
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
上一级人民代表the people's congress at the next higher level
上届全国人民代表会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the previous preceding National People's Congress (NPC)
上届本级人民代表last people's congress at the corresponding level
上市公司股东shareholders' meeting of the listed company
上次人民代表会会议the preceding session of the people's congress
下一级人民代表the people's congresses at the next lower level
下届全国人民代表the succeeding National People's Congress
下届本级人民代表succeeding people's congress at the same level
不出席人民代表会会议两次be absent from two sessions of the people's congress
不设区的市人民代表the people's congress of cities not divided into districts
不设区的市人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congress of cities not divided into districts
专业性强、各方面意见分歧比较的法律草案highly technical or controversial bills
严格控制行政机关新建、扩建办公strictly control building and expansion of office buildings of administrative organs
中国人杂志社the People's Congresses Journal
临时召集的全国人民代表会会议specially convened sessions of the National People's Congress
为全国人代表工作提供保障provide assurances to NPC deputies concerning their work
为全国人民代表会代表和全国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员依法行使职权服务assist National People's Congress NPC deputies and members of the NPC Standing Committee in their work
为全国人民代表会会议服务provide service at National Peopled Congress NPC sessions
为全国人民代表会常务委员会会议服务provide service at meetings of the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee
为全国人民代表会常务委员会委员长会议服务provide service at meetings of the Council of Chairmen of the National Peopled Congress NPC Standing Committee
为加强人监督工作进行有益探索make valuable explorations of the way to strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
乡人民代表the people's congresses of townships
乡人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congresses of townships
乡级人任期the term of township people's congresses
争议不dispute trivial in character
事关全局的战略性重课题major projects of strategic importance to the overall situation
事故扩spreading of the accident
五分之一的全国人民代表会代表one-fifth or more of the National Peopled Congress NPC deputies
亚太议员环境与发展the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Conference on Environment and Development
亚洲议会the Asian Parliament Assembly
议案交付会表决a bill or proposal put to vote at the session
产生的影响exert a great impact on
代表选举elections of deputies to people's congresses
对外交往foreign exchange work of the NPC
换届选举elections of new people's congresses
是国家权力机关people's congresses are organs of state power
的监督oversight by people's congresses
监督工作oversight of people's congresses
立法工作的大事major legislative acts of the NPC
人民会堂the Great Hall of the People
人民会堂大礼堂Plenary Hall of the People's Great Hall
人民会堂管理局the Administrative Bureau for the Great Hall of the People
人民会堂管理局the Great Hall of the People Administration Office
人民代表people's congress
人民代表the people's congresses
人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congresses
人民代表会制度the system of people's congresses
人民代表会及其常务委员会people's congress and its standing committee
人民代表会常务委员会组成人员和专门委员会成员的代表职务a deputy serving on the standing committee or on a special committee of a people's congress
人民代表会的执行机关executive organ of the local people's congress
祖国前程似锦future holds bright prospects for our great motherland
作出社会经济发展方面的重部署make major arrangement for China's social and economic development
使生产遭受较损失cause relatively heavy losses to production
依法对人负责,受人大监督be accountable to the people's congresses and subject to their supervision according to law
依法就关系国家全局的重问题作出决定make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
依照宪法和法律赋予本级人民代表会的各项职权in accordance with the functions and powers vested in the people's congresses at the corresponding levels by the Constitution and relevant laws
做好人工作的根本保证fundamental guarantee for success in the work of people's congresses
做好人监督工作effective oversight of people's congresses
党和国家工作的the overall work of the Party and the government
党的十七the Seventeenth National Congress of the Party
党的十七the Seventeenth National Party Congress
全国人代表联络处a liaison office for deputies of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
全国人代表联络机构the liaison office of the NPC
全国人信息中心the Information Center of the National Peopled Congress
全国人农业与农村委员会法案室the Legislative Department of the Agricultural & Rural Affairs Committee of the NPC
全国人培训中心the Training Center of the National Peopled Congress
全国人常委会代表资格审查委员会the Deputies's Credential Committee
全国人常委会代表资格审查委员会the Credentials Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人常委会会议视频直播系统live television coverage of meetings of the Standing Committee on the Internet
《全国人常委会关于加强中央预算审查监督的决定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
全国人常委会办公厅会议中心the Conference Center of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National Peo-ple's Congress
全国人常委会图书馆the Library of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人常委会委员长会议the Council of Chairmen
全国人常委会委员长会议The Chairmen's Council of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人常委会工作委员会Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
