
Terms containing 天然气 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不含油的天然气unassociated gas
tech.不缔合天然气non-associated natural gas
econ.英国东部天然气管理局Eastern Gas Board
econ.中东石油天然气会议Middle East Oil and Gas Conference
econ.中国石油天然气勘探开发公司China Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Exploitation Corporation
dril.中国石油天然气总公司China National Petroleum Corporation
comp.name.中国石油天然气管道局China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
comp.name.中国石油天然气管道工程有限公司China Petroleum Pipe Engineering Corp.
comp.name.中国石油天然气集团公司China National Petroleum Corporation
earth.sc.中大陆石油和天然气协会Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association
comp.name.也门天然气总公司General Gas Corp, of Yemen
econ.亚太地区石油天然气会议Asian Pacific Oil and Gas Congress
busin.代用天然气substitute for natural gas
tech.代用天然煤气synthetic natural gas
tech.代用天然煤气substitute natural gas
earth.sc.伊朗天然气干线Iran Gas Trunk Line
earth.sc.伊朗全国天然气公司National Iranian Gas Company
comp.name.伊朗国家天然气公司National Iranian Gas Co.
dril.伴生天然气associated gas
tech.伴生天然气associated natural gas
tech.低氮天然气natural gas with low nitrogen
tech.低硫天然气sweet natural gas
tech.低硫天然气sweet gas
dril.钻井时侵入井中的天然气connection gas
dril.侵入泥浆的天然气mud gas
comp.name.美国俄克拉何马天然气公司Oklahoma Natural Gas Co.
tech.全硫化氢天然气sour gas
gen.加利福尼亚天然气协会California Natural Gas Association
tech.加工的天然气processing natural gas
earth.sc.加拿大天然气和石油协会Natural Gas and Petroleum Association of Canada
geol.加拿大天然气潜产量委员会Canadian Gas Potential Committee
econ.加拿大太平洋石油与天然气公司Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas
econ.加拿大工业用天然气和石油Canadian Industrial Gas and Oil
energ.ind.化石天然气fossil natural gas
energ.ind.化石天然气fossil gas
gen.北方天然气公司Northern Natural Gas Co.
tech.北海天然气North Sea gas
geol.北美地区天然气模型North American Regional Gas model
geol.北非天然气North Africa gas
comp.name.美国南方联合天然气公司Southern Union Gas Company
comp.name.英国南部天然气公司Southern Natural Gas Co.
earth.sc.南部天然气公司Southern Natural Gas Company
commer.美国南部天然气公司Southern Natural Gas Co.
gen.南部天然气公司Southern Natural Gas Co.
comp.name.南非煤炭、石油、天然气公司South Africa Coal, Oil, and Gas Corporation
earth.sc.南非煤炭、石油与天然气公司South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation
comp.name.卡塔尔天然气有限公司Qatar Gas Company Ltd.
econ.卡塔尔液化天然气公司Qatar Liquefied Nature Gas Co.
comp.name.印度天然气股份有限公司Gas Authority of India Ltd.
geol.印度尼西亚天然气协会Indonesia Gas Association
comp.name.美国印第安那天然气公司Indiana Gas Corporation
busin.压缩天然气compressor natural gas
energ.ind.压缩天然气compressed natural gas
nautic., tech.压缩天然气动力装置的船舶ship with CNG fuel system
nautic., tech.压缩天然气 CNG 运输船CNG carrier
tech.原有天然气native gas
econ.美国内务部原油和天然气Office of Oil and Gas
tech.变质岩中天然气natural gas in metamorphic rocks
ecol.可动天然气movable gas
desert.可燃天然气combustible natural gas
agric., chem.合成天然气substitute natural gas
agric., chem.合成天然气synthetic natural gas
tech.合成天然气synthetical natural gas
tech.合成天然煤气synthetical natural gas
tech.合成天然煤气substitute natural gas
tech.合成天然煤气synthetic natural gas
tech.吊顶式液化天然气suspension deck liquid natural gas tank
tech.天然气的片岩gas schist
tech.含二氧化碳天然气carbon dioxide gas
tech.含大量石油天然气wet natural gas
tech.含氦天然气natural gas with helium
tech.含油天然气wet gas
dril.含硫天然气sour gas
geol.吸附的天然气adsorbed natural gas
comp.name.哈得逊海湾石油与天然气公司Hudson' s Bay Oil and Gas Company
earth.sc.哈得逊湾石油及天然气公司Hudsons Bay Oil and Gas Company
comp.name.哥伦比亚天然气服务公司Columbia Gas Service Corporation
comp.name.哥伦比亚天然气系统服务公司Columbia Gas System Service Corporation
comp.name.美国国家天然气管道公司National Gas Pipeline Co.
