
Terms for subject Technology containing 天然 | all forms | in specified order only
三角洲天然堤沉积natural levee deposit of delta
不含油的天然unassociated gas
不缔合天然non-associated natural gas
不规则天然河流irregular natural stream
分流河道天然distributary channel levee
分裂受压的天然沥青broken up compressed natural asphalt
北海天然North Sea gas
合成天然橡胶isoprene rubber
合成天然橡胶synthetical natural rubber
合成天然橡胶natural man-made rubber
合成天然synthetical natural gas
合成天然煤气substitute natural gas
合成天然煤气synthetical natural gas
合成天然煤气synthetic natural gas
吊顶式液化天然气罐suspension deck liquid natural gas tank
土坝天然地基fill dam subsoil
土的天然容重natural unit weight of soil
土的天然稠度natural consistency of soil
土的天然重度natural unit weight of soil
多孔天然porous natural stone
大陆架天然offshore gas
天气自然作用试验natural outdoor weathering test
天然三相土realistic two-phase soil
天然natural base
天然natural soil
天然下种wild seeding
天然下种造林法seed shedding
天然中子natural neutron
天然中等粒度砂natural medium sand
天然休养村natural refreshment village
天然休养林natural refreshment forest
天然休止角natural angle of slope
天然休止角试验test natural angle of repose
天然伽马射线背景natural y-ray background
天然体系natural system
天然体质颜料natural extender
天然倾斜original dip
天然倾斜角natural angle of slope
天然充水通道passage of natural water filling
天然光利用时间serviced period of daylight
天然光效果daylight effect
天然光源natural light source
天然光照明natural illumination
天然分开natural split
天然分水岭natural water shed
天然分水线natural water shed
天然分离natural split
天然分裂natural split
岩石的天然分解natural quarrying
天然分隔natural split
天然刚度natural stiffness
天然合金native alloy
天然同位素组成natural isotopic composition
天然含水当量field moisture equivalent
天然含水率natural moisture content
天然含水量field moisture (capacity)
天然含水量field capacity
天然含沙量natural load
天然吸水石water-absorbing natural stone
天然吸附剂original adsorbent
天然吸附剂natural adsorbing agent
天然圆条natural rod
天然土壤natural soil
天然土层natural soil stratum
天然土机场natural ground airfield
天然土表面natural earth surface
天然土路primitive road
天然土路natural soil road
天然土路natural road
天然土路面natural earth surface
天然土釉loam glaze
天然土铺面topsoil surfacing
天然土面层topsoil surfacing
天然地下水位natural water table
天然地下水位natural groundwater level
天然地下水面natural water table
天然地下渗灌natural subirrigation
天然地下灌溉natural subirrigation
天然地基natural soil
天然地基untreated foundation
天然地基允许荷载subsoil permissible load
天然地平natural grade
天然地平线natural grade line
天然地平线ground line
天然地形physical feature
天然地形natural feature
天然地沥青pit asphalt
天然地沥青native asphalt
天然地沥青rock asphalt
天然地沥青质焦沥青native asphaltic pyrobitumen
天然地热并natural geothermal well
天然地热电站natural generation of electrical power
天然地热电站natural generation of electric power
天然地热系统natural geothermal system
天然地热蒸汽direct geothermal steam
天然地物natural feature
天然地物点natural point
天然地质力natural geological force
天然地质力natural geologic force
天然地质环境geological norm
天然地震nature shock
天然地震学earthquake seismology
天然地面original ground
天然地面open ground
天然地面标高natural ground level
天然地面线natural surface line
天然地面高程natural surface level
天然地面高程original ground level
天然地面高程natural ground level
天然场法natural field method
天然均衡natural balance
天然坚硬性natural stiffness
天然crude dam
天然天然边坡natural slope
天然沉积坡度depositional gradient
天然坡度角natural angle of repose
松散体的天然坡角natural angle of slope
松散体的天然坡角angle of rest
天然堆石堤natural rock-fill dike
天然堤沉积levee deposit
天然堤相levee facies
天然堤防natural levee