全国人常委会工作的总体要求the general requirements for the work of the Standing Committee
全国人常委会法制工作委员会法工委the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
全国人常委会综合办事机构Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
全国人常委会预工委the Budget Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
《全国人机关贯彻实施监督法若干意见》Certain Opinions Concerning Implementation of the Law on Oversight by Organs of the NPC
全国人民代表The National People's Congress of China
全国人民代表the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会下次会议the following National Peopled Congress NPC session
全国人民代表会主席团Presidium of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会主席团the Presidium of the National People's Congress NPC session
全国人民代表会举行会议the National People's Congress NPC holds a session
全国人民代表会代表deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会代表the National People's Congress NPC deputies
全国人民代表会代表deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会代表名额the number of the National People's Congress NPC deputies
全国人民代表会代表每届任期、the term of office of the deputies to each National Peopled Com gress
全国人民代表会会议the National People's Congress NPC sessions
全国人民代表会会议session of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会会议a session of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会会议a session of the National Peopled Congress
全国人民代表会会议程序procedures of NPC sessions
全国人民代表会公告公布施行promulgate for implementation by the proclamation of the National People's Congress
《全国人民代表会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》Decision of the National Peopled Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
全国人民代表会各专门委员会special committees of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会各专门委员会the special committees of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会各专门委员会the National People's Congress NPC special committees
全国人民代表会各委员会committees of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法the Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and to the Local People's Congresses at Various Levels
全国人民代表会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法the Law on Deputies to the National Peopled Congress NPC and to the Local Peopled Congresses at Various Levels
全国人民代表会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法Law on deputies to the National Peopled Congress NPC and to Local People's Congresses
全国人民代表会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法the Electoral Law for of the National People's Congress NPC and Local People's Congresses
全国人民代表会……委员会committee/commission of the NPC
全国人民代表会常务委员会The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会常务委员会公报the Gazette of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会公报the Bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
全国人民代表会常务委员会关于县级以下人民代表大会代表直接选举的若干规定Provisions of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress for the Direct Election of Deputies to Pople's Congresses at or below the County Level
2008 《全国人民代表会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的决定》Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year
全国人民代表会常务委员会副委员长the Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会常务委员会办公厅全国人大常委会办公厅the General Affairs Office of the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC
全国人民代表会常务委员会委员长Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会委员长the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会常务委员会委员长吴邦国NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo
全国人民代表会常务委员会工作报告report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会的法律解释the legal interpretation adopted by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会秘书长the Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会常务委员会组成人员the component members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会常务委员会组成人员members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会机关全国人大机关Organs of the National People's Congress NPC
全国人民代表会每年举行会议之际at the annual season of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会的组织the organization of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会立法程序legislation procedures for the National People's Congress
全国人民代表会组织法the Organic Law of the National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会组织法the Organic Law of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表会财政经济委员会全国人大财经委the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress NPC
全国人民代表会财政经济委员会全国人大财经委the Finance and Economy Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC
全国人民代表会通过的法律a law adopted by the National Peopled Congress
全国人民政权代表古巴National Assembly of Peopled Power Cuba
全国县、乡两级人people's congresses at the county and township levels across the country
全国性的重刑事案件major criminal cases that pertain to the whole nation
全国科技the National Conference on Science and Technology
关于第十届全国人民代表会代表名额和选举问题的决定the decision on the number and election of deputies to the Tenth NPC
关系国家全局的重问题major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
关系广人民群众的切身利益have a bearing on the immediate interests of the people
农民专业合作社成员membership assembly of a specialized farmer cooperative