econ.国际石油天然气咨询公司Oil and Gas Consultative International, Inc.
tech.地下存储液化天然气underground storage of LNG
tech.地下存储液化天然气underground storage of liquefied natural gas
tech.地层天然气的压缩系数compressibility of gas in place
gen.埃尔帕索天然气产品公司El Paso Natural Gas Products Co.
comp.name.美国得克萨斯州埃尔帕索天然气公司El Paso Natural Gas Co.
comp.name.美国堪萨斯天然气与电力公司Kansas Gas and Electric Company
econ.墨西哥天然气公司Gas Natural Mexico
comp.name.壳牌国际天然气股份有限公司Shell International Gas,Ltd.
tech.大陆架天然气offshore gas
tech.天气自然作用试验natural outdoor weathering test
construct.天然石油commercial rock gas
tech.天然rock gas
ecol.天然大气clean atmosphere
tech.天然大气分体natural atmospheric dispersoid
tech.天然大气分散胶体natural atmospheric dispersion
tech.天然放射性气体natural radioactive gas
agric.天然曝气natural aeration
agric., chem.天然气natural gas
tech.天然气casing-head gas
tech.天然气earth gas
ecol.天然气rock gas
nautic., tech.天然气干燥natural gas dry
agric.天然气 natural gas industry
tech.天然气串流gas by-passing
tech.天然气主要物理性质参数physical parameter of natural gas
tech.天然气natural gas well
econ.天然气井口解除控制法案Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act
dril.天然气井喷gas kick
chem.天然气井泡沫排水用起泡剂foaming agent for drainage of natural gas
tech.天然气井的咸水salt water from gas well
econ.加拿大天然气交易所Natural Gas Exchange
agric.天然气产业natural gas industry
tech.天然气产区gas field
econ.天然气产地gas field
tech.天然气产状natural gas occurrence
tech.天然气产量natural gas production rate
tech.天然气体汽油natural gas gasoline
tech.天然气体积换算系数volume conversion factor of natural gas
tech.天然气体积热膨胀系数thermal expansivity of gas volume
econ.英国天然气供应管理局Office of Gas Supply
tech.天然气偏差系数deviation coefficient
tech.天然气natural gas deposit
tech.天然气储备reservoir of natural gas
ecol.天然气储备reserves of natural gas
nautic., tech.天然气储存系统LNG-PAC system
econ.天然气储存费用gas inventory charge
econ.天然气储存需要量natural gas inventory demand charge
tech.天然气储量reserves of natural gas
nautic., tech.天然气再液化系统partial re-liquefaction system
earth.sc.天然气冷凝液gas condensate
tech.天然气凝析液natural gas condensate
tech.天然气分析gas analysis
ecol.天然气利用natural gas utilization
gen.天然气加工与供应商协会Natural Gas and Processors Suppliers Association
chem.天然气加工厂gas plant
tech.天然气加工厂凝析油plant condensate
earth.sc.天然气加工者协会Natural Gas Processors Association
tech.天然气动力站natural gas power station
tech.天然气勘探gas prospection
ecol.天然气勘探natural gas exploration
tech.天然气化学成分分析analysis of chemical composition of natural gas
tech.天然气化工gas chemical industry
tech.天然气化工natural gas chemical industry
tech.天然气化工厂natural gas chemical plant
tech.天然气压气站gas compressor station
geol.天然气原始地质储量original gas in place
geol.天然气原始地质储量initial gas in place
geol.天然气原始地质储量gas initially in place
earth.sc.天然气及原油gas and oil
tech.天然气发动机natural gas engine
dril.天然气发动机驱动的钻机gas rig
avia.天然气发电gas generation
tech.天然气发电驱动钻井装置gas electrical rig
tech.天然气发电驱动钻井装置gas electric rig
