
Terms for subject Technology containing 契约 | all forms | in specified order only
一般仿射一般放款抵押契约general loan and collateral agreement
不兑现契约inconvertible paper
不入工会契约yellow dog contract
不动产契约real estate contract
不动产契约estate contract
不合契约的工作non-conforming work
不定额契约open-end contract
不能转换契约inconvertible paper
业主与建造师契约owner-architect agreement
业主与承包人契约owner-contractor agreement
主租借契约master lease
主要契约single contract
主要契约master deed
书面契约letter agreement
买卖契约buying contract
代理契约agent contract
代理契约agency contract
使用契约guaranty bond
供应契约supply bond
依据合同或契约的诉讼action ex contract
保护性契约protective covenant (中的限制条款)
保证契约guaranty bond
保释契约留置权bail bond lien
信用购买契约credit contract
借款契约loan contract
借款契约loan agreement
债券契约bond indenture
债券信托契约bond indenture
全部契约的条款和全部授权证书full covenant and warranty deed
共同契约joint agreement
净运费契约net freight contract
净运费租船契约net charter
分包人契约subcontractor bonds
分期付款契约instalment contract
劳动力和材料支付契约guaranty bond
包干契约lump-sum contract
单方受益契约gratuitous contract
单面契约one-sided contract
占有权契约covenant of seisin
双边契约bilateral contract
口头契约oral deed
可继续的契约renewable contract
可续编性契约fictitious instrument
可续编性抵押契约fictitious mortgage
合伙契约deed of partnership
名誉契约honour contract
名誉契约honour agreement
名誉契约honor contract
名誉契约honor agreement
商务契约commercial agreement
固定总价契约lump-sum agreement
国际钻井契约者协会International Association of Drilling Contractors
土地保护性契约restrictive covenant
土地保护性契约protective covenant
复合运送契约multimodal transport contract
外汇契约统一规则Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contracts
多户共有的公寓大楼主契约condominium declaration (美国)
失效契约void contract
契约stipulation (条款)
契约文件contract document
契约上的价值contractual value
契约上的收益contractual revenue
契约上的罚金contractual fines
契约上的认可contractual acknowledgement
契约丙方party C
契约中的废止条款defeasance clause
契约contract document
契约劳工contract labour
契约劳工indenture labor
契约劳工indenture labour
契约劳工contract labor
契约协议contract agreement
契约协议contractual agreement
契约协议agreement of deed
契约受托人indenture trustee
契约学徒articled clerk
契约履行期限term of contract
契约式合营contractual joint undertaking
契约式合资企业contractual joint ad venture
契约式合资经营contractual joint ad venture
契约当事人contraction party
契约形式的合同contract by deed
契约性投资contractual investment
契约总价协定stipulated sum agreement
契约手续费escrow fee
契约担保deed warranty (房地产)
契约持有人escrow holder
契约收益benefit of the bargain
契约文字contractual language
契约无效frustration of contract
契约曲线contract curve
契约有效期间duration of contract
契约期满termination of agreement
契约期满日terminal of an agreement
契约条件conditions of contract
契约条件condition of contract
契约条款contract terms
契约条款释意信letter of intent
契约标的subject matter of contract
契约conventional law
契约escrow contract
契约contractual law
契约deed box
契约终止termination of an agreement
契约终止termination of a contract
契约终止terminal date of an agreement
契约自由freedom of contract
契约落空frustration of contract
契约融资contract financing
契约要素essence of the contract
契约见证人attesting witness
契约规定佣金stipulated commission
契约规定储备金contractual reserve
契约规定准备金contractual reserve
契约规定的义务contractual obligation
契约规定的义务contractual duty
契约规定航线contractual route
契约谈判contract bargaining
契约费用escrow cost
契约运费制度contract rate system
契约限定deed restriction
完工契约construction bond
寄售契约consignment contract
寄售契约agreement on consignment
履行契约perform a contract
年金契约annuity agreement
开口契约open-end bond
开放契约open contract
开放佣船契约open charter
往返租用契约round strip lease contract
契约master deed
总包价契约lump-sum agreement
总工料造价承包契约lump-sum contract
成本一补偿契约cost reimbursement contract