决定国家事,决定国家重大事项decide on important state affairs
决定国家事,决定国家重大事项decide major issues of state
由主席团决定是否列入会议程the Presidium decide whether or not to put the bills or proposals on the agenda of the Congress
决定重问题decide on major issues (concerning)
列入会议程on the session's agenda
列入全国人民代表会会议议程的法律案the legislative bill that has been placed on the agenda of a session of the National Peopled Congress
列席全国人民代表会常务委员会会议attend a meeting of the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee as non-voting observers (participants)
创立establishment meeting
到期重债务overdue major debts
制止危及陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
办好中国人successfully run the NPC website
办好"人说法"专栏successfully run a television program on the law
concentrate on strengthening
intensify efforts to
"三农"农业、农村和农民工作力度expand support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers
创新力度intensify efforts to make innovations (in)
反腐倡廉力度intensify efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government
国家对..... 支持力度step up state support (for)
对:... 投入力度increase allocations (for)
执法力度intensify law enforcement
投入increase the input
政策实施力度step up efforts to implement a policy
知识产权保护的执法力度intensify law enforcement for protecting intellectual property rights
加强与地方人的联系strengthen contacts with local people's congresses
加强人监督工作strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
加强全国人代表与地方各级人大代表的联系和沟通increase contact and communication between deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and deputies to local people's congresses at all levels
加强全国人常委会制度建设improve the system of the Standing Committee of the NPC
加强和改进人监督工作strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
加强并扩双边政治合作reinforce and extend bilateral political co-operation
努力实现本届全国人的各项目标任务strive to meet the objectives of all tasks of the current NPC
十一届全国人代表deputies to the Eleventh NPC
十届全国人四次会议的有关决定、决议relevant decisions and resolutions passed at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
十届全国人民代表会常务委员会the Tenth National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee
十届全国人民代表会常务委员会the Standing Committee of the Tenth NPC
协助全国人常委会工作assist the Standing Committee in (doing)
协调立法工作中的重问题coordination in some important issues in legislative work
单独选举或者联合选举人代表vote separately or jointly in the election of deputies to the people's congress
占较的比例account for a relatively large portion (of)
危害扩expansion of the scale of damage
原选举单位的人民代表会会议sessions of the people's congresses of the units which elected deputies
县、乡人换届选举工作elections of the new county and township people's congresses
县人民代表the people's congresses of counties
县级以上的地方各级人民代表local people's congresses at or above the county level
县级以上的地方各级人民代表会常务委员会主任会议the council of chairmen of the standing committee of the local people's congress at or above the county level
参与国家政方针和国家领导人选的协商engage in consultations concerning state policies and leadership candidates
参加全国人民代表会的各项选举participate in all National People's Congress NPC elections
反对民族主义combat big-nation chauvinism
反对汉族主义combat Han chauvinism
各国议会联盟千年议长the Speakers Millennium Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
各国议会联盟第 96届the 96th Inter-Parliamentary Conference
各级人及其常委会people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees
各级人常委会the Standing Committees of people's congresses at all levels
各级人民代表the people's congresses at all levels
各级人民代表会常务委员会监督法the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at all levels
各级人民代表会常务委员会监督法the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of Peopled Congresses at all levels
会全体会议作说明brief the plenary session
向人代表通报、向社会公开常委会工作inform deputies and the public about the Standing Committee's work
向人民代表会常务委员会书面提出罢免要求submit a demand in writing to the standing committee of the people's congress for the recall of a deputy they elected
向全国人民代表会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
向全国人民代表会提出submit to the National People's Congress
向全国人民代表会提出修改宪法的议案submit to the National Peopled Congress bills on the amendment to the Constitution
听取全国人民代表会常务委员会工作报告listen to the work report by the NPC Standing Committee
会全体会议上at a plenary meeting of a session
在全国人民代表会上at an NPC session
在全国人民代表会会议期间during an NPC session
在全国人民代表会闭会期间when the NPC is not in session
在本届人民代表会的任期内during the term of office of the current people's congress
在本次或者下一次人民代表会会议上at the current session or the next session of the people's congress
在第一届全国人民代表会第一次会议上at the First Session of the First National Peopled Congress (NPC)
在第十届全国人民代表会第五次会议上at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC)
在第十届全国人民代表会第五次会议上通过adopted at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC)
地方人民代表local people's congresses
地方各级人代表deputies to local people's congresses at all levels
地方各级人民代表local people's congresses at various level
地方各级人民代表local people's congress at their respective levels
地方各级人民代表local people's congress at various levels
地方各级人民代表local people's congress at all levels
地方各级人民代表会和地方各级人民政府组织法the Organic Law of Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments at all levels