tech.天然气同位素分析analysis of stable isotope of natural gas
geol.天然气和凝析油显示shows of gas and distillate
geol.天然气和凝析油显示shows of gas and condensate
geol.天然气和水gas and water
geol.天然气和水显示shows of gas and water
dril.天然气和泥浆侵油gas & mud-cut oil
tech.天然气和石油相图phase map of oil and gas
tech.天然气回注gas re-injection
tech.天然气回注gas cycling
tech.天然气回注井gas injection well
tech.天然气回注管线repressing line of gas
tech.天然气回注管线reinjection line of gas
tech.天然气回采gas withdrawal
tech.天然气回采量deliverability of gas
geol.天然气地质储量gas in place
tech.天然气增味剂natural gas odorant
chem.天然气处理natural gas conditioning
earth.sc.天然气处理厂gas processing plants
tech.天然气处理法natural gas processing
tech.天然气处理系统gas treating system
tech.天然气处理者协会Natural Gas Processors Association (美国)
econ.美国天然气委员会Natural Gas Council
geol.英国天然气学会会员member of the Gas Institute
tech.天然气工业natural gas industry
econ.天然气工业标准化委员会Gas Industry Standards Board
earth.sc.天然气工业部所属ministry of the gas industry
tech.天然气工程与管理gas engineering and management
econ.天然气工程学学士bachelor of science in natural gas engineering
earth.sc.天然气工艺研究所Institute of Gas Technology
desert.天然气开采natural gas extraction
tech.天然气弹性压缩能elastic compression energy of gas
avia.天然气成分natural gas composition
tech.天然气成熟度图maturation diagram of natural gas
geol.天然气或空气gas or air
avia.天然气扩散gas diffusion
tech.天然气按成分分类classification of natural gas according to its composition
tech.天然气推动力说propulsive force theory of gas
tech.天然气提纯natural gas refining
tech.天然气政策法natural gas policy act
econ.美国天然气政策法案Natural Gas Policy Act
ecol.天然气无污染属性nonpolluting nature of natural gas
dril.天然气显示show gas
dril.天然气显示gas showing
geol.天然气显示shows of gas
tech.天然气机车natural gas locomotive
tech.天然气样瓶gas sampling bottle
dril.天然气检测仪gas detector
tech.天然气槽黑natural gas-based channel black
tech.天然气比重计gas specific gravity meter
geol.天然气气味gas odor
geol.天然气气味和蒸馏物味道gas odor & distillate taste
shipb.天然气-氧燃料电池natural gas-oxygen fuel battery
shipb.天然气氧燃料电池nature-gas-oxygen fuel battery
tech.天然气水化合物gas hydrate
geol.天然气水合物层gas hydrate zone
tech.天然气水溶液gas in water solution
dril.天然气污染gas contamination
tech.天然气汽油厂casing head plant
tech.天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicle
ecol.天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles
econ.天然气汽车技术合营Natural Gas Vehicle Technologies Partnership
tech.天然气natural gas spring
econ.美国天然气法案Natural Gas Act
econ.天然气法案中的条例Regulations under the Natural Gas Act
tech.天然气gas bubble
ecol.天然气消耗natural gas consumption
refrig.天然气液化liquefaction of natural gas
tech.天然气液化汽油gas gasoline
tech.天然气液态产物natural gas liquid
tech.天然气液料natural gas liquid
tech.天然气渗透率gas permeability
tech.天然气溶于石油solubility of gas in oil
tech.天然气滑升gas slippage
avia.天然气火焰natural gas flame
tech.天然气炭黑gas-produced black
ecol.天然气燃烧natural gas combustion
tech.天然气燃烧器neat gas burner
tech.天然气燃烧器natural gas burner
