
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 天窗 | all forms | in specified order only
车身上掀后移式天窗lift-up-and-slide-back sunroof
与天线制成一体的车窗window with integrated aerialantenna
与风窗制成一体的天线windscreen-integrated aerial
车身举升式天窗顶盖lifting roof
倾角可调式太阳天窗tiltable sunroof
车身内置式天窗inbuilt sunroof
可倾斜开启的玻璃天窗tilt glass sunroof
车身可倾斜开启的玻璃太阳天窗此种天窗玻璃是无色透明的,以便阳光照入车内tiltable glass sunroof
可倾/滑动式太阳天窗tilt/slide sunroof
车顶可开启的天窗opening roof
天窗roof window
车身天窗sunroof panel
车身天窗导风板sunroof draftdraught deflector
车身天窗导风板sunroof deflector shield
天窗开关sunroof switch
车身天窗开口sunroof opening
天窗开口sunroof aperture
天窗控制器sunroof control
天窗框架sunroof frame
太阳天窗模块sun roof module
车身天窗横梁sunroof crossrail
车身天窗横梁sunroof cross member
天窗色带sun shield (sun visor)
车身天窗闩,闭,紧sunroof fastener
天窗装置sunroof control
车身太阳天窗sun roof
广告用语太阳天窗sun roof
德语太阳透明天窗【英语】sunroofsuper high-duty
太阳透明玻璃天窗glass sunroof
太阳能天窗装太阳能电池的天窗solar roof
太阳能电池天窗solar cell equipped roof
带天线车窗window with integrated aerialantenna
车身弹起式天窗pop-up sunroof
车身扰流板式天窗spoiler sunroof
车身改型天窗retrofit sunroof
车身改型天窗retrofittable sunroof
车身月亮天窗天窗玻璃是有色的。如为无色透明的,则称作"太阳天窗 sunroof"moon roof
车身月亮天窗天窗玻璃为有色的。如为无色透明的,则称作"太阳天窗"moon roof
车身机械式太阳天窗mechanical sunroof
车身机械式滑动天窗mechanical sliding roof
滑动太阳天窗sliding sunroof
车身滑动天窗sliding roof
滑动天窗活动车顶操纵件sliding roof control
滑动包钢边天窗sliding steel sunroof
滑动/可倾天窗sliding/tilting sunroof
滑动式玻璃天窗glass sliding roof
滑动玻璃式太阳天窗sliding glass sunroof
滑轮式天窗roller sun roof
滑轮式天窗roller roof
车身玻璃天窗glazed roof
用曲柄机构操纵的滑动天窗crank-operated sunroof
用曲柄机构操纵的滑动天窗crank-operated sliding roof
电动天窗power sun roof
电动天窗electric roof
电动天窗electric sunroof
电动天窗esr=electric sunroof
乘用车车顶电动月亮天窗power moon roof
电动太阳天窗power-operated sunroof
车身电动天窗power sunroof
电动天窗electrically operated sunroof
电动可倾/可滑动天窗power tilt/slide sunroof
车身电动式包钢边滑动天窗electric steel sliding roof
车身电动式包钢边滑动式太阳天窗参阅 sunroofelectric sliding steel sunroof
电动式太阳天窗electric sunroof
车身电动式滑动天窗electric sliding roof
车身织物滑动折叠式天窗fabric slidingsun roof
车身观察用可打开天窗observation roof panel
超豪华级德语太阳天窗<#2>super de luxe
车身钢制滑动天窗steel sliding roof
窗天线windscreen aerial