天然塑料natural plastic
天然塑料性材料natural plastic material
天然大分子絮凝剂natural macromolecular flocculant
天然大块石natural stone block
天然大气分体natural atmospheric dispersoid
天然大气分散胶体natural atmospheric dispersion
天然大理石natural marble
天然大理石荒料natural marble block
天然大砾石native boulder
岩石中的天然夹缝natural seam
天然孔雀石绿mountain green
人工污染前元素或放射线的天然存在量background data
天然小径natural trail
天然小方石natural stone paving sett
天然小方石natural sett (块)
天然小方石铺路paving of natural setts
天然小道natural trail
天然尺寸physical size
天然尺寸natural size
天然natural layer
天然quarry bed
天然natural bed
天然屏蔽港natural sheltered port
天然开裂面的石板slate in natural cleft surface
天然弯曲的肋骨木材natural frame
天然弯曲的肘材natural knee
天然native state
天然成双石像natural stone mate figure
天然支护采矿法self-supported opening
天然收成fructus naturales
天然放射性同位素natural radioactive isotope
天然放射性本底natural radioactivity background
天然放射性核natural radioactive nucleus
天然放射性气体natural radioactive gas
天然放射性物质naturally occurring radio active substance
天然放射性环境natural radiation environment
天然放射性背景值natural radioactive background value
天然放射系母体natural parent
天然明矾native alum
天然易蚀性inherent erodibility
天然有机助凝剂natural organic coagulant aid
天然有机化合物natural organic compound
天然有机化学natural organic chemistry
天然有机染料natural organic dyestuff
天然有机染料natural organic dye
天然有机污染物natural organic pollutant
天然有机物natural organism
天然有机物natural organic matter
天然有机肥natural organic fertilizer
天然有机螯合剂natural organic chelating agent
天然有机酸natural organic acids
天然有机颜料natural organic pigment
天然有机高分子絮凝剂natural organic polymeric flocculant
天然木炭mother of coal
天然木炭natural charcoal
天然木色natural wood colour
天然木色natural wood color
天然本底放射性当量活度natural background radiation equivalent activity
天然本底辐射natural background radiation
天然本色毛纱natural gray yarn
天然本色织物natural-tinted fabric
天然natural vermillion
天然朱砂natural cinnabar
天然朱砂native cinnabar
天然natural rod
天然条件natural endowment
天然条件natural condition
天然条件in-situ condition
天然标石natural monument
天然树脂wood resin
天然树脂natural resin
天然树脂natural wood resin
天然树脂natural copal
天然树脂基养护剂natural resin-based concrete curing agent
天然树脂基混凝土养护剂plant resin-based concrete curing compound
天然树脂基玛𤧛脂natural resin-based mastic
天然树脂基的玛脂plant resin-based mastic
天然树脂基的砂胶plant resin-based mastic
天然树脂基腻子natural resin-based mastic
天然树脂改性酚醛树脂natural resin modified phenol resin
天然树脂清漆natural resin varnish
天然树脂漆natural resin paint
天然树脂胶合剂natural resin adhesive
天然树脂胶水natural resin glue
天然树脂胶黏水泥natural resin mastic
天然树脂胶黏物natural resin glue
天然树脂黏合natural resin bonding
天然树脂黏合剂natural resin adhesive
天然树脂黏结剂natural resin adhesive
天然核反应spontaneous nuclear reaction
天然植被native vegetation
天然植被类型type of natural vegetation
天然橡胶natural rubber hydrocarbon
天然橡胶gun rubber
天然橡胶India rubber
天然rock gas
天然earth gas
天然casing-head gas
天然natural gas field
天然气串流gas by-passing
天然气主要物理性质参数physical parameter of natural gas
天然气井natural gas well
天然气井的咸水salt water from gas well
天然气产区gas field
天然气产状natural gas occurrence
天然气产量natural gas production rate
天然气体汽油natural gas gasoline
天然气体积换算系数volume conversion factor of natural gas
天然气体积热膨胀系数thermal expansivity of gas volume
天然气偏差系数deviation coefficient
天然气储natural gas deposit
天然气储备reservoir of natural gas
天然气储量reserves of natural gas
天然气凝析液natural gas condensate
天然气分析gas analysis
天然气加工厂凝析油plant condensate