ecol.天然气爆炸natural gas explosion
tech.天然气物理physical property of natural gas
tech.天然气物理参数的测量measurement of physical parameter of natural gas
tech.天然气生产井producing gas well
avia.天然气生成gas generation
tech.天然气natural gas field
ecol.天然气natural gas field
geol.天然气gas field
tech.天然气田开发gas field exploitation
tech.天然气电力驱动gas electrical drive
tech.天然气电力驱动gas electric drive
chem.天然气的储藏natural gas storage
consult.天然气的利用研究gas utilization study
earth.sc.天然气的加权平均成本weighted average cost of gas
tech.天然气的含氢指数hydrogen index of gas
tech.天然气的密度density of gas
tech.天然气的开采gas extraction
tech.天然气的收集natural gas gathering
nautic., tech.天然气的标准立方英尺standard cubic foot of gas (scf)
chem.天然气的添味剂natural gas odorant
tech.天然气相对渗透率gas relative permeability
tech.天然气gas sand (岩)
tech.天然气砂岩natural gas sand
earth.sc.天然气研究所Gas Research Institute
geol.天然气研究所Natural Gas Research Institute
tech.天然气积聚gas accumulation
tech.天然气nature gas pipe
ecol.天然气管线nature gas pipeline project
tech.天然气管线压气机gas line compressor
tech.天然气管网natural gas grid
comp.name.美国天然气管道公司Natural Gas Pipeline Co.
tech.天然气系统natural gas system
tech.天然气组份分析设备gas composition analysis equipment
tech.天然气终端natural gas terminal
tech.天然气聚集natural gas accumulation
ecol.天然气能源natural gas energy resources
tech.天然气脱水removal of water in gas
ecol.天然气脱水方法dehydration method for natural gas
tech.天然气脱水装置gas dewatering device
tech.天然气natural gas seepage
tech.天然气gas show
refrig.天然气蕴藏量gas reserve
econ.天然气规划和销售协议natural gas project and sale agreement
avia.天然气计量gas measurement
tech.天然气资源natural gas resource
tech.天然气输送natural gas transportation
ecol.天然气输送natural gas delivery
geol.天然气运移距离gas migration distance
geol.天然气运移速率gas migration rate
tech.天然气返回gas return
earth.sc.天然气迹象钻井show gas
econ.天然气采购合同gas purchase contract
tech.天然气采集系统gathering system of natural gas
tech.天然气钻进gas drilling
econ.天然气销售协议gas sales agreement
econ.天然气销售合同gas sales contract
econ.伊拉克天然气销售管理局Gas Distribution Administration
tech.天然气除湿dehumidification of gas
comp.name.天然气集输管道北海有限公司Gas Gathering Pipelines North Sea Ltd.
tech.天然气露头gas show
earth.sc.天然气饱和度gas saturation
refrig.天然煤气butane (C₄H₁₀)
tech.天然煤气燃烧器natural gas burner
tech.天然煤气的储藏natural gas storage
tech.天然煤气的处理方法natural gas processing
ecol.天然燃料气natural fuel gas
tech.天然石油气commercial rock gas
tech.天然石油裂化气crude oil gas
tech.天然空气污染natural air pollution
tech.天然空气污染源natural sources of air pollution
ecol.天然空气污染源natural source of air pollution
earth.sc.太平洋天然气和电力公司Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
tech.太平洋沿岸天然气协会Pacific Coast Gas Association
dril.套管头天然气bradenhead gas
dril.套管头天然气casing head gas
comp.name.孟加拉天然气公司Bangladesh Gas Fields Company
comp.name.孟加拉国石油天然气矿产公司Bangladesh Oil and Gas Minerals Corporation
comp.name.孟加拉石油天然气与矿产公司Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corp.
