
Terms for subject Technology containing 大量地 | all forms
三维大地测量学three-dimensional geodesy
三维大地测量法three-dimensional method of geodesy
世界大地测量坐标系world geodetic coordinate system (统)
几何卫星大地测量geometrical method of satellite-geodesy
几何卫星大地测量geometric method of satellite-geodesy
几何大地测量学geometrical geodesy
初等大地测量学inferior geodesy
初等大地测量学elementary geodesy
动力大地测量学dynamical geodesy
卫星大地测量几何法geometric method of satellite geodesy
卫星大地测量动力法dynamic method of satellite geodesy
卫星大地测量学artificial satellite geodesy
卫星大地测量洲际联测intercontinental geodetic connection by satellite observation
卫星大地测量轨道法orbital method of satellite geodesy
国际大地测量学与地球物理联合会International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
地面大地测量学terrestrial geodesy
基本大地测量basic geodetic survey
大业务量地区high traffic area (通信)
大地三角测量geodetic triangulation
大地天文测量geodetic astronomy survey
大地形变测量geodetic formation survey
大地形变测量geodesic formation survey
大地控制测量geodetic control survey
大地控制测量geodesic control survey
大地水准测量geodetic levelling
大地水准测量geodesic leveling
大地测量geodetic survey (学)
大地测量lang traverse
大地测量geodetic surveying (学)
大地测量geodetic engineering (技术)
大地测量geodesy (学)
大地测量簿geodetic book
大地测量二级控制secondary control
大地测量卷尺geodetic surveying tape
大地测量员geodetic surveyor
大地测量器geodetic instrument
大地测量坐标系统geodetic coordinate system
大地测量基准geodetic benchmark
大地测量多普勒接收机geodetic Doppler receiver
大地测量局geodetic survey board
大地测量平面基准horizontal geodetic datum
大地测量技术geodetic measuring technique
大地测量控制链geodetic control chain
大地测量控制链geodetic chain
大地测量控制锁geodetic control chain
大地测量控制锁geodetic chain
大地测量数据geodetic data
大地测量数据库geodetic data base
大地测量星表catalogue of geodetic stars
大地测量星表catalog of geodetic stars
大地测量曲线geodetic curve
大地测量水准仪geodesic level
大地测量水准面geodetic sea level
大地测量法geodetic method
大地测量测高计geodesic altimeter
大地测量点geodetic survey station
大地测量系统geodetic system
大地测量计算geodetic computation
大地测量计算geodetic calculation
大地测量计算机geodetic computer
大地测量设备geodetic equipment
大地测量踏勘geodetic reconnaissance
大地测量透镜geodetic lens
大地测量闪光卫星flashing geodetic satellite
大地测量队geodetic team
大地测量队geodetic party
大地测量队geodetic gang
大地热流量terrestrial heat flow
大地热流量geothermal heat flow
大地重力测量geodetic gravimetry (学)
大地重力测量计geodetic gravimeter
大比例尺地质测量large-scale geological survey
大比例尺地质测量large-scale geologic survey
大量浸水地层heavily watered ground
大陆架地形测量continental shelf topographical survey
大陆架地形测量continental shelf topographic survey
天文大地水准测量astrogeodetic level
天文大地测量astronomical geodesy (学)
天文大地测量astronomic geodesy (学)
天文大地测量方法astrogeodetic method
宇宙大地测量学extraterrestrial geodesy
摄影大地测量学geodetic photogrammetry
数学大地测量学mathematical geodesy
数学大地测量学mathematic geodesy
无线电大地测量radio triangulation
无线电大地测量学radio geodesy
本征大地测量学intrinsical geodesy
本征大地测量学intrinsic geodesy
标量大地电磁法scalar magnetotelluric method
椭球面大地测量学spheroid geodesy
椭球面大地测量学geodesy on the ellipsoid
沿岸大地测量coast and geodetic survey
海岸与大地测量Coast and Geodetic Survey
海岸大地测量局Coast and Geodetic Survey Board (美国)
海洋大地测量marine geodetic surveying
激光大地测量系统geodetic laser survey system
空间大地测量space geodesy
美国海岸和大地测量勘査局United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
联邦大地测量协调委员会Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee (美国)
航空摄影大地测量aerophotogeodesy (学)
重力大地测量基本方程principal equation of gravimetric geodesy
重力大地测量学gravimetrical geodesy
重力大地测量学gravimetric geodesy
重复大地测量repeated geodetic surveying
雨量大的地面high rainfall area
高等大地测量higher-order geodesy (学)
高等大地测量superior geodesy (学)
高等大地测量higher geodesy (学)
高精度大地测量学high precision geodesy