地方各级人民代表会和地方各级人民政府组织法the Organic Law of Local Peopled Congresses and Local People's Governments at all levels
坚持和完善人民代表会制度uphold and improve the system of people's congresses
处理好人与"一府两院"的关系properly handle the relationship between people's congresses on the one hand and the people's governments, the people's courts and the people's procuratorates on the other
中型水利水电工程large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydroelectric projects
会主席团the presidium of the congress
会全体会议plenary session
会的全体会议plenary meetings of a session
会的全体会议a plenary session of assembly
会议程the agenda of a session
体上in principle
力倡导strongly advocate
力发展新闻岀版事业make vigorous efforts to develop press and publications undertakings
力发展社会生产力make efforts to develop social productivity
力发展老龄事业energetically develop programs for the elderly
力发展老龄事业energetically develop old-age programs
力发展资本市场和保险市场vigorously develop the capital market and the insurance market
力开展专项整治carry out extensive campaigns (to do)
力开展全民健身活动put great effort into developing exercise activities for the general public
力开展对外交往与合作vigorously develop exchanges and cooperation with other countries
力抓好take strong measures to do
力推行狱务公开devote great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates
力推进政务公开actively take steps to make administrative affairs more open
力支持vigorous support
国关系relations between "large nations"
国关系relations between big powers
国关系relations between major countries
型建筑工程large construction project
型群众性活动large-scale mass activity
型联合企业large-scale associated enterprise
overall interests
overall situation
检察官principal public procurator
民族主义big-nation chauvinism
气污染物atmospheric pollutants
气污染物处理设施installation for the treatment of atmospheric pollutant
气污染防治法the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution
气污染防治设施facility for the prevention of atmospheric pollution
气环境质量atmospheric environment quality
气环境质量状况公报report on the quality of the atmospheric environment
汉族主义Han chauvinism
规模的宣传工作活动large-scale publicity work
量的事实和数据a large quantity of information and data
on the mainland
额交易business transactions involving large sums of money
额担保large-sum security
额资产large amount of fixed assets
太平洋岛国论坛议会the Parliamentary Assembly of the Pacific Islands Forum
损失程度exaggerate the degree of damage
完成统一祖国的accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland
实现本届全国人的立法目标achieving the goals for this NPC's legislative work
实现本届全国人立法目标attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC
审议全国人民代表会主席团交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Presidium of the NPC session
审议全国人民代表会常务委员会交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Standing Committee of the NPC
宪法和法律赋予人的重要职权major powers granted to people's congresses in the Constitution and other laws
处理lenient treatment
将草案发送全国人代表circulate copies of the Draft to NPC deputies
将草案提请十届全国人五次会议审议的决定the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
尽最可能exert its utmost to
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的within the scope of the functions and powers of the National People's Congress
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的within the scope of the NPC's authority
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPCs authority
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的议案bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the National Peopled Congress
属于全国人民代表会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPC's authority
市人常委会Municipal People's Congresses Standing Committee
市人民代表Municipal Peopled Congresses
市辖区人民代表the people's congresses of municipal districts
市辖区人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congresses of municipal districts
广人民the broad masses
全国广干部群众cadres and the people across the country
全国广干部群众cadres and the general public
广群众关心的问题an issue of common concern
广泛宣传人工作widely publicize the work of the NPC
开创人工作新局面bring about a new phase in the work of people's congresses
开展一系列规模宏的运动wage a series of large-scale campaigns
引起重动植物疫情cause a serious animal or plant epidemic
引起重动物疫情result in a serious animal epidemic
归侨人代表returned overseas Chinese deputies to people's congresses
归侨人数较多地区的地方人民代表the local people's congresses of the areas with a relatively large number of returned overseas Chinese
当地人民代表the local people's congress
形成提请会审议的法律草案hence the present draft submitted to the Seston for the deliberation
成员membership assembly
我国社会主义民主政治建设的一件a matter of great importance in the improvement of China's socialist democratic politics
公民有序的政治参与expand citizens' participation in political affairs in an orderly way
共识expand consensus
基层民主expand democracy at the community level (at the lowest levels of government)
就业make employment increase
就业expansion of employment
开放open wider to the rest of the world
开放open further to the outside world
政策受益面expand the number of policy beneficiaries
的损失additional losses
示警距离keep the warning over an extended area
扰乱型群众性活动秩序disturb the order of large-scale mass activity
把实现好、维护好、发展好最广人民的根本利益作为出发点和落脚点take fulfilling, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as both our starting point and objective
