
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
中缝nucleus raphes magnus
主动脉冠状动脉隐静脉搭桥术aorto-coronary arterial saphenous vein bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉隐静脉旁路移植术aorto-coronary arterial saphenous vein bypass grafting
主动脉瓣环扩成形成aortic annulus plastic enlargement
乙状结肠膀胱扩sigmoid cystoplasty
乙状结肠膀胱扩sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty
乳房增整形术augmentation mammoplasty
乳房扩根治术extended radical mastectomy
乳房肥hypertrophy of breast
乳房肥mammary hypertrophy
交叉性肥crossed hypertrophy
充血性脾肿Banti syndrome
关节运动范围过hypermobility of joint
内脏肥脐膨出综合征Beckwinth-Wiedemann syndrome
前列腺良性肥hyperplasia of prostate
十二指肠乳头longitudinal fold of duodenum
单侧肥畸形unilateral hypertrophy
原发性网膜肿瘤primary omental tumor
脑状态decerebrate state
脑状态cerebrate state
右心肥hypertrophy of right heart
吻合血管的游离网膜瓣移植术revascularized free omentum flap grafting
咬肌良性肥benign masseteric hypertrophy
回肠膀胱扩ileum augmentation cystoplasty
坐骨切迹greater sciatic notch
性骨折growing fracture
出血massive hemorrhage
动脉换位手术artery switch
动脉错位transposition of great arteries
圆肌teres major
圆肌腱下囊subtendinous bursa of teres major
多角骨trapezium bone
多角骨结节tubercle of trapezium bone
张皮移植术large sheet skin grafting
泡性肺气肿bullous emphysema
瓣叶major cusp
细胞癌large cell carcinoma
细胞部magnocellular part
网膜及肠系膜囊肿omental cyst and mesenteric cyst
网膜扭转torsion of greater omentum
网膜瓣pedicle omentum flap
网膜瓣omentum flap
网膜移位术omental transposition
网膜移植transplantation of greater omentum
网膜移植术omentum grafting
网膜移植术great omentum grafting
网膜移植物omentum graft
网膜综合征greater omental syndrome
网膜轴型皮瓣omental axial pattern skin flap
网膜轴型皮瓣greater omentum axial flap
肠梗阻large bowel obstruction
肠梗阻colonic obstruction
脑上静脉superior cerebral veins
脑下静脉inferior cerebral vein
脑中动脉瘤middle cerebral artery aneurysm
脑中央沟rolandic fissure
脑中深静脉deep middle cerebral vein
脑侧裂Sylvian fissure
脑凸面脑膜瘤cerebral convexity meningioma
脑前动脉-前交通动脉动脉瘤anterior cerebral artery-anterior communicating artery aneurysm
脑前静脉anterior cerebral veins
脑半球切除术cerebral hemispherectomy
脑半球皮质切除术cerebral hemicorticectomy
脑半球肿瘤cerebral hemisphere tumor
脑后动脉posterior cerebral artery
脑外侧窝池cistern of lateral fossa of cerebrum
脑大交通静脉Trolard vein
脑大静脉great vein of Galen
脑大静脉great cerebral vein
脑大静脉动脉瘤aneurysm of Galen vein
脑大静脉动脉瘤样畸形aneurysmal malformation of vein of Galen
脑导水管aqueduct cerebri
脑水管mesencephalic aqueduct
脑瘢痕cerebral cicatrix
脑脚支peduncular branches
脑脚综合征Weber-Levden syndrome
脑脚静脉peduncular veins
脑萎缩cerebral atrophy
脑萎缩症Alzheimer disease
脑轭cerebral jugum
脑镰下疝gyri callous hernia
脑镰脑膜瘤cerebral falx meningioma
轭纵裂cerebral longitudinal fissure
major forceps
阴唇greater lip of pudendum
隐静脉saphenous vein
隐静脉一主动脉冠状动脉旁路移植术saphenous vein-aortocoronary bypass graft
骨盆greater pelvis
骨节病osteochondritis deformans endemica
妊娠期乳房肥gravid mammary hypertrophy
完全性动脉转位complete transposition of great arteries
局限性肢体肥localized gigantism
神经沟sulcus for greater petrosal nerve
尖锐湿疣Buschke-Lewenstein tumor
细胞动脉周围炎giant cell periarteritis
肥厚性胃炎giant hypertrophic gastritis
肾积水giant hydronephrosis
带蒂网膜移植术pediculated transplantation of greater omentum
静脉left coronary vein
静脉great cardiac vein
V-Y 心房扩成形术V-Y atrioplasty enlargement technique
性早熟乳房肥hypertrophy of breast in precocity
性早熟乳房肥breast hypertrophy in precocious puberty
成人幽门肥pyloric hypertrophy in adult
手术放surgical magnifying glass
手术放operating loupe
的肾盂切开取石术extended pyelolithotomy
颅中窝联合切除术combined radical resection of middle cranial fossa
新生儿乳房肥neonatal breast hypertrophy
张力线line of greatest tension
孔脑膜瘤meningioma of foramen magnum
枕骨孔疝tonsillar hernia
枕骨孔疝cerebellar tonsillar hernia
椎间孔扩intervertebral foraminotomy
比尔罗特 I 式胃部切除术Billroth I subtotal gastrectomy
游离网膜复合皮瓣free omental composite flap
游离胸肌移植free transplantation of pectoralis major muscle
特发性网膜梗死idiopathic omental infarction
特发性肥性主动脉瓣下狭窄idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
狭窄后扩poststenotic dilatation
生理性月巴physiological hypertrophy
男性乳房肥masculine mastoplasia
盲肠膀胱扩cecum augmentation cystoplasty
盲肠膀胱扩cecal cystoplasty
硬腭枕孔线Chamberlain line
脑半球间人路transinterhemispheric approach
老年性肥性髋关节病malum coxae senilis
股骨粗隆和小粗隆撕脱骨折avulsion fracture of great and lesser trochanter
肢体肥hypertrophy of limbs
性关节炎hypertrophic arthritis
块栓塞massive pulmonary embolism
pulmonary bulla
肺源性肥性骨关节病pulmonary hypertrophic osteo-arthropathy
major renal calices
肾代偿性肥compensatory renal hypertrophy
肾代偿性肥compensatory hypertrophy of kidney
greater curvature of stomach
胃黏膜巨肥厚病huge mucosa hypertrophy of stomach
动脉great pancreatic artery
pectoral major muscle
肌皮瓣pectoralis major myocutaneous flap
肌移位术Clark operation
肌缺如absence of pectoral is major
肌脓肿pectoral abscess
胸腺肿thymic enlargement
肌征psoas sign
肌脓肿psoas abscess
肌试验psoas test
腹膜后出血retroperitoneal massive hemorrhage
膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴肥hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric ridge
肌坐骨囊sciatic bursa of gluteus maximus
肌转子囊trochanteric bursa of gluteus maximus
舌下腺major sublingual duct
节段性肥segmental hypertrophy
虹膜greater ring of iris
血管、骨肥综合征Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
象皮肿网膜瓣转移引流术omental flap transferring for elephantiasis
锁骨上omoclavicular triangle
青春期乳房肥adolescent mammary hypertrophy
青春期前乳腺肥prepubertal breast hypertrophy
青春期男性乳房肥male breast pubertal hypertrophy
颞浅一脑中动脉吻合术superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis
zygomaticus major
骨骼式腿假肢skeleton-type above-knee prosthesis
髋增coxa magna
鼻翼软骨major alar cartilage