
Terms for subject Cryptography containing | all forms
具有恒定小的公钥对任意长消息进行签名signing messages of arbitrary length
具有恒定小的公钥constant-size public key
加拿可信计算机产品评估标准Canadian trusted computer product evaluation criteria
型数据集large dataset
O表示法big-oh notation
O记号O (big-oh)
量毁坏下的不变性invariance under decimation
量通信攻击abundance of communication attack
小步步法baby-step giant-step method
尚克的小步步方法shank's baby-step giant-step method
boomerang 攻击amplified boomerang attack
可容忍停机时间maximum tolerable downtime
相关法maximum correlation
纠缠态maximally entangled state
距离可分码maximum distance separable code
轮数maximum number of rounds
长度的线性序列maximum-length linear sequence
阶复杂度maximum order complexity
最小最定理min-max theorem
费马定理Fermat's last theorem