抓紧加强.... 工作,加力度step up efforts to do
报全国人民代表会下次会议备案be reported to the NPC at its next session for the record
报全国人民代表会常务委员会和国务院备案的地方性法规record local statutes with the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee and the State Council
报全国人民代表会常务委员会备案report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record
报全国人民代表会常务委员会备案report to the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC for recording (the record)
担任全国人民代表会常务委员会委员长serve as Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee
按照十届全国人五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
按照十届全国人四次会议精神follow the guidelines set out at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
排除重事故curb major accident
接受人监督accept oversight by people's congresses
接受全国人监督subject to the oversight of the NPC
推动人各项工作取得新的进展make continued progress in the work of the NPC
推进扩试点工作proceed with the expansion of trials (to)
改革发展稳定overall situation of reform, development and stability
政策outline for the policy
教职工代表congress of teachers, staff members and workers
数额特别巨extremely huge amount
数额特别巨especially huge amount
限度地maximum extent
最广人民the overwhelming majority of the people
最广人民的根本利益fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people
有关必要性、可行性等重问题important matters such as the necessary or feasibility
有关扩对外开放的法律laws for opening wider to the outside world
法律案有重问题需要进一步研究a legislative bill contain major questions calling for further study
未经全国人民代表会大会主席团许可without the consent of the Presidium of the current National Peopled Congress NPC session
未经股东会认可fail to be adopted by the general assembly of shareholders
本届全国人任期内within the term of the current National People's Congress
本届全国人常委会the current Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
本届全国人成立以来ever since this NPC was elected
本次人民代表大会的会的重要议程important items on the agenda for this session
本级人民代表people's congresses at the corresponding level
本级人民代表people's congresses at the same level
本级人民代表the People's Congress at the Corresponding Level
根据全国人民代表会及其常务委员会的授权决定upon authorization by decision of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee
根据全国人民代表会及其常务委员会的授权决定under authorization decided on by the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee
根据全国人民代表会的决定in pursuance of the decisions of the National People's Congress
根据全国人民代表会的决定和全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定in pursuance of the decisions of the National Peopled Congress and its Standing Committee
正确处理加强人监督工作和坚持党的领导的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party
正确处理加强人监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
民族乡人民代表the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships
民族乡人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congresses of ethnic minority townships
民族自治地方的人民代表the people's congresses of national autonomous areas
污染pollute atmosphere
污染atmospheric pollution
海底地点seabed geodetic point
涉及公司的重诉讼major litigation involving the company
涉及政府机关及其工作人员的案要案major cases involving government offices and their employees
澳门特别行政区的全国人民代表会代表名额the number of the National Peopled Congress NPC deputies from the Macao Special Administrative Region
牢固树立党的观念、局观念、群众观念、民主观念、法制观念firmly establish the concept of giving high priority to the Party, the overall situation, the people, democracy and the legal system
交通事故exceptionally serious traffic accident
损失tremendous losses
特别巨extremely huge
特别巨especially huge
特别重事项special major matters
特别重损失especially major losses
特别重突发事件especially serious emergencies
特命全权使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
会主席团发布公告promulgated by the presidium of the current session
会全体会议决定decided upon by the plenary session
由主席团提请会全体会议决定be presented by the Presidium to a plenary meeting for approval
由人民代表会产生created by the People's Congress
由人民代表会产生be created by the people's congresses
由人民代表会通过be subject to adoption by the people's congress of the area
由全国人民代表会以法律规定be prescribed by law enacted by the National People's Congress
由全国人民代表会制定be enacted by the NPC
疑难、复杂、重的案件difficult, complex or major case
省人民代表Provincial People's Congress
省、自治区的人民代表会常务委员会the standing committees of the people's congresses of the respective provinces and autonomous regions
省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表会和它的常务委员会的地方性法规和决议regulations and resolutions issued locally by the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their standing committees
研究解决立法项目涉及的问题work out ways to address major issues
研究解决立法项目涉及的问题address major issues
确保实现本届全国人立法目标ensure attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC
禁止在海床及其底土安置核武器和其他规模毁灭性武器公约Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction
稳定overall situation of stability
立法工作中必须把握好的重原则the major principles that must be observed in the formulation work
符合人工作实际be in line with the actual work situation of people's congresses
符合人民代表会制度的特点be in conformity with the characteristics of the people's congress system
第十届全国人民代表the current Tenth NPC
第十届全国人民代表会召开第一次会议the current Tenth NPC convened its first session
