
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
准持久的气系统quasi-permanent atmospheric system
Northern Oceanic
型中上层物种large pelagic species
型中上层物种large pelagics
型加工拖网船factory trawler
孔径排列声纳wide-aperture array sonar
拉网drag seine
拉网beach seine
洋分区Oceanic subarea
洋州-内陆水域Oceania - inland waters
范围回声传播long range acoustic propagation
规模商业化渔业large commercial fisheries
豆饼粉soybean meal
陆架坡折shelf break
陆架坡折continental shelf-slope break
器波道magnifier channel
的同行共同体extended peer communities
不变产量简写为MCYmaximum constant yield
产卵生物量maximum spawning biomass
净收益maximum net revenue
可持续产量生物量biomass associated with maximum sustainable yield
可持续产量生物量biomass corresponding to maximum sustainable yield
可能产量maximum potential yield
平均产量maximum average yield
浮游生物的量繁殖plankton blooms
西南Southwest Oceanic
西鲱肠杆菌病 Bacillus coli comuniscolibacillosis of the shad
不利影响significant adverse environmental impact
不利影响significant adverse impact
环境负面影响significant adverse environmental impact
环境负面影响significant adverse impact
非常范围very long range