成本加提成契约cost-plus-percentage contract
成本加费用契约cost-plus contract
成本加酬契约加酬合同cost-plus contract
房地产契约real estate contract
房地产商合伙契约listing contract
房地产租赁契约中的条款demising clause
房屋租赁契约occupancy agreement
执行契约execute contract
承包契约contract documents
承包工程契约contract agreement
承租契约voyage charter
承租契约trip charter
抵押契约mortgage deed
抵押契约解除mortgage relief
押船契约bottomry bond
担保契约guaranty bond
拖带契约towage contract
放弃权利的契约Quit claim deed
放弃索偿契约Quit claim deed
效率的契约efficiency contract
救助契约salvage bond
数量待定的契约数量待定的合同open-end contract
新租船契约new charter
新租船契约new charter party
施工契约construction contract
无担保契约bare contract
无条件契约a bare contract
明示契约express deed
暂定契约ad referendum contract
有效契约valid contract
有条件的转让契约escrow agreement
未完成履行的契约uncompleted contract
未登记的契约inchoate instrument
条件不明的契约open contract
标价契约guaranty bond
标准契约格式standard contract form
标准化契约standardized contract
标准型租船契约格式standard charter party form
标准论时租船契约uniform time charter
样品契约sample contract
正式契约sealed contract
比率溢额混合契约mixed quota surplus treaty
民间契约civil contract
油船主自订油污染责任契约tanker owners voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollution
法定契约statutory bond
注销契约cancellation of treaty
海上货物运输契约contract of carriage by sea
海员契约监护官shipping master
海员契约监护官shipping commissioner
海运契约affreightment contract
海运契约contract of affreightment
火车运货契约consignment note
火车运货契约consignment bill
火险契约fire insurance contract
现有契约限额balance of contract
现货契约spot contract
目的地契约destination contract
目的地契约arrival contract
相依契约dependent covenants
确定的契约firm contract
私人契约private contract
租借契约contract of tenancy
租地契约land lease agreement
租赁契约lease agreement
租赁契约lease contract
租赁契约contract of lease
租赁契约contract of tenancy
租赁契约agreement of lease
租赁契约agreement for hire
空船租船契约charter party
空船租船契约demise charter party
空船租船契约charter bare
空船租船契约bare boat charter party
签名使契约生效execute a deed
经官方签署的契约commissioner's deed
经纪人契约broker's contract note
经过确认具有束缚性的契约firm contract
经销契约distributorship agreement
维修契约upkeep obligation
综合契约general contract
缔结契约enter contract
船舶抵押契约bottomry bond
补充契约supplementary contract
要求宣判契约无效的诉讼action of restitution
规定双方权利义务的契约indenture deed
解除契约discharge a contract
订买卖契约bind a bargain
订立契约make a contract
财产买卖契约bargain and sale deed
财产出让契约private treaty
财产积累储蓄契约property accumulation saving contract
财务代理契约fiscal agency agreement
货物抵押借款契约respondentia bond
货物海上保险契约marine insurance contract
质量契约quality agreement
贷款契约loan contract
赔偿契约deed of indemnity
赡养契约support deed
跨国契约transnational agreement
转让契约deed of assignment
运期契约forward contract
运输契约contract for carriage
进坞契约docking indent
违反契约infringe contract
违反契约infringement of contract
违反契约break a contract
违反契约contravention to treaty
违反契约breach of covenant
违反契约breach of contract
违反运输契约breach of the contract of carriage
违背契约breach of covenant
违背契约breach of contract
连续性契约continuing contract
连锁契约tying contract
选择权外汇契约option exchange contract
选择远期外汇契约optional forward exchange contract
通汇契约correspondent agreement
通汇契约contract agreement
通汇契约agency agreement
通用抵押契约fictitious mortgage
造船契约contract plan
遗产管理人的契约administrator's deed
量方契约agreement by meter
钻探契约drilling obligation
锯齿边契约deed indented
长期使用契约long-term lease contract
附以继承权的契约heritable rond
附属契约dependent deed
附属契约dependent contract
附条件的土地转让契约bargain and sale deed
隐含的契约implied contract
契约性文件non-contractual documents
契约运价non-contract rate
契约运费率non-contract rate
非公认租船契约private charter party form
非正式契约unofficial agreement
非正式契约informal agreement
默示契约implied deed
默认契约implicit contract