天然气动力站natural gas power station
天然气勘探gas prospection
天然气化学成分分析analysis of chemical composition of natural gas
天然气化工gas chemical industry
天然气化工natural gas chemical industry
天然气化工厂natural gas chemical plant
天然气压气站gas compressor station
天然气发动机natural gas engine
天然气发电驱动钻井装置gas electrical rig
天然气发电驱动钻井装置gas electric rig
天然气同位素分析analysis of stable isotope of natural gas
天然气和石油相图phase map of oil and gas
天然气回注gas re-injection
天然气回注gas cycling
天然气回注井gas injection well
天然气回注管线repressing line of gas
天然气回注管线reinjection line of gas
天然气回采gas withdrawal
天然气回采量deliverability of gas
天然气增味剂natural gas odorant
天然气处理法natural gas processing
天然气处理系统gas treating system
天然气处理者协会Natural Gas Processors Association (美国)
天然气工业natural gas industry
天然气工程与管理gas engineering and management
天然气弹性压缩能elastic compression energy of gas
天然气成熟度图maturation diagram of natural gas
天然气按成分分类classification of natural gas according to its composition
天然气推动力说propulsive force theory of gas
天然气提纯natural gas refining
天然气政策法natural gas policy act
天然气机车natural gas locomotive
天然气样瓶gas sampling bottle
天然气槽黑natural gas-based channel black
天然气比重计gas specific gravity meter
天然气水化合物gas hydrate
天然气水溶液gas in water solution
天然气汽油厂casing head plant
天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicle
天然气泉natural gas spring
天然气泡gas bubble
天然气液化汽油gas gasoline
天然气液态产物natural gas liquid
天然气液料natural gas liquid
天然气渗透率gas permeability
天然气溶于石油solubility of gas in oil
天然气滑升gas slippage
天然气炭黑gas-produced black
天然气燃烧器neat gas burner
天然气燃烧器natural gas burner
天然气物理physical property of natural gas
天然气物理参数的测量measurement of physical parameter of natural gas
天然气生产井producing gas well
天然气田开发gas field exploitation
天然气电力驱动gas electrical drive
天然气电力驱动gas electric drive
天然气的含氢指数hydrogen index of gas
天然气的密度density of gas
天然气的开采gas extraction
天然气的收集natural gas gathering
天然气相对渗透率gas relative permeability
天然气砂gas sand (岩)
天然气砂岩natural gas sand
天然气积聚gas accumulation
天然气管nature gas pipe
天然气管线压气机gas line compressor
天然气管网natural gas grid
天然气系统natural gas system
天然气组份分析设备gas composition analysis equipment
天然气终端natural gas terminal
天然气聚集natural gas accumulation
天然气脱水removal of water in gas
天然气脱水装置gas dewatering device
天然气苗natural gas seepage
天然气苗gas show
天然气资源natural gas resource
天然气输送natural gas transportation
天然气返回gas return
天然气采集系统gathering system of natural gas
天然气钻进gas drilling
天然气除湿dehumidification of gas
天然气露头gas show
天然氧化铁natural iron oxide
天然氧化铁natural oxide of iron
天然氧化铁Indian red ochre
天然氧化铁Indian ochre
天然氧化铁黄yellow limonite
天然氧化铝natural alumina
天然natural aquatic humic substance
天然connate water
天然资源natura water resources
天然水井natural well
天然水位natural water table
天然水位natural level of water
天然水位的平均降速average velocity of nature water level drawdown
天然水体氧化还原作用oxidation and reduction in natural water bodies
天然水体缓冲能力buffering capacity in natural water bodies
天然水体酸化acidification of natural waters
天然水力资源natura water resources
天然水化学特征chemical characteristics of natural water
天然水变质metamorphism of natural water
天然水域natural waters
天然水域free waters
天然水域生态系统ecosystem of natural water bodies
天然水头natural head
天然水库natural storage
天然水异常water anomaly
天然水成因类型genetic classification of nature water
天然水成因系数genetic factor of natural water
天然水晶mineral crystal
天然水污染pollution of natural water
