
Terms for subject Aviation containing 头盔 | all forms | in specified order only
代偿头盔partial pressure helmet
保护头盔bonedome (飞行员用的,内部有衬垫)
全息护目镜头盔显示器holographic visor helmet mounted display
加压头盔pressure helmet
加压头盔拉紧机构tiedown system of pressure helmet
头盔位置传感系统helmet position sensing system
头盔充气系统hood inflation system
头盔光学位置传感器helmet optical position sensor
头盔光学显示器helmet mounted optical display
头盔存储袋helmet stowage bag
头盔安装显示helmet mounted display
头盔安装显示处理机helmet mounted display processor
头盔安装显示装置helmet mounted display device
头盔平视显示器helmet mounted HUD
头盔抗穿透试验penetration resistance test of helmet
头盔护镜显示器helmet-visor display
头盔探寻和跟踪指示系统helmet acquisition and tracking indication system
头盔显示仪helmet-mounted display (器)
头盔显示器helmet mounted display
头盔机载显示与视界helmet airborne display and sight
头盔目标截获与指示系统helmet target acquisition and designation system
头盔瞄准具helmet-mounted sight
头盔瞄准器helmet sight (具)
头盔瞄准系统helmet pointing system
头盔碰撞试验helmet impact test
头盔装置helmet mounted unit
头盔观察面板光学畸变optical distortion of helmet faceplate
头盔角位置传感器helmet angle position sensor
头盔瞄准具的头盔角位置传感器helmet-angle position sensor
头盔隔噪声试验test for noise proof performance of helmet
密封头盔pressure helmet
密封头盔观察窗helmet visor
密闭头盔closed type supply oxygen helmet
开式加压头盔open pressure helmet
显示与瞄准头盔display and sight helmet
最佳光学数据链头盔显示器optimize optical link helmet mounted display
机载头盔显示与瞄准具helmet airborne display and sight
液冷头盔liquid-cooled helmet
球形头盔bubble helmet
综合头盔和显示视界系统integrated helmet and display sighting system
联合头盔瞄准显示系统joint helmet mounted cueing system
通风头盔ventilation helmet
闭式加压头盔closed type pressure helmet
防护头盔protective helmet
防震头盔brain bucket
飞行头盔aviator protective helmet
飞行头盔aircrew helmet