econ.美国安然天然气服务公司Enron Gas Services
comp.name.美国安然石油天然气公司Enron Oil & Gas Co.
econ.美国宾索石油公司近海天然气作业者Pennzoil Offshore Gas Operators
tech.天然气wet natural gas
tech.天然气combination gas
tech.富有石油气的天然气natural gas rich in oil vapours
tech.富有石油气的天然气natural gas rich in oil vapors
comp.name.尼日利亚天然气公司Nigerian Gas Co.
tech.岩浆岩中天然气natural gas in igneous
econ.美国州际石油天然气契约委员会Interstate Oil and gas Compact Committee
econ.巴林国家天然气公司Bahrain National Gas Co.
comp.name.美国帝国天然气公司Empire Gas Corporation
nautic., tech.带气化外输装置的液化天然气储存和再液化装置LNG-FSRU
refrig.天然气dry natural gas
tech.干燥天然气dry natural gas
tech.干采石油或天然气dry mining oil or natural gas
econ.美国应急石油与天然气管理局Emergency Petroleum and Gas Administration
comp.name.美国康涅狄格天然气总公司Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation
dril.很少量天然气显示very slight show of gas
dril.成套天然气检测仪器gas detection package
comp.name.卡塔尔拉斯•拉芬液化天然气公司Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co.
econ.文莱液化天然气公司Brunei Liquefied Natural Gas
econ.文莱石油天然气Brunei Oil and Gas Agency
comp.name.新西兰石油天然气股份有限公司New Zealand Oil and Gas,Ltd.
geol.无明显的天然气显示no appreciable gas
tech.无水天然气dry natural gas
tech.无硫天然气sulphur-free natural gas
tech.无硫天然气sulfur-free natural gas
geol.日本天然气协会Japan Gas Association
tech.未加工的天然气raw natural gas
geol.未检出天然气显示no detect show gas
tech.未精制的天然气raw natural gas
earth.sc.极地天然气工程Polar Gas Project
nautic., tech.柴油-液化天然气双燃料发动机diesel-LNG dual-fuel engine
comp.name.横贯美国大陆天然气管道公司Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp.
tech.残留的天然气residue gas (石油中)
tech.天然气切割oxynatural gas cutting
gen.氧气天然气oxynatural gas
tech.氧气天然气烧嘴oxynatural gas burner
tech.水一天然气系统接触角contact angle of water-gas system
tech.水一天然气系统界面张力interfacial tension of water-gas system
tech.水溶型天然气矿床natural gas deposit of dissolved-in-water type
gen.沙姆罗克石油及天然气公司Shamrock Oil and Gas Corp.
earth.sc.沙姆罗石油及天然气公司Shamrock Oil & Gas Corporation
comp.name.沙特阿拉伯天然气工程公司Saudi Arabian Gas Engineering Co.
dril.油层上部的天然气braden gas
construct.油田气天然气casing head gas
comp.name.美国墨西哥湾沿岸天然气服务公司Coastal Gas Services Company
tech.沿海各州天然气公司Coastal States Gas (美国)
tech.法定天然气legal gas
comp.name.波兰石油天然气公司Polish Oil and Gas Company
avia.天然气gas injection
nautic., tech.浮式液化天然气FLNG
nautic., tech.浮式液化天然气生产储卸装置floating liquefied natural gas
nautic., tech.浮式液化天然气装置floating liquefied natural gas unit
tech.海上天然气offshore gas
tech.海上天然气marine gas seepage
tech.海底天然气blue water gas
tech.海洋中天然气natural gas in marine
tech.海洋沉积物中的天然气natural gas in marine sediment
nautic., tech.液化天然气LNG
tech.液化天然气liquefied petroleum gas
shipb.液化天然气liquefied natural gas (LNG)
avia.液化天然气natural gas liquids
nautic., tech.液化天然气动力装置船舶ship with LNG fuel system
nautic., tech.液化天然气-浮式生产储油LNG-FPSO
nautic., tech.液化天然气燃料推进船LNG fueled ship
nautic., tech.液化天然气的生产船floating liquefied natural gas FLNG production vessel
tech.液化天然气码头liquid natural gas terminal
tech.液化天然气liquefied natural gas tank
shipb.液化天然气liquid natural gas tank
econ.液化天然气LNG carrier
busin.液化天然气liquified natural gas carrier
tech.液化天然气liquid natural gas carrier
nautic., tech.液化天然气蒸发气体LNG boil-off gas
nautic., tech.液化天然气装载装置liquified natural gas loading unit
refrig.液化天然气贮槽liquefied natural gas storage vessel
shipb.液化天然气运输船liquified natural gas carrier
nautic., tech.液化天然气 LNG 运输船LNG carrier
earth.sc.液态天然气liquid natural gas
tech.液态天然气liquefied natural gas
tech.湿天然气wet gas
tech.溶液中的天然气natural gas in solution
comp.name.澳大利亚石油天然气股份有限公司Australian Oil & Gas Co. Ltd.
tech.天然气natural-gas fired
anim.husb.燃烧天然气加热干燥dehydration in natural gas
geol.爱尔兰天然气协会Irish Gas Association
tech.爱德华天然气比重天平Edward balance
comp.name.特立尼达和多巴哥石油天然气公司Trinidad and Tobago Petroleum Co.
expl.现在、有些大城市的供暖系统是天然气烧的At present, natural gas has fird the heating system in some big cities
comp.name.美国田纳西天然气管道公司Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.
tech.石油天然气natural petroleum gas
gen.石油、天然气与石油化学设备Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment
account.石油天然气会计oil and gas accounting
geol.石油天然气勘探开采估算模型oil and gas exploration and extraction estimation model
tech.石油天然气勘探开采租约oil and gas lease
ecol.石油天然气地质储量geologic al reserves of oil and natural gas
comp.name.越南石油天然气总公司Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation
econ.越南石油天然气管理总局General Department of Oil and Gas
econ.美国石油天然气研究开发协调行动委员会Action Council for Coordinated Oil and Gas Research and Development
tech.石油天然气钻探oil and gas drilling
econ.石油天然气项目供应处Oil and Gas Projects and Supplies Office
comp.name.美国石油与天然气储备公司Reserve Oil and Gas Company
comp.name.美国内务部石油与天然气开发公司Oil & Gas Development Corp.
comp.name.巴基斯坦石油与天然气开发股份有限公司Oil & Gas Development Co.
gen.石油与天然气杂志Oil & Gas Journal
tech.石油及天然气成因petroleum and natural gas origin
tech.石油及天然气资源oil and gas resources
tech.石油和天然气勘探开采租约oil and gas lease
earth.sc.石油和天然气委员会印度Oil and Natural Gas Commission
earth.sc.石油和天然气开发公司Oil and Gas Development Corp.
earth.sc.石油和天然气收入税petroleum and gas revenue tax
comp.name.印度石油和天然气有限公司Oil and Natural Gas Corp. Ltd.
tech.石油和天然气遥测oil and gas telemetry
earth.sc.石油和易燃天然气资源开发理事会Petroleum and Inflammable Natural Gas Resources Development Council
tech.石油溶于天然气solubility of oil in gas
gen.未处理过的矿场天然气field gases
comp.name.科威特石油天然气和能源公司Kuwait Oil, Gas and Energy Corporation
econ.科威特石油公司天然气项目Kuwait Oil Company Gas Project
earth.sc.科罗拉多州间天然气公司Colorado Interstate Gas Co.
dril.空气天然气供气管线air or gas supply line
tech.空气污染的天然来源natural sources of air pollution
econ.简化的石油天然气会计系统simplified oil and gas accounting system
econ.米达萨石油天然气股份有限公司Medusa Oil & Gas Ltd.
tech.统一天然气公司Consolidated Natural Gas (美国)
earth.sc.缅甸石油和天然气企业Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise
earth.sc.美国天然气公司American Natural Gas Company
gen.美国天然气公司American Natural Gas Co.
dril.美国天然气学会American Gas Institute
geol.美国州际天然气协会Interstate Natural Gas Association of America
geol.美国独立天然气协会Independent Natural Gas Association of America
tech.耐受天气自然作用的能力resistance to weather
earth.sc.联合天然气公司Consolidated Natural Gas (Corporation)
comp.name.澳大利亚联邦工业天然气有限公司Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited
comp.name.美国联邦石油与天然气公司Federal Oil and Gas Corporation
commer.脱气天然矿泉水decarbonated natural mineral water
tech.脱硫天然气sweet natural gas
tech.自然天气区natural synoptical region
desert.自然天气区natural synoptic region
tech.自然天气周期natural synoptical period
desert.自然天气周期natural synoptic period
tech.自然天气季节natural synoptical season
desert.自然天气季节natural synoptic season
tech.自然天气现象natural weather phenomenon
nautic., tech."船上天然气燃料发动机装置安全暂行指南"interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship
comp.name.英国天然气公司British Gas Corporation
comp.name.英国天然气勘探开采有限公司British Gas Exploration and Production Ltd.
econ.英国天然气委员会British Gas Council
econ.荷兰石油天然气公司Holland Oil & Gas
econ.莫斯科国际石油天然气展览会Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition
comp.name.加拿大萨斯喀彻温石油天然气公司Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Corp.
comp.name.西部天然气资源加利福尼亚公司Western Gas Resource-California Inc.
earth.sc.西部石油与天然气协会Western Oil and Gas Association
geol.天然气 地质储量apparent gas in place
comp.name.美国路易斯安那州内天然气公司Louisiana Intrastate Gas Corp.
comp.name.美国路易斯维尔天然气与电力公司Louisville Gas & Electric Energy Corp.
tech.近海天然气offshore gas
comp.name.阿联酋迪拜国家天然气公司Dubai National Gas Company
geol.适合于天然气的烃解释程序hydrocarbon interpretation program gas
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600石油和天然气行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Oil & Gas Blue-Chip Index
geol.里海石油天然气项目Caspian Oil & Gas Projects
econ.长期天然气战略remote gas strategies
econ.美国长滩天然气Long Beach Gas Department
comp.name.加拿大阿尔伯塔天然气股份有限公司Alberta Natural Gas Co. Ltd.
comp.name.加拿大阿尔伯达天然气干线股份有限公司Alberta Gas Trunkline Co. Ltd.
comp.name.阿联酋阿布扎比天然气工业股份有限公司Abu Dhabi Gas Industries,Ltd.
comp.name.阿联酋阿布扎比天然气液化公司Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company
tech.阿拉伯天然气讨论会Arab Gas Symposium
econ.阿拉伯石油与天然气Arab oil & gas
ecol.阿拉斯加天然气输送系统Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
tech.非伴生天然气non-associated natural gas
geol.非常规天然气资源unconventional gas resources
comp.name.韩国天然气公司Korean Gas Corp.
comp.name.韩国天然气公司Korea Gas Corp.
tech.油层折顶部天然气braden gas
earth.sc.马来西亚半岛天然气利用系数马来Peninsular Malaysia Gas Utilisation
tech.高二氧化碳天然气natural gas with high carbon dioxide
tech.高压天然气一水渗出high-pressure natural gas-water leakage
tech.高氦天然气natural gas with high helium
tech.高氮天然气natural gas with high nitrogen
tech.高硫化氢天然气natural gas with high sour
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