天然水泥natural cement
天然水泥Parker's cement
天然水泥eminently hydraulic lime
天然水泥产地cement deposit
天然水泥灰岩natural cement rock
天然水深natural depth
天然水源natural water source
天然水生植物native aquatic plant
天然水生生态系统natural aquatic system
天然水类型natural water categories
天然水质quality of the natural water (量)
天然水质natural water quality
天然水道natural water way
天然水道natural water course
天然水面线natural water line
天然native mercury
天然汞齐native amalgam
天然洞室natural cavern
天然洪水还原re-establishment of natural flood
天然洼地natural depression
天然流场natural flow field
天然流域natural water shed
天然流理论natural-flow theory
天然流速ambient velocity
天然浅滩natural bar
天然浇浴水标准natural bathing water standards
天然浓黄土natural sienna
天然清漆树脂natural varnish resin
天然渗透率natural permeability
天然温井hot well
天然natural port (湾)
天然港口natural port
天然游泳场swimming place
天然漂白natural bleaching
天然Rhus lacquer
天然Japanese lacquer
天然chinese lacquer
天然演替natural succession
天然潜水面natural water table
天然潜洲natural bar
天然burnt coal (炭)
天然cinder coal
天然mineral coke
天然natural coal
天然blind coal
天然生产业extractive industries (矿业、农业、渔业等)
天然生物处理natural biologic treatment
天然界限terrain line
天然界限natural margin
天然砂土路topsoil road
天然砂料quarry-run sand
天然砂洲natural bar
天然砂细集料natural sand fine aggregate
天然砂细骨料natural sand fine aggregate
天然研磨料natural abrasive (如金刚砂)
天然研磨料natural abradant (如金刚砂)
天然native arsenic
天然砾料natural gravel material
天然砾石gravel by nature
天然砾石和砂混合料bank gravel-sand mixture
天然砾石和砂混合料bank gravel-sand mix
天然砾石和砂的混合物natural gravel-sand mixture
天然砾石和砂的混合物natural gravel-sand mix
天然硅砂natural silica-sand
天然硅酸盐水泥natural Portland cement
天然硅酸钙natural calcium silicate
天然硅酸铝无机物natural aluminosilicate mineral
天然示踪剂environmental tracer
天然示踪物natural tracer
天然稳定极限natural stability limit
天然等离子体natural plasma
天然簇叶natural foliage
天然缓冲natural buffer
天然老化weather ageing
天然老化weather aging
天然老化natural weathering
天然耐火建筑材料naturally refractory construction material
天然耐火材料natural refractory
天然聚合体natural aggregate
天然聚集砾石crushed conglomerate
天然natural grease (重质原油)
天然腐蚀试验natural condition test
天然航道natural navigable waterway
天然航道natural channel
天然草地natural grass
天然草地natural meadow
天然草地natural grassland
天然草地native pasture
天然落差natural fall
天然native paraffin
天然nature valley
天然财富natural wealth
天然资源gratuitous goods
天然资源储藏所naturally occurring repository
天然资源天然财富natural resources
天然通航水道natural navigable waterway
天然通道natural lane
天然通风natural draft ventilation
天然造林法natural afforestation
天然逸水口natural escape
天然遗传性natural heritage
天然配对石像natural stone mate figure
天然锰水化物native manganic hydrate
天然锰的水合物native manganic hydrate
天然防御工事natural fortification
天然防护功能natural preventive function
天然防护层natural containment (如水、土)
天然防治natural prevention and treatment
天然阶沿石natural curbstone
天然震源natural source
天然露头natural outcrop
天然露头观测点observation point of natural outcrop
天然青蓝natural ultramarine
天然靛青natural indigo
天然鬃刷natural bristle brushes
成型天然石料shaped natural stone
明置天然地物prominent natural feature
最可靠天然径流lowest assured natural stream flow
标准天然standard natural rubber
标准天然采光系数recommended daylight factor
天然气切割oxynatural gas cutting
氧气天然气烧嘴oxynatural gas burner
焊接式天然单晶金刚石刀具brazed natural diamond tool
缅甸天然Burmese lacquer
天然光牢度fastness to daylight
耐受天气自然作用的能力resistance to weather
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