紧紧围绕党和国家工作的closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
紧紧围绕党和国家工作的局认真履行职责in diligently carrying out its duties closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
组织实施西部开发"十一五"规划carry out the plan for the large-scale development of the western region in the Eleventh Five-year Plan period
编造重虚假内容falsify major information
罪行重those who commit major crime
职工meeting of the company's employees
职工代表congress of workers and staff
职工代表workers' conference
职工代表congresses of workers and staff
联系本级人民代表会代表keep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level
股东会会议general assembly of shareholders
航运的重包裹标明重量公约Convention Concerning the Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Transported By Vessels
花了很精力devote a lot of time and energies
花钱手大脚spend money hand over foot
行政机关办公government office buildings
补选上一级人民代表会代表conduct by-elections to fill vacancies left by deputies to the people's congresses at the next higher level
表决通过本级人民代表会各专门委员会组成人员的人选vote for determining the component members of various special committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels
衷心感谢extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you
西部开发large-scale development of the western region
西部开发战略the strategy of developing the western region
规定本行政区域特别重事项的地方性法规local regulations governing especially important matters of an administrative area
认真贯彻党的十六以来各项方针政策conscientiously implement the principles and policies the CPC introduced since its Sixteenth National Congress
认真贯彻党的十六和十六届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神diligently follow the guiding principles set out at the Sixteenth National Congress of the Party and at the third through sixth plenary sessions of the Sixteenth Central Committee
讨论、决定本行政区域内的重事项discuss and decide on major issues in their respective administrative areas
recording of a serious demerit
设区的市人民代表the people's congress of cities divided into districts
设区的市人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congress of cities divided into districts
设立会纪要minutes of the establishment assembly
设立业主form an owners' assembly
设立全国人代表联络处set up a liaison office for deputies of the National Peopled Com gress (NPC)
调查全国人民代表会主席团和常务委员会交付的质询案look into the questions raised by the Presidium and the Standing Committee of the NPC
责任seriousness of liability
责任重而光荣our responsibilities are both arduous and glorious
分歧意见significant differences of opinion
中国的comparatively larger cities
中国的larger cities
意见分歧major differences
的市的人民代表大会People's Congress of a major city
的市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会the people's congresses or their standing committees of the comparatively larger cities
通知代表开会日期和建议会讨论的主要事项notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda
造成气污染危害cause an atmospheric pollution hazard
遭受重损失cause heavy losses
举措represent a major move (to do)
争议问题key controversial issues
事变major incidents
事实important facts
事故隐患serious potential accident
事项important items
事项决定权making decisions for important issues
事项决定权making decisions for major issues
交通事故major traffic accident
交通事故serious traffic accident
伤亡major casualty
伤亡事故accident involving heavy casualties
修改major revision
修改对法律草案make drastic revisions to the draft law
修改对法律草案make major revisions to the draft law
公共利益vital public interests
农产品质量安全事故major accident involving the quality and safety of agricultural products
决策major policy decision
刑事案件major criminal case
动植物疫情serious animal or plant epidemic
《重动物疫情应急条例》the Emergency Measures for Handling Major Animal Epidemics
危险源substantial hazardous sources
威胁major threat
嫌疑分子major suspect
工程建设the construction of major projects
异常交易情况major abnormal trading
影响major influence
影响major impact
影响major implications
影响的案件cases that have major impact
战略思想major strategic concepts
技术改造major technical transformation
技术、装备key technology and equipment
损失heavy loss
损害赔偿责任liability of major damage and compensation
案件major case
灾害事故severe disaster or accident
犯罪事实major criminal facts
犯罪案件major criminal case
犯罪活动grave criminal activity
的犯罪集团案件grave case that involve criminal gang
突发事件major emergencies
突发事件风险评估体系risk assessment system for serious emergencies
立功表现major meritorious services
而深远的意义have great and far-reaching significance (for)
行政措施important administrative measures
证券违法行为major securities irregularity
诉讼major litigation
违法行为major irregularity
选题important topics
选题serious topics
遗漏important omission
飞行事故grave air accident
镇人民代表the people's congresses of towns
镇人民代表会代表deputies to the people's congresses of towns
防止危害扩prevent the expansion of the scale of damage
集中力量办concentrate resources on accomplishing major tasks
需下相当的气力require an enormous amount of effort
需要进一步研究的重问题major questions calling for further study
非经全国人民代表会会议主席团许可without the consent of the Presidium of the current session of the National Peopled Congress
首席法官Chief Justice
香港特别行政区的全国人民代表会代表名额the number of the National Peopled Congress NPC deputies from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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