
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
中国相对于台湾China: The Mainland
中国相对于台湾China, P.R.: Mainland
中国相对于台湾Mainland China
交易trading room banking
交易trading pit
全体职工Townhall Meeting
利润最profit maximization
西洋工业国North Atlantic industrial country
员工Townhall Meeting
在还款期末额偿付的贷款balloon loan
减价fire sale
力推进论big-push theory
型复杂金融机构large complex financial institutions
衰退Great Recession
西洋处Atlantic Division
规模使用基金组织资金very high access to the Fund's resources
规模使用基金组织资金large-scale access to the Fund's resources
规模购买资产large-scale asset purchases
起大落trade cycle
起大落boom-bust cycle
起大落economic cycle
起大落business cycle
量使用基金组织的贷款very large use of Fund resources
阿拉伯自由贸易区Greater Arab Free Trade Area
金融震荡big bang
金融震荡big bang reform
"震荡"式改革big bang
"震荡"式改革big bang reform
额存单fixed-term deposit
额存单certificate of deposit
额存单time deposit
而不能倒闭too big to fail criterion, bank
完全信息极似然法FIML procedure
完全信息极似然法full information maximum likelihood procedure econometrics
利面碗"spaghetti bowl"
使用基金组织的资金enlarged access to Fund resources
使用基金组织的资金enlarged access to the Fund's resources
使用基金组织资金的政策enlarged access policy
使用基金组织资金的政策policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources
的加强结构调整贷款enlarged and extended Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility unofficial title
的负担分摊extension of burden sharing
的负担分摊extended burden sharing
的贷款政策enlarged access policy
的贷款政策policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources
的贷款资金enlarged access resources
可享有的借款规模maximum access entitlement
的债务人largest debtor
民间社会组织非正式CSO Townhall Meetings
波动性极的资本volatile capital
禽流感流行avian flu pandemic
税基的扩broadening of the tax base
多数qualified majority
多数special majority
联合国环发Earth Summit
联合国环发United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合国环境与发展Earth Summit
联合国环境与发展United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
自愿进口扩voluntary import expansion
追求最利润profit maximization
宏观问题macro-critical issue
损害material injury
非洲国家保险市场Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets