
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 大 气 | all forms | in specified order only
北极大陆气团arctic continental air
mass 北极大陆空气arctic continental air
原古大气primaeval atmosphere
固定大气氮素fixing atmospheric nitrogen
土壤大气soil atmosphere
土壤-植物- 大气系统soil-plant-atmosphere system
土壤-植物-大气连续区soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
地球大气earth's atmosphere
多倍体的气孔大小stomata size in polyploid
大气 CO₂atmospheric CO₂
大气乱流阻力turbulent atmospheric resistance
大气macroclimate (macroclimatus)
大气候学macroclimatology (macroclimatologia)
大气冷却cooling in atmosphere
大气分子氧atmospheric molecular oxygen
大气压轮胎zero-pressure tire
大气atmosphere (atmosphera)
大气干旱情况condition of atmospheric drought
大气微生物aeromicrobes (aeromicrobae)
大气成分composition of atmosphere
大气成分变化说atmospheric hypothesis
大气氟化物含量atmospheric fluoride level
大气氟化物水平atmospheric fluoride level
大气nitrogen of atmosphere
大气污染监视器air monitor
大气atmospheric waves
大气浮游生物atmospheric plankton
大气温度廓线探测卫星系统atmospheric temperature profile sounder
大气程辐射率atmospheric path radiance
大气组合macrosociation (macrosociatio)
大气组成composition of air
大气腐蚀atmospheric corrosive
大气象学macrometeorology (macrometeorologia)
大气质量计算辐射路径的单位mass of atmosphere
大气辐射表date pyrgeometer
大气降水氮nitrogen of atmospheric precipitation
大气降雨atmospheric condensation
大范围天气过程macro-synoptic process
大范围天气过程large-scale atmospheric process
大蒜气味alliaceous odor
大陆[性]气候型continental climate type
大陆低气压continental cyclone
大陆气旋continental cyclone
干燥大气arid atmosphere
大气wide-open stomata
惰性大气inert atmospheric nitrogen
控制大气效应controlled atmosphere effect
改良大气效应modified atmosphere effect (MA effect)
无烟大气smokeless atmosphere
大气孔传导maximal stomatai conductance
最大水气压maximum vapor tension
最大水气张力maximum vapor tension
根部大气root atmosphere
模型大气model atmosphere
大气subatmospheric pressure (力)
气质大气gaseous atmosphere
热带大陆气团continental tropical air-mass
mass 热带大陆空气tropical continental air
相对大气湿度relative air humidity
调节大气贮藏controlled atmosphere storage
大气high atmosphere