilateral contracts
单方面契约unilateral contracts
单方面受益的契约a gratuitous contract
单方面承担义务的契约unilateral contract
参与契约participating bond
双方都制定、签署、确认并呈交了一份租赁契约Both parties made, signed, acknowledged and delivered an indenture of lease
双方都有权修订他们所签订的书面契约Both parties have power to amend the written instrument signed by them
双边契约bilateral convention
可继续的契约renewable contracts
合伙契约articles of co-operation
合法的契约legal contract
合法的契约义务obligation of a contract
名誉担保契约an honour agreement
固定贮存契约fixed stockpile contract
夫妇财产契约a marriage settlement
夫妇财产契约marriage settlement
契约contract note
契约一非契约制度contract-non-contract system
契约中的废除条款defeasance clause
契约以外dehors the contract
契约依循的法律contract law
契约制度contract system
契约劳工indentured labor
契约contract system
契约law of contracts
契约满期日terminal of agreement
契约的完善the perfection of contract
契约的计划contractual plan
契约tax on deeds
契约线contract locus
契约范围the contracted domain
契约行为deed of covenant
契约规定准备金contract reserve
契约规定的责任contractual obligation
契约证明the attestation of a deed
契约谈判contract negotiation
契约货币current of contract
契约货物contract goods
契约贷款contractual loan
契约运货人contract carrier
契约运费率制contract rate system
如合营公司解散,契约即告终止The contract would terminate if the joint venture corporation should become dissolved
完整契约条款an entire agreement
契约conclude or settle a bargain (合同)
定期人寿保险契约term policy
定期租船契约liner time
履行契约execute one's promise
履行契约措施measure of performance
州际石油契约Interstate Oil Compact
美国州际石油契约委员会Interstate Oil Compact Commission
美国州际石油天然气契约委员会Interstate Oil and gas Compact Committee
年金契约contract of annuity
延期契约an extension agreement
忠诚保险契约a fidelity bond
成本加利契约cost plus contract
我们已收到盖有公证人印章的契约We have received the instruments with the stamp of the notary
我们必须以有条件转让的契约形式将这笔钱存入该银行We shall deposite the money in escrow with the bank
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
把所有权让给现占有人的契约hold trig deed
投标契约a bidding contract
投资顾问契约investment advisory contract
押船契约a bottomry bond
房地产担保契约warranty deed
拒绝履行契约lie down
契约相互存款mutual deposit on a contract
按日租赁契约daily charter party
捐赠契约gift contract
救助契约a salvage agreement
救助契约salvage agreement
无偿契约gratuitous contract
无因契约abstract contract
无报酬契约a nude contract
无担保契约naked debenture
无时价契约a naked contract
无条件契约unconditional obligations
无约因契约无诉权ex nudo pacto non oritur actio
无约束力的契约unenforceable contracts
明示契约express contract
有偿契约an onerous contract
有偿契约considerable contract
英国有限公司的合伙契约a deed of association
服从契约an adhesion contract
未完全履行的契约an uncompleted contract
未履行租船契约the non-fulfilment of charter party
契约中所列条款均应由有关当局加以审批The terms contained in the deed should be approved by the appropriate authority
束缚性契约a tie contract
束缚性的契约tie contract
标准租赁契约a type charter party
根据契约进行生产的农场contract farm
根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价pull-and-call price (交易所用语)
法律规定的契约义务obligation of a contract
现船租船契约a spot charter
契约产生的ex contractu
申报式保险契约a reporting contract
短期契约制度system of short contract
确定的销售契约firm sale contract
社会契约the social compact
社会契约social compact
私人契约personal covenant
租船契约fixture note
租船契约备忘录fixture note
租船契约备忘录fixture memo
租船契约租金计算标准charter base
租赁契约a tenancy agreement
契约strike hand
筹资契约financing term
终身年金契约contract life annuity
终身年金契约contract of life annuity
经同意,在该契约过期以后仍将这些单证保存3年It is agreed to preserve these documents for a period of 3 years after the expiry of the deed
结婚契约the marriage articles
婚前预定产权,继承权等的结婚契约marriage contract
婚前预定产权,继承权等的结婚契约marriage articles
统一定期租船契约uniform time charter (标准格式)
统一通用租船契约uniform general charter (标准、格式)
综合契约general contracts
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
能避免的契约可变成本avoidable contractual variable costs
自主性和非契约the autonomous and non-contractual nature
自由契约free contract
航程及其货物未定的租船契约open chart
补偿性贸易契约compensating deal contract
裸船租船契约bare boat charter
该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations
请把契约含糊不清的地方解释清楚,以免发生误解Please clear up the ambiguities in the instrument to preclude possible misunderstanding
财产积累储蓄契约a property accumulation saving contract
财务契约financial covenant
贸易契约a trade agreement
运输契约freight agreement
运输契约carriage contract (合同)
这种由于双方都认可的某些特殊原因而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"
远期利率契约forward rate arrangement
远期差价契约forward spread agreement
违法行为的契约不.能生效ex maleficio non oritur contractus
追加契约an add-on contract
遵守契约义务observe one's contractual obligation
附从契约an adhesion contract
附带契约collateral contract
限制契约restrictive covenant
雇用契约hire agreement
雇用契约employment agreement
契约当事人的受益人third-party beneficiary
契约性责任the non-contractual liability
契约所得non-contractual income
契约收入the non-contractual income
契约索赔a non-contractual claim
同盟契约运费率the non-contract rate
非正式契约a formless contract
英国非矿物燃料契约Non-fossil Fuel Obligation
预定租船契约open charter
预